Posts filed under ‘birthday’


Dear Forty-four,

I’m writing from ten years ago to see how things have been. I’m curious as to what became of you. It’s hard for me to believe you’re six years away from fifty. Life goes so fast.

I wonder if you’re married. And if you are, who did you marry? Did you ever become a Dad? How many kids do you have? For their sakes, I hope they look just like their mother.

I still remember when you were thirteen, and you’d lie awake at night and try to imagine being an adult, and having a family. Back then, you couldn’t fathom it. And then one day you woke up, and you were thirtysomething.

I wonder about your job and where you live. Did you ever move out of that small town? And if you did, have you ever wanted to move back?

Are you a writer? Did you chase your dreams? God, I hope you did. But don’t tell me if you failed. Some things I’d rather find out on my own.

I’m almost scared to ask, but I’m wondering. Are Mom and Dad OK? Let’s see, I guess they’d be sixty-six now. And what about your sister? Are the two of you still close? I imagine you have a niece or nephew by now. How incredible that must be.

I guess I’m full of questions. There’s just so many things I’m curious about. Most of all I wonder, if you could go back in time ten years, what would you change? What would you do over?

Things here are fine. Although sometimes it seems I’m stuck in a rut. I feel like I’m on the verge of making a drastic change. But for some reason, instead of taking that big leap, I just keep creeping closer and closer to the edge. Waiting.

Tomorrow begins a new year. What am I waiting for.

You know what? On second thought, don’t answer any of my questions. I don’t want to know. I’ll find it all out in time.

For now, I guess I’ll go. It’s getting late, and I think I might give Dad a call. I pray that forty-four finds you healthy and happy, and that everyone you love is still alive. And I hope to see you in ten years.

Something tells me the time is gonna fly.

“Fifteen, there’s still time for you. Twenty-two, I feel her, too. Thirty-three, you’re on your way. Every day’s a new day…”

February 12, 2007 at 12:47 am 45 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
June 2024

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