Archive for December 27, 2005

I hate when it’s over

Was off work today. Successfully assembled the computer desk I got for Christmas. You’ll hear more about that later. The week between Christmas and New Year’s is just an odd week. Definitely unique. I refer to it as the “lost week.” OK, not really. Made that up just now. I think it’s definitely dead week for blogs and bloggers though. Yet and still, I press on…

Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas. Got much more than I deserved. Seinfeld Season 5 & 6 DVD’s, Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 1, and Cheers Season 1. Robert Palmer’s greatest hits CD. Blah blah blah. This year, for one of our presents, Mom went out and got us something old. She found this storybook which was my sister’s favorite book when she was little. My Dad used to read it to her every single night and if he tried to skip a couple of pages, she’d know it and make him go back. For me, she got this plate which had a picture on it and “Christmas 1973” written on it. She gave it to me, along with a card in which she had written, “I found this plate from 1973, the first Christmas we shared together, the best Christmas of my life. Thanks for the greatest Christmas present ever…”

During the poker game Friday night, we were trying to give everyone a name of a professional poker player. I was tabbed Jesus Ferguson. James was Phil Hellmuth, Meghan was Annie Duke, and Little Joe was Dan Harrington. Don’t think we ever came up with a name for Buzz or Lil Bootay. Hmm, that was quite random. Not sure what brought that up, but it was funny one time when I won a big pot, James said, “And Jesus throws the money changers out of the temple!”

Went to the book store tonight. Bought Of Mice And Men. That prompted this conversation betwen the cashier and me:
“Um no.” (But I’ll take that as a compliment.)
“Just never read it.”
“You never had to read this in school?”
“Well, if I did, I didn’t.”
“Oh, it’s really good.”
Ya think?

I really had a good weekend. From Festivus Friday night, to family stuff Saturday and Sunday, to hanging with friends tonight, it’s been nice. And now. It’s over. I hate when Christmas is over. As much as this is the most wonderful time of the year, once it’s over, once the presents are unwrapped and family and friends have gone, it’s my least favorite time. I’m not sure what it is. Maybe it’s because I know it’ll be another whole year until it comes again. But the end of Christmas makes me sad.

Sitting there Sunday, watching the pile of presents slowly dwindle, I was sad. I like to take a break from opening gifts and make it last as long as possible. It’s not a selfish thing. I don’t think I would care if a single gift under the tree was for me or not. I just want it to last. I was thinking Saturday night about how I found it nearly impossible to get to sleep on Christmas Eve for so many years. I remember hearing noises and wondering if it was Santa. And thinking I’d better hurry and get to sleep. Christmas Eve is filled with so much anticipation. But by Christmas night, it’s all over. Maybe Adam Sandler had it figured out, with “eight crazy nights.”

Now all that’s left is to put up the presents up and take down the tree. Oh, and take the wreath off the front of my car. Whoever said that was good for attracting chicks was dead wrong! ;-)

“We got Ann Landers and her sister Dear Abby. Harrison Ford’s a quarter Jewish. Not too shabby…”

December 27, 2005 at 12:24 am 17 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
December 2005

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