Archive for May 25, 2006

An ode to summer

Ever hear someone say, “Can you believe this weather?” Yes, I can. “Do you think this weather will last?” No, I don’t. This is Earth, where have you been? These are the same people who are always saying, “I can’t believe what time it is.” Why don’t they just go outside and watch the bank sign. Then they can stand there all day going, “Can you believe this weather? I can’t believe what time it is.” – J. Seinfeld

Welcome to Alabama. Home of two of the five American Idols. Soul Patrol!!! Whatever that means.

Summer is here. No, you didn’t sleep thru the solstice. And it’s still four days until Memorial Day. But I passed by a bank sign yesterday that said the temperature was 93. That’s proof enough for me.

I love summer. When asked what my favorite season is, I may give a different answer each time. Fall is nice. There’s nothing like that first day in the early fall when you first feel the change in the air. That first chill. But there’s also nothing like summer.

Summer is the beach. The wind, the waves, and the sand. It’s the pool, the river, and the lake. It’s holidays. Memorial Day, Labor Day, the 4th of July. It’s baseball. It’s being outdoors. It’s vacations. It’s cookouts. It’s remembering summers of the past.

It’s long days and warm nights. It’s cruising with the top down or the windows down. It’s freedom. It’s shorts and flip-flops and tan legs and sunglasses.

Summer is a smile.

It’s hot. It’s here. And I’m glad. Tonight we’re going to a minor league baseball game. And I’m wearing flip-flops.

“Temperature says 93 down at the Deposit and Guaranty. But that swimmin’ hole is nice and cold…”

May 25, 2006 at 5:58 pm 14 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
May 2006

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