Archive for April 16, 2007

The dull edge

Thanks to Jennifer and Traveling Chica for naming me a Thinking Blogger. That is definitely among the nicer things I have been called :)

As I’ve mentioned before, although maybe not in so many words, I tend to be on the trailing edge of technology. The dull edge, if you will. I just got my first iPod this past Christmas. I don’t have a laptop. My TV is not hi-def. (Although my stereo may be hi-fi.) I don’t have a DVR or TiVo. Even my watch is a Fossil.

Being on the dull edge of technology does not mean that I lag behind everyone. While I’m obviously not in the top one percentile of the techno-savvy, I do like to consider myself right in that meaty part of the curve. Not showing off, but not falling behind. Just consider me your typical C-student in the world of technology. Maybe C-minus.

Being on the dull edge means that when I see the latest, fastest, sharpest, neatest new gadget advertised, I don’t think, “I’ve got to have that now!” Instead, I think, “Cool! I’ll be getting one of those in two to ten years.” After all, I’ve only had a DVD player for a couple of years. Still, when it’s time to upgrade, it’s time. And I’m afeared it’s time for me to get a new cell phone.

How do I know? Well first, there’s the 352 x 288 pixel resolution, which does not exactly provide the crystal clear imagery one might desire. Then there’s the loud shutter sound the phone makes when taking a picture, which can sometimes be inconvenient, and also cannot be turned off. And of course, there was the fun phase I went thru a few months ago when almost everyone I called, I had to call twice, because I couldn’t hear them on the first attempt. I affectionately refer to that as my Hollaback Phase.

Still, I’ve managed to deal with all those things. But recently I’ve encountered something that I fear cannot be overcome. Embarrassed by my lack of technology, I’ve noticed myself subtly covering up my phone anytime girls are around. Why? Would a girl really be turned off by my low resolution? I don’t know. And I don’t plan to find out. But I feel like I’m carrying around a bag phone. And I simply cannot face the world with a cell phone that I am ashamed of. The decision has been made.

Now, you should also know that being on the dull edge also means once a decision has been made that an upgrade is necessary, it can take up to twenty-four months until said techno-gadget is actually procured. But once that occurs, ladies, be sure to holla at a baller on his wicked fresh cellie!

In closing, my Samsung P-107 has served me well for the past three or four years. But there comes a point in every man’s life when it’s time to move on. For me that time is now… or, sometime in the next couple of years. I just hope I don’t have to give up my “Sweet Child O Mine” ringtone.

“She’s got eyes of the bluest skies, as if they thought of rain. I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain…”

April 16, 2007 at 4:23 pm 23 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
April 2007

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