Archive for October 10, 2006


My name is Bone, and I have trouble committing

Not to women. I acutally do that a little too easily sometimes. I have trouble commmitting to plans made more than a few days in advance.

Little Joe called me a couple of weeks ago. He and Wolfgang are wanting to go to New York for New Year’s Eve.

Being in Times Square to see the ball drop is something I’ve always wanted to do, at least once in my lifetime. Although now with Ryan Seacrest instead of Dick Clark, it’s kinda like Family Feud with Louis Armstrong instead of Richard Dawson. It’s just not the same. Although I do have high hopes for John O’Hurley.

Also, when I’ve envisioned visiting New York in the wintertime, gracefully gliding across the ice at Rockefeller Center with Wolfgang and Little Joe in tow was not quite the image I had in mind.

But this is what I do. I try to think of all the reasons I don’t want to go. Like how their indecisiveness and incessant old-married-couple-like bickering began to wear on me by day three of the beach trip this summer. And that it’s right around Christmas, and I’ll be spending a lot for the holidays, so I don’t need to splurge for a trip.

There’s more. A friend who’s going to be in town in November asked me to have dinner with her. I told her to ask me again a week in advance. Another friend invited me to a concert in November. I said no. And then there’s the Def Leppard/Journey concert in Birmingham. It’s three weeks away. And still I haven’t made the decision to order tickets.

No matter what reasons I may give to justify saying no to something, it all comes down to the same basic issue. I have trouble committing to most plans more than a few days in advance. And I’m not quite sure why.

Maybe I think something better might come up between now and then, and I don’t want to be locked into some commitment? But that would be incredibly immature. Maybe I’m just getting old. But then, I’m always up for a drive to the beach on a whim or to take off on some other spur of the moment road trip. Or maybe I’m just not a planner.

Still, it seems to be a rather recent problem. I used to go to several concerts a year. But lately, I’m much more selective. I think it has to do in part with the fact that I’m quite indecisive. So when unable to decide, I choose to decline rather than accept and wonder if I’ll regret it later. Yes! That’s it. Suddenly, I understand my dementia.

Exceptions to my commitophobia include, but are not necessarily limited to, football games, Festivus, and Andre Agassi’s farewell match.

By the way, be sure to check out Xinh’s GH recaps. Things are getting interesting. Elizabeth and Maxie are pregnant. And Laura’s coming back soon. The General Hospital replay, weeknights at 9 Central, only on SoapNet.

Now that’s something I can commit to. Usually.

“When you make love, do you look in the mirror? Who do you think of? Does he look like me? Do you tell lies, and say that it’s forever?”

October 10, 2006 at 12:25 pm 21 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
October 2006

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