Posts filed under ‘aging’

The next "first thing to go"

I am 34 years old. I wear glasses or contacts. My vision started going when I was in high school. My first pair of glasses were bright yellow gold and ugly, so I only wore them for a few months, then they broke. Accidentally, of course.

In college, my vision problems resurfaced. Anytime we had to copy notes off the board, I’d be forced to move from my typical seat near the back of the classroom to a chair near the front where I could see. In one class, there was a girl who always had to do the same thing, which made me feel better. I almost asked her out because I figured we shared some kind of warped cornea bond.

The thing about worsening vision is that it’s typically so gradual, you don’t realize it’s happening. For the longest time, I just thought the blackboard looked blurry to everyone.

Zoom forward to 2007.

I was watching TV with a friend recently. The volume was so low that I could only understand like every sixth or seventh word. And only then if I strained. I kept waiting for my friend to turn up the volume, but it never happened. After a couple of minutes of unintelligible TV viewing, it hit me.

“Can you hear that?” I asked.

“Yeah. It’s a little low, but I can hear it. Can you not?”


And there it was, in black and white. Or more accurately, in mumbling and white noise. I guess this is what comes from wearing earphones for much of the past seventeen years. I’m losing my hearing.

Well that’s just great!

First my vision. Then my memory. Then my knees started aching occasionally when I went running. And now this. I’m only 34 years old, for crying out loud. Kenny Rogers has wives older than me.

What’s next? Crow’s feet? My butt disappears? Enlarged prostate? I tell you one thing, if I start experiencing weak stream or incomplete emptying, I may be googling Kevorkian. Or at the very least, Wilfred Brimley.

In the meantime, maybe I should stop so thoughtlessly discarding those mail-outs I keep getting from the Scooter Store.

“What’s the matter girl, well don’t you think I’m bright enough? This old man had a hard time getting here. You can leave your number at the door…”

July 24, 2007 at 12:51 pm 32 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
June 2024

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