Archive for November 6, 2007

Won’t you be my neighbor?

I’m thinking about doing the Second Annual 80’s Week here on IYROOBTY. I was looking back to last year, and 80’s Week was the second week of November. We had an 80’s themed 3WW, The Time I Almost Met John Stamos, and Where Are They Now: New Kids On The Block. Please let me know if there are any 80’s topics you would like to see covered.

Hemingway had a Three Day Blow. I have a six day hiatus. I think this may officially be the longest period of time I have ever gone without blogging. Perhaps one of you who have my blog committed to memory can either confirm or deny that.

It just seems like the same old, same old here. Football and golf, football and golf. Sometimes I feel like my life is a Kibbles ‘N Bits commercial, without the cute puppies.

I took a day off work Friday and played golf. (See? There’s just no shock value there.) Little Joe and I teed off–that’s golf lingo for “began a round”–shortly after Noon. My goal for the day was to play with no mulligans, which I accomplished. I also only lost one ball. But perhaps the outing can best be summed up by the following quote:

“I think I left my pitching wedge beside the sixth green.”

Friday night was the bachelor party of the century, which I somehow managed to miss. It was held at Red Lobster.

Yes, that Red Lobster.

Because what better way to say adios to your single days than with a plateful of endless shrimp and a couple of cheesy biscuits. From their slogan, “Share The Love,” to the tankful of naked lobsters located inside the restaurant, this place just screams party.

Unfortunately, by the time I got back in town, the screams had died down and the party had broken up. You know, because it was already 10:00 PM.

Saturday was a neighborly day in this beauty wood. I awakened to the sweet sounds of footsteps on stairs and objects banging into walls. Ah, yes. The new neighbors were moving in… at 6:30 in the morning!

The banging finally subsided a little after 8:00, but I never managed to get back to sleep. At some point during the weekend, the guy stopped by to introduce himself. His name is Rocky. I’m not joking.

On the bright side–and keep in mind this is all relative–they did put out a little decorative porch ornament thingy: a white plastic dog with a small lantern hanging from its mouth.

It really adds a touch of something to the entire complex. It’s sort of that whole plastic flamingo vibe that has been missing here for so long. I just hope I don’t accidentally step on it, or set it ablaze.

Finally, as I was leaving Saturday to go to the Bama game, I noticed an Auburn tag on the back of Rocky’s car.

Sigh. There goes the neighborhood.

“I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you. I’ve always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you…”

November 6, 2007 at 5:14 pm 20 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
November 2007

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