Archive for January 9, 2006

Word Verification

I’m sure we’ve all had our difficulties with the Blogger word verification letters. At least I have, sometimes having to try two or three times before I get them right. I wonder if the word verification letters are generated automatically, or if Blogger hires someone to manually come up with them. For the purpose of this post, I’m going to pretend it’s the latter…

Pseudo-serious beer commercial voice:
“Today we salute you, Mister Word-Verification-Maker-Upper.”

(80’s-pop-sounding-voice singing: “Mister Word Verification Maker Uppuhhh…”)

“Hour after hour, you tirelessly toil at your trusty qwerty keyboard, carefully coming up with endless combinations of four to ten letters that don’t make up actual words.”

(Singing: “No real wuhhhds…”)

“Sure, you could have used that two year business degree to work in an office somewhere, making coffee and running errands. But no.”

(Singing: “His nose isn’t browwwn…”)

“Instead, you chose this thankless task, taking full advantage of your one hundred thirty words per minute typing skills.”

(Singing: “He types so faaast…”)

“So crack open a cold one, O Eradicator of Comment Spam. And the next time we find the word verification letters a little hard to read, we’ll remember you’re just keeping spam at bay.”

(Singing: “Super duper eradicator…”)

“I wonder what you’re doing. Imagine where you are. There’s oceans in between us, but that’s not very far…”

January 9, 2006 at 10:20 am 26 comments

Word Verification

I’m sure we’ve all had our difficulties with the Blogger word verification letters. At least I have, sometimes having to try two or three times before I get them right. I wonder if the word verification letters are generated automatically, or if Blogger hires someone to manually come up with them. For the purpose of this post, I’m going to pretend it’s the latter…

Pseudo-serious beer commercial voice:
“Today we salute you, Mister Word-Verification-Maker-Upper.”

(80’s-pop-sounding-voice singing: “Mister Word Verification Maker Uppuhhh…”)

“Hour after hour, you tirelessly toil at your trusty qwerty keyboard, carefully coming up with endless combinations of four to ten letters that don’t make up actual words.”

(Singing: “No real wuhhhds…”)

“Sure, you could have used that two year business degree to work in an office somewhere, making coffee and running errands. But no.”

(Singing: “His nose isn’t browwwn…”)

“Instead, you chose this thankless task, taking full advantage of your one hundred thirty words per minute typing skills.”

(Singing: “He types so faaast…”)

“So crack open a cold one, O Eradicator of Comment Spam. And the next time we find the word verification letters a little hard to read, we’ll remember you’re just keeping spam at bay.”

(Singing: “Super duper eradicator…”)

“I wonder what you’re doing. Imagine where you are. There’s oceans in between us, but that’s not very far…”

January 9, 2006 at 9:20 am 25 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
January 2006

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