Archive for January 23, 2006

Pretty In Pink?

I have put up a Super Bowl Poll on the sidebar. And it would thrill me more than it really should if you’d vote on that. I am really a bit torn, as both teams I was rooting for Sunday won. Anyway, on with today’s post…

I wore my pink shirt to work for the first time today. So I’m at the drive-thru at Hardees this morning. Before she hands me my food, the lady at the window says, “I’m gonna tell you like I told another guy the other day…” At this point, I’m thinking I’ve been rude or violated some previously unknown rule of drive-thru etiquette. She continues, “You look really handsome in that pink shirt.”

Ah, just what I needed. Nothing like a little hetero affirmation from the opposite sex to start off the week.

So then I get to work, and I’m on the phone with BE. I tell her I’m wearing the shirt. She says, “Thinking of you in that shirt and your black jacket… I just got a little turned on.” I respond with my best Joey Tribiani, “How you doin’?”

Then I see Big Sweaty, and he says something about it. Something like, “I like your pink shirt. I come from a time where you wouldn’t dare leave the house in a pink shirt.”

Thinking here… But you’d put one on and dance around the kitchen in it? Then he seems to contradict himself:

“I’ve had my share of pink shirts down thru the years. They always get compliments from the ladies.”

Suddenly, I wasn’t feeling so hot about the morning compliment that I had just received. Anyhow, since that, two ladies at work have complimented it. So it’s not yet 11:00 AM and I’ve had five people say something about my shirt. Four of them women. What is this phenomenon?

In other news, I dreamed about Opryland last night. I received a comment on my old Opryland Nostalgia post yesterday, and I think that’s why I dreamed it. I was there with someone, a girl, but I can’t remember who. We rode the Grizzly River Rampage, and then walked over to Chaos. I said something to her about how it never worked right when I rode it. And I don’t think we rode it.

And, my new favorite show comes on tonight!!

And… oh, I guess that’s all. No, wait. All this shirt talk reminds me of this little exchange from Seinfeld:

George: “Let me ask you something. What do you think of this shirt?”
Reporter: “It’s nice.”
George: “Jerry said he didn’t like it.”
Jerry: “I didn’t say I didn’t like it. I said it was OK.”
George: “No, you said you didn’t like it!”
Jerry: “Well, so what if I don’t like it. Is that like the end of the world or something?”

“Every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man…”

January 23, 2006 at 10:25 am 21 comments

Pretty In Pink?

I have put up a Super Bowl Poll on the sidebar. And it would thrill me more than it really should if you’d vote on that. I am really a bit torn, as both teams I was rooting for Sunday won. Anyway, on with today’s post…

I wore my pink shirt to work for the first time today. So I’m at the drive-thru at Hardees this morning. Before she hands me my food, the lady at the window says, “I’m gonna tell you like I told another guy the other day…” At this point, I’m thinking I’ve been rude or violated some previously unknown rule of drive-thru etiquette. She continues, “You look really handsome in that pink shirt.”

Ah, just what I needed. Nothing like a little hetero affirmation from the opposite sex to start off the week.

So then I get to work, and I’m on the phone with BE. I tell her I’m wearing the shirt. She says, “Thinking of you in that shirt and your black jacket… I just got a little turned on.” I respond with my best Joey Tribiani, “How you doin’?”

Then I see Big Sweaty, and he says something about it. Something like, “I like your pink shirt. I come from a time where you wouldn’t dare leave the house in a pink shirt.”

Thinking here… But you’d put one on and dance around the kitchen in it? Then he seems to contradict himself:

“I’ve had my share of pink shirts down thru the years. They always get compliments from the ladies.”

Suddenly, I wasn’t feeling so hot about the morning compliment that I had just received. Anyhow, since that, two ladies at work have complimented it. So it’s not yet 11:00 AM and I’ve had five people say something about my shirt. Four of them women. What is this phenomenon?

In other news, I dreamed about Opryland last night. I received a comment on my old Opryland Nostalgia post yesterday, and I think that’s why I dreamed it. I was there with someone, a girl, but I can’t remember who. We rode the Grizzly River Rampage, and then walked over to Chaos. I said something to her about how it never worked right when I rode it. And I don’t think we rode it.

And, my new favorite show comes on tonight!!

And… oh, I guess that’s all. No, wait. All this shirt talk reminds me of this little exchange from Seinfeld:

George: “Let me ask you something. What do you think of this shirt?”
Reporter: “It’s nice.”
George: “Jerry said he didn’t like it.”
Jerry: “I didn’t say I didn’t like it. I said it was OK.”
George: “No, you said you didn’t like it!”
Jerry: “Well, so what if I don’t like it. Is that like the end of the world or something?”

“Every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man…”

January 23, 2006 at 9:25 am 21 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
January 2006

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