Archive for January 24, 2006

Five Guilty Pleasures

Saw this on Veronika’s blog. It’s the Five Guilty Pleasures Meme. The rules: Simple list or write an entry about five of your guilty pleasures. Then choose five other bloggers to tag.

I thought this sounded like a good idea. I started out thinking about this: What exactly is a guilty pleasure? I looked around on the net, but wasn’t really able to find a clear, exact definition. I consider a guilty pleasure to be something you enjoy, but feel like you shouldn’t, or are a bit ashamed or embarrassed that you enjoy it. So, based on that from Bonester’s Unofficial Unwritten Dictionary, here goes:

1. Cheesy music – No matter if it’s “Ice Ice Baby” or “Tubthumpin” or “Bust a Move.” If some cheesy, over-played song comes on the radio, I turn it up and (almost) unashamedly sing along. I sing it loud. I sing it proud. And then there are my CD’s. Michael Jackson. Beastie Boys. Duran Duran. And then there’s my Milli Vanilli cassette. And some days it’s all I can do not to reach for this.

2. South Park – I know it’s wrong. And I don’t watch it as much as I used to. But these little foul-mouthed cartoon kids are frickin’ funny. I don’t see how they get away with some of the things they do and say on this show. This is one of the two or three shows on TV that will cause me to literally laugh out loud.
<@:-) (clown hat-curly hair-smiley face)

3. Naps – There is almost nothing I like better than being able to come home from work, take off my clothes… where was I going with this? Oh yes! And crawl into bed and sleep for an hour or two. Pure subconscious euphoria.

4. American Idol – This is so embarrassing, as I despise most every reality show. It’s crap. I have never watched a single episode of Survivor. I don’t even like to watch that much TV, period. But I got hooked on AI last year. The judges really do make this show. I’m hoping I won’t get sucked into it this year. But I’m weak. I already watched most of last Tuesdays show.

5. And last, but certainly not least…

Yep, that’s your big boy there. Whoppers Malted Milk Balls. Don’t give me that little 1.75 oz. baby bag. I want the big milk carton full. Fourteen ounces, babee! Such sweet, chocolatey, mouthwatering goodness. Whew. Suddenly I’m feeling a little flush.

Just missing out on the top five: Romantic comedies, Saved By The Bell reruns, and seeing perennial losers (in sports) continue to lose.

Feel free to do this meme on your blog, or leave your five in the comments. I usually don’t tag anyone, but I will this time. I’m tagging:
And Sherry, since she always tags me ;-)

“I get knocked down, but I get up again. And you’re never gonna keep me down…”

January 24, 2006 at 12:11 pm 14 comments

Five Guilty Pleasures

Saw this on Veronika’s blog. It’s the Five Guilty Pleasures Meme. The rules: Simple list or write an entry about five of your guilty pleasures. Then choose five other bloggers to tag.

I thought this sounded like a good idea. I started out thinking about this: What exactly is a guilty pleasure? I looked around on the net, but wasn’t really able to find a clear, exact definition. I consider a guilty pleasure to be something you enjoy, but feel like you shouldn’t, or are a bit ashamed or embarrassed that you enjoy it. So, based on that from Bonester’s Unofficial Unwritten Dictionary, here goes:

1. Cheesy music – No matter if it’s “Ice Ice Baby” or “Tubthumpin” or “Bust a Move.” If some cheesy, over-played song comes on the radio, I turn it up and (almost) unashamedly sing along. I sing it loud. I sing it proud. And then there are my CD’s. Michael Jackson. Beastie Boys. Duran Duran. And then there’s my Milli Vanilli cassette. And some days it’s all I can do not to reach for this.

2. South Park – I know it’s wrong. And I don’t watch it as much as I used to. But these little foul-mouthed cartoon kids are frickin’ funny. I don’t see how they get away with some of the things they do and say on this show. This is one of the two or three shows on TV that will cause me to literally laugh out loud.
Naps – There is almost nothing I like better than being able to come home from work, take off my clothes… where was I going with this? Oh yes! And crawl into bed and sleep for an hour or two. Pure subconscious euphoria.

4. American Idol – This is so embarrassing, as I despise most every reality show. It’s crap. I have never watched a single episode of Survivor. I don’t even like to watch that much TV, period. But I got hooked on AI last year. The judges really do make this show. I’m hoping I won’t get sucked into it this year. But I’m weak. I already watched most of last Tuesdays show.

5. And last, but certainly not least…

Yep, that’s your big boy there. Whoppers Malted Milk Balls. Don’t give me that little 1.75 oz. baby bag. I want the big milk carton full. Fourteen ounces, babee! Such sweet, chocolatey, mouthwatering goodness. Whew. Suddenly I’m feeling a little flush.

Just missing out on the top five: Romantic comedies, Saved By The Bell reruns, and seeing perennial losers (in sports) continue to lose.

Feel free to do this meme on your blog, or leave your five in the comments. I usually don’t tag anyone, but I will this time. I’m tagging:
And Sherry, since she always tags me ;-)

“I get knocked down, but I get up again. And you’re never gonna keep me down…”

January 24, 2006 at 11:11 am 15 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
January 2006

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