Archive for May 6, 2005

5-year reunion

That’s what it felt like at Applebee’s yesterday. Rainbow Brite was up there, then Emily came in, all while we sat with Donna. Tag and Tracy also came in, so it was kinda like an LMV mini-reunion as well. I actually hadn’t eaten there in about a month. They have some new menu items, so I tried the paremsan shrimp steak entree. It came out raw, but after they cooked it some more, it was good, and since it took awhile, it was also half price. Some things never change…

“Freeze Frame” came on the Muzak service while we were in there, so I was obviously getting excited. This ensued:
“Oh man, Freeze Frame!”
“Uh huh, but do you know who sings it?”
“J. Geils Band.”
“That’s right.”
“I have the cassette.”
“Well, I have the album.”
“Oh wow. I think you just trumped me.”

We were also talking about Mother’s Day gifts. I suggested a lovely Betta fish, with tank and colorful rocks. Apparently, no one else thought that was a good idea. A Betta can provide life and color to an entire room, plus companionship for weeks and months to come.

I went running yesterday. My knee started hurting pretty bad, so I only ran two miles, then walked another. Here’s an interesting situation: Two hotties were approaching me on the track. As they passed, they both said, “Hey.” For some reason, I was really nervous as they approached, and the best I could muster was an almost below my breath “hey”, which probably came out sounding more like a trademark Napoleon Dynamite heavy sigh. Shortly afterward, two slightly obese ladies passed me, and I had no problem saying hey to them. What’s up with that?

The Booty called last night. Sounds like things are going well in Virginia. We really need to fly up there to see her this summer. Notice I said fly, and not drive. There’s nothing quite like a 12-hour drive in the back of an overheating 1987 Pontiac Sunbird, with knees to chest, feeling like I’m in a Gemini space capsule.

On another random note, my sister and her husband bought a boat this week. So, perhaps I’ll be invited to go out on the lake with them at some point. One would hope, at least.

Well, another weekend is upon us! I’m sure it will be filled with excitement… or hold very little excitement. Whichever. I just want to wish all the mothers out there a very Happy Mothers Day Sunday. Be sure to let your Mom know how much you love and appreciate her. I’ll leave you today with the immortal words of the great Vanilla Ice… word to ya mothers.

“Now I’m looking at a flashback Sunday, zoom lens feeling just won’t disappear. Close up, dark room, sweet talk in my ear…”

May 6, 2005 at 9:59 am Leave a comment

Nocturnal Phantasm #505A

Nothing like a little nocturnal phun to kick off your Friday. Last night I dreamed…

I was planning a trip to New York with one of my friends, so I had purchased two plane tickets. Well, I needed a ride to the airport, so I was trying to get Dad to take me, but for some reason, he was in a very ornery mood. He said he had run out of medication, so that’s why he was acting that way. Anyway, before I even left for the airport, I called my friend, and he said that he wasn’t going. So basically I have wasted money on these two tickets. Anyway, he said even though he said he would go, he never knew that the plans were finalized for sure, even though I told him I would buy the tickets. So he had made other plans. At this point, I decided to call and see if I could get at least a partial refund. They told me they could give me all but sixty dollars back, but I’d have to turn the tickets in before the flight left. It was at this point that I decided to call a female friend of mine to see if she wanted to go. She was up for it, but by this time, we only had 45 minutes to pack and get to the airport, and neither of us were packed. So I went on to the airport to try and get some of my money back. Shortly after I arrived, everyone began to sit down on the floor against the wall in a tornado drill position. Best I could understand, there were four planes landing within seconds of each other, and it was feared that one of them might crash into the airport. Anyway, all of the planes landed safely, except one small plane which rolled up onto its nose as it came to a stop. Then out of nowhere, various-sized projectiles suddenly streaked across the sky and landed in the distance. Everyone was like, “What was that?” Then a voice could be heard saying that it was a third-world country firing back all the bombs and missiles our government had dropped on them over the years. Weird. Why are dreams like that?

“And when you find, you’re spending your time wanting for words, but never speak. You tell yourself that the things you need come slow, but inside you just don’t know…”

May 6, 2005 at 8:35 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
May 2005

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