Archive for January 13, 2006

A night at the Tetanus 8

I went to see Munich last night. In order to avoid any buffer zone problems, I stood at the rear of the theater waiting for my friend. Then before going to sit down, I quietly and inconspicuously said, “Skip a seat… little buffer zone.” With the requisite buffer zone in place, I was able to focus on the movie. It was pretty good. And even though it must have been at least two and a half hours, it kept my interest.

The movie was at the older of the two theaters in town, often referred to as the Tetanus Cinemas, or the Tetanus 8. This is due to years of butter, spilled soft drinks, bodily fluids, and no telling what else caked up on the seats. It’s quite the theatrical experience. I cringe when I find out that a movie I want to see is playing there. However, last night, the seats actually appeared to be somewhat cleaner than I remember. Perhaps they’ve done some sandblasting recently.

There was one ticket-taker and one person working at the concession stand. I got some popcorn with butter. The butter was barely coming out of the dispenser, just a tiny little clump at a time. I tried not to think about it. It reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer restores the Alex theater, and there’s one old hot dog left in the container there from when the theater was open before. Yeah, that’s what it reminded me of. Anyhow, then I asked for napkins, and was told, “Uhh, we sort of ran out of napkins. So we’re using paper towels.” I look and see one roll of paper towels sitting at the end of the counter. And it’s the plain brown paper like you find in restrooms sometimes. With no perforations. So I have to pick up the roll and tear off these uneven pieces the best I can. Nice.

I didn’t get home until around 11:00. Wanted to fix something light for supper, so I decided on a sandwich. All my refrigerated sandwich meat was iffy at best on whether or not it was still good. So I opened a can of potted meat. Not sure if this is mostly a southern thing or not, but it’s only like thirty cents a can and is tasty, if unhealthy, on sandwiches and crackers. A definite bachelor staple!

Woke up this morning to the sound of pouring rain (just thought of that Skid Row song) and thunder. I lied in bed a little longer than normal, waiting for the thunder to subside before I showered, because of something my dad told me when I was little. He told me never to be in the bathtub when it’s storming outisde, because lightning can run in thru the pipes, or is attracted to water, or something. So for years, I wouldn’t shower if it was thundering. And if I had to, I would stand at the back of the tub away from the water to soap up, and only get under the water to rinse off for just a few seconds. One day I realized that I had never heard of a single person who was struck by lightning while in the shower. Still a little hesitant about it though.

Two of my favorites have birthdays today, Julia Louis-Dreyfus is 45. Thought about posting some of my favorite Elaine quotes or storylines. But that would be an entire post in itself. She’s great in “The Chinese Restaurant.” And “The Pick,” of course. Also love her in “The Opposite” when she tells Jerry, “Can’t you see what’s happened? I’ve become George. It’s true. I’m George!”

And Nicole Eggert is 34. She played the role of two of my favorite television characters of all-time. Yes, she was Summer on Baywatch. But I liked her even better as Jamie on Charles In Charge.

Have a great weekend! (And don’t act like you don’t luh ‘dis lyric…)

“Charles in charge of our days and our nights. Charles in charge of our wrongs and our rights…”

January 13, 2006 at 12:16 pm 17 comments

A night at the Tetanus 8

I went to see Munich last night. In order to avoid any buffer zone problems, I stood at the rear of the theater waiting for my friend. Then before going to sit down, I quietly and inconspicuously said, “Skip a seat… little buffer zone.” With the requisite buffer zone in place, I was able to focus on the movie. It was pretty good. And even though it must have been at least two and a half hours, it kept my interest.

The movie was at the older of the two theaters in town, often referred to as the Tetanus Cinemas, or the Tetanus 8. This is due to years of butter, spilled soft drinks, bodily fluids, and no telling what else caked up on the seats. It’s quite the theatrical experience. I cringe when I find out that a movie I want to see is playing there. However, last night, the seats actually appeared to be somewhat cleaner than I remember. Perhaps they’ve done some sandblasting recently.

There was one ticket-taker and one person working at the concession stand. I got some popcorn with butter. The butter was barely coming out of the dispenser, just a tiny little clump at a time. I tried not to think about it. It reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer restores the Alex theater, and there’s one old hot dog left in the container there from when the theater was open before. Yeah, that’s what it reminded me of. Anyhow, then I asked for napkins, and was told, “Uhh, we sort of ran out of napkins. So we’re using paper towels.” I look and see one roll of paper towels sitting at the end of the counter. And it’s the plain brown paper like you find in restrooms sometimes. With no perforations. So I have to pick up the roll and tear off these uneven pieces the best I can. Nice.

I didn’t get home until around 11:00. Wanted to fix something light for supper, so I decided on a sandwich. All my refrigerated sandwich meat was iffy at best on whether or not it was still good. So I opened a can of potted meat. Not sure if this is mostly a southern thing or not, but it’s only like thirty cents a can and is tasty, if unhealthy, on sandwiches and crackers. A definite bachelor staple!

Woke up this morning to the sound of pouring rain (just thought of that Skid Row song) and thunder. I lied in bed a little longer than normal, waiting for the thunder to subside before I showered, because of something my dad told me when I was little. He told me never to be in the bathtub when it’s storming outisde, because lightning can run in thru the pipes, or is attracted to water, or something. So for years, I wouldn’t shower if it was thundering. And if I had to, I would stand at the back of the tub away from the water to soap up, and only get under the water to rinse off for just a few seconds. One day I realized that I had never heard of a single person who was struck by lightning while in the shower. Still a little hesitant about it though.

Two of my favorites have birthdays today, Julia Louis-Dreyfus is 45. Thought about posting some of my favorite Elaine quotes or storylines. But that would be an entire post in itself. She’s great in “The Chinese Restaurant.” And “The Pick,” of course. Also love her in “The Opposite” when she tells Jerry, “Can’t you see what’s happened? I’ve become George. It’s true. I’m George!”

And Nicole Eggert is 34. She played the role of two of my favorite television characters of all-time. Yes, she was Summer on Baywatch. But I liked her even better as Jamie on Charles In Charge.

Have a great weekend! (And don’t act like you don’t luh ‘dis lyric…)

“Charles in charge of our days and our nights. Charles in charge of our wrongs and our rights…”

January 13, 2006 at 11:16 am 17 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
January 2006

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