Archive for October 27, 2006

Confessions of a Child Soap Viewer

Notes from Blogville…
Be sure to stop by and wish my good pal, Heather B a happy birthday.

Also, my real life friend, Lil Booty is attempting to blog again. She’s an Auburn fan, so go easy on her.

Oh, and Xinh has switched her GH recaps over to WordPress. Now including a map of Port Charles :)

Nothing could have ruined yesterday for me.

Not waking up late for work.

Not blogger being down for the umpteenth day in a row.

Not being on the phone for an hour with Dell customer support, about fifty minutes of which was spent on hold, as I tried to get my sister’s computer hooked up.

Not even this conversation with the customer support guy (Thick foreign accent, of course):

“Please look for the Earthlink icon. Do you see it?”
“Look again, please.”
“I don’t see it. I double checked. It’s not there.”
“Please look carefully.”


Still, not even that could ruin this day. Because this was the day that Laura returned to General Hospital. After four years in a catatonic state.

I watched it at work. And when she uttered “Luke?” just as he was about to leave her room, just as it looked like the special experimental drug, LS-49, wasn’t going to work. Friends, I almost lost it. Fortunately, no one else was in the room at the time.

I can’t help it. I was raised on General Hospital. All the ABC soaps really. All My Children, One Life To Live, even Ryan’s Hope. But GH is the only one that stuck. The only one in which I sometimes become emotionally invested. Especially with Luke and Laura. They do, after all, represent my ideal relationship.

There’s a little more love in the world today. Do you feel it? A certain harmony. Laura’s back. And all is well.

“Think of Laura but laugh don’t cry. I know, she’d want it that way…”

October 27, 2006 at 12:09 pm 17 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
October 2006

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