Archive for December 18, 2005

Behold… the pole

Continuing in the tradtion of Frank Costanza and… unnamed others, I proudly present my Festivus pole:

Spent much of the evening working on this baby. Using my MacGyver-like resourcefulness, and skills I learned watching Alive, I was able to assemble the pole from materials I purchased. Total cost: About $15. So the people at can keep their forty dollar pole. Your momma costs forty dollars!

Declaration on the tree stand I purchased: “Great for crooked trunks!” Not sure why I found that humorous.

Five days until Bone’s First Annual Festivus Party! This is gonna be great!

“These moments we’re left with, may you always remember. These moments are shared by few. And those harbor lights, aw, they’re coming into view. We bid our farewell much too soon…”

December 18, 2005 at 9:06 pm 20 comments

Behold… the pole

Continuing in the tradtion of Frank Costanza and… unnamed others, I proudly present my Festivus pole:

Spent much of the evening working on this baby. Using my MacGyver-like resourcefulness, and skills I learned watching Alive, I was able to assemble the pole from materials I purchased. Total cost: About $15. So the people at can keep their forty dollar pole. Your momma costs forty dollars!

Declaration on the tree stand I purchased: “Great for crooked trunks!” Not sure why I found that humorous.

Five days until Bone’s First Annual Festivus Party! This is gonna be great!

“These moments we’re left with, may you always remember. These moments are shared by few. And those harbor lights, aw, they’re coming into view. We bid our farewell much too soon…”

December 18, 2005 at 8:06 pm 20 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
December 2005

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