Archive for May 18, 2005

Then there were three

Do you realize I just titled this blog entry using only six different letters to make up four words? It was down to the final three on American Idol last night. Each contestant sang three songs, one chosen by the judges, one chosen by music producer Clive Davis, and one of their own choosing. Then they decided to assign two different non-sequential phone numbers to each contestant, while leaving each with only one text messaging number, which probably only served to confuse half the audience. Anyway, on with my rankings…

1. Bo – Before last night, I was thinking to myself, I would not be interested in purchasing CDs from any of the remaining contestants. Bo Bice changed my mind last night. He was just about flawless on his first two selections. When Clive announced he had chosen “Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me,” I was doubtful Bo would fare very well with it. But he nailed it. As good as that was, he stole the show, the entire season, by singing a capella on his second song. After that, Carrie and Vonzell were vying for a distant second. Bo did not appear the least bit nervous, and showed some versatility by singing an Elton John, a Rolling Stones, and a Bad Company song. It was definitely Bo Bice night.

2. Vonzell – She was shaky on the first song, but I thought she improved as the night went on, and built to a nice climax by her third song. She was really in her comfort zone with the last two songs. Simon picked a great song for her. She kinda reminds me of Donna Sommer for some reason. To me, there wasn’t much separating Vonzie and Carrie for second. I could have gone either way.

3. Carrie – I thought Carrie sang a lot better last night than she has for the past several weeks. Still, there were some holes. I thought she overdid it a little on the Air Supply song. And she didn’t convey the meaning or emotions of the first song at all. And when she sings low, it comes out as a flat almost-growly sound. To wit, the first part of the Shania Twain song last night.

So who will be gone? I think Vonzell will probably get cut, just because no one seems to have the huge fan base that Carrie does. Carrie seems to have the largest number of fans who will vote for her no matter what. I wasn’t totally sold on Bo when I first started watching this show. But I am now. He really impressed me last night especially. Talent will have lost out to popularity if he doesn’t win.

“And even though the moment passed me by, I still can’t turn away. Cos all the dreams you never thought you’d lose got tossed along the way…”

May 18, 2005 at 8:15 am 4 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
May 2005

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