Archive for October 12, 2006

Crisp marketing

(Hey, be sure to stop by Courting Destiny this weekend, as we roast Pia. And don’t go getting any ideas.)

I was in CVS yesterday, picking up some Mountain Dews, some halloween candy to eat before Halloween, and some chips. You know, staples.

While perusing the shelves for regular Pringles, I was unable to find any. After a few seconds, I realized the only regular Pringles they had were something called Pringles Prints.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that each individual crisp has a joke or movie trivia question printed on it. For example: What kind of flowers grow between your nose and your chin?

Give up?


That’s just one of the many hilarious jokes you may find the next time you pop open a can of Pringles. That’s right, potato crisp fans. Ruffles may have ridges. But Pringles have… jokes and trivia.

Now see, this is something I don’t care for. To me, one of the big advantages to eating chips is being able to blindly stick your hand into a bag or can, pull out some chips, and hoist them in the direction of an orifice, all without looking. That way, you don’t miss any of the ballgame, movie, or 90210.

I wonder what went on in that sales meeting. Are there no new flavors they could market? Although when you already have pizzalicious, probably not.

And if this was the idea they approved, what were the rejected ones? The edible Pringles can? Turkey & dressing flavored Pringles? (“Pop open a Happy Thanksgiving.”) No, I got it. Snakes in a can!

Pringles has gone the way of Laffy Taffy and Bazooka Joe. Not that I’m happy about it. I want my original Pringles back. Solid red can. Freaky round potato chip face Pringle guy.

No thinking. No effort. Just pure mindless artery clogging. It’s the American way.

“My ergonomic keyboard never leaves me bored. Shopping online for deals on some writable media. I edit Wikipedia…”

October 12, 2006 at 8:36 pm 18 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
October 2006

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