Archive for May 17, 2006

Follow-Up: Wolfgang & Little Joe

Some of you may recall when I blogged a couple of weeks ago about Wolfgang, who was going thru a divorce and was staying with my friend Little Joe. When we last left our happy housemates, Wolfgang had been gone all day. And Little Joe was contemplating calling to check on him and see if he was staying the night. Well, evidently Wolfgang made it back OK. Because I called Little Joe tonight, and he’s still over there. Here’s a bit of our conversation:

“You still got your… uh… roomate?”
“Wow, that’s a long time.”
“Is he paying you anything for rent or bills?”
“Not yet.”
“Wow. Well that sounds like a lotta fun.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Is he over there right now?”
“Yep. You wanna talk to him?”
“Nah. I was just calling to tell you about poker night. I’ll leave you alone so you guys can bond.”

I’m still not sure exactly how all this came about. Whether Wolfgang asked if he could stay or just sort of imposed. In my mind, I’ve postulated that Wolfgang showed up one night saying he and his wife were fighting and he needed a place to sleep. They signed divorce papers a few days later. And he’s still there. I do specifically remember hearing the phrase “until I find a place to live.”

He started staying there April 19th. That’s a month. That’s too long. I could tell by the tone of Little Joe’s voice that he wasn’t overjoyed with the situation. From his short answers, I gathered that Wolfgang must have been in the room.

I’d like to help or offer some advice, but what can I do? I don’t know what to tell him. And Wolfgang definitely isn’t staying here. Besides, I’m more of a Beethoven man.

Any suggestions?

“He had debts, for he drank. But all the women loved him. And each one shouted, come on and rock me, Amadeus…”

May 17, 2006 at 11:29 pm 19 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
May 2006

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