Archive for May, 2005

What Did I Do Before

Well, tonight is American Idol night, except there is no American Idol. So what do I do with myself? What did I do before AI? I can’t even remember. It’s like dating a girl for awhile and always knowing you’re gonna have plans with her on the weekend, then you break up, and suddenly your weekends are free, and you can’t remember what you ever did before her. Well, Bo is supposed to be on Regis & Kelly tomorrow, so that’s something.

“I don’t call up old flames. I I don’t have a blackbook. I don’t spend all my time in the past. I don’t wake up with strangers, cos I don’t sleep around. No, I don’t believe in love that won’t last. But there’s a first time for everything…”

May 31, 2005 at 11:50 am 2 comments

There’s Something About May

With apologies to Cameron Diaz… I’m starting to get this feeling again. Must be something about this time of year.

19 hours in Nashville
Spent Friday night and most of Saturday in the Music City. Stayed at S&M’s (that’s Shane and Melody’s, btw) Friday night. Slept on what appeared to be Ronald Reagan’s future bed when he gets to be about six years old. Fortunately, Kyle turned this hardship into a possible goldmine, by inventing the Hetero Barrier. It also must have been at least 320 degrees Kelvin upstairs (Fahrenheit to Kelvin converter). I was sweatin’ like a race horse with a broken leg. (??? Analogy scale rating: 3.5)

Filmed the Centennial High graduation at the Williamson County Ag Center Saturday morning. There was a super hot photographer there, so I chatted with her while the others got the equipment set up. Or, I just said a few words to her and gave her a business card. Whichever. Lunch was Famous Dave’s BBQ. Stopped by Old Navy, where I got a pair of jeans and two shirts. Spent the rest of the day downtown. Stopped by Guitar Center, the Ernest Tubb Record Shop, and shot some stick at Buffalo Billiards. It was good to get back up there. It had been nearly four months since I’d been. There for awhile, we were going at least every other weekend. Of course that was back when gas was only like $1.45 a gallon. You remember, way back in 2003?

Got back into town about 8:00 Saturday night. I stopped by the mall to pick up a CD. You know, I really don’t see how that mall stays in business. Stopped by the car wash. Got home a little after 9:00. Didn’t do a whole lot Sunday. Went to church, did lots of laundry, watched the race, ran about two miles. Unfortunately, I had to work today. After work, hit up the mall and bought some new running shoes. Mom cooked a big supper, so I went over there to eat. And now, I’m here, sitting in my boxers and tshirt, and wearing my new running shoes :-) They’re very comfortable. Here’s a picture:

Posted by Hello

I feel kinda like that mythological character with the winged shoes. Who was it… Hermes… Prometheus… Apollo Cree? I dunno.

“It seems I’ve spent too long only thinking about myself. Now I want to spend my life, just caring ’bout somebody else…”

May 30, 2005 at 8:15 pm 2 comments

What does your birthdate mean?

So it seems like I may have done something like this already, long ago somewhere within the vast annals of my blog. Oh well, if so, it’s summertime anyway, so we’re in reruns like everybody else.

Your Birthdate: February 12
Being born on the 12th day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.

The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.

There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes “couldn’t care less” attitude.

You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.

Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.
You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.

You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too many superficial matters.

Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about.

You are affectionate and loving – but very sensitive.

You are subject to rapid ups and downs.

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Hmm. Check… check check.. check… check check.. check.. check. That seems to all fit me. Well, except for “possibly singing.” lol I enjoy it, however I’m fairly certain I do not excel at it. What do you think?

“Choking on your alibis. But it’s just the price I pay. Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes, cos I’m Mister Brightside…”

May 29, 2005 at 12:17 pm 1 comment

Car Wash

As a general rule, you can tell how long someone has had their car by the method and frequency that they wash it. Take me, for example. The first few months I had my truck, I would wash it at least once a week. I was sure to use the safest cleaner and the softest, non-abrasive cloth, Armor All on the inside, along with tire cleaner, wheel cleaner, etc. And I’d only rinse it with the natural flow of the hose, never a super-high-powered spray nozzle. Not on my super shiny, Victory Red street rod.

Then, after a little while, I started slacking. I’d only wash it every other week. Then came a day where it really needed washing, but I didn’t want to hand wash it, so I took it to the car wash and sprayed it down, cringing at the thought that I might be damaging the resilient, yet precious, clear coat. And finally, after a few more months, it was time for the first trip thru the drive-thru car wash, with those big spinnning, whirling nylon brushes, turning at Mach 2, where you can practically hear the paint being chipped away bit by bit. But after a few times, even that doesn’t bother you anymore.

And now? I just hope it rains once in awhile.

Minor Emergency
Yesterday, I was watching Pablo Picasso do his thing (swim, not paint), when I noticed two long streaks along the back wall of his plastic one-gallon aquarium. Upon further investigation, I realized the wall was cracking! It wasn’t leaking yet, but I didn’t know how much longer it would last. I tried to remain calm, so Pablo wouldn’t panic. But I promise he was looking at me like, “Hello! Do you not see those cracks, man? Come on and get me outta here!” I ran to Wal-Mart and purchased another aquarium and got it set up and ready to go for him. Can’t let anything happen to my little buddy. I tell you what, now as soon as I turn the light on in my room, he swims to the little corner where I feed him. What a smart boy!

Out of the blue
A girl I dated like in 1994 called the other day. That was interesting. Wow, that’s a long time ago. Why do I seem to get along so well with ex-girlfriends? Anyhow, I’m sure glad I’m not still hung up on anyone I dated years ago. That would be a shame, and would probably even get in the way of what could be some very meaningful, long-lasting current relationships. Hmm, that’s odd, I don’t recall it ever lightning before on a cloudless, sunny day.

Speed Dating
Was talking to a friend of mine the other night who recently went to a Speed Dating thing. She said you had eight minutes to talk to ten different people. She’s exchanged emails since with a couple of the guys, but no dates yet. I don’t think I could ever do something like that or Too many freaks. Then I’d be dead and my story would be on City Confidential or something.

In one other bit of good news, I found my Yourself Or Someone Like You CD the other day. I had the case, but had not been able to find the disc for several weeks. And if you know much about CD’s, you know that the disc is really the integral part of the disc/jewel case association. So anyway, I listened to that a couple of times thru. That’s still their best album to me.

I think I’m headed up to Nashville tomorrow for the day. Don’t know what else is going on. Hope everyone has a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend!

“And we always say, it would be good to go away someday. But if there’s nothing there to make things change, if it’s the same for you, I’ll just hang, the same for you, I’ll always hang…”

May 27, 2005 at 9:32 am 5 comments

Garth and Trisha engaged

Country Singers Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood Engaged

Augh! I’m late on everything.

“She’s anything but typical. She’s so unpredictable. Oh but even at her worst, it ain’t that bad. She’s as real as real can be, and she’s every fantasy. She’s every lover that I’ve ever had, and she’s every lover that I’ve never had…”

May 26, 2005 at 7:28 pm 1 comment

Journal Leads Cops To Murder Suspect

I usually try to keep things light around here, but I just had to share this sad story, just in case you haven’t already heard it:

Blogger’s Entry Leads Cops To His Killer

And I’m not sure how long they’ll keep this online, but here is the victim’s xanga journal. It is quite chilling to read the final pages of someone’s life. I don’t know what else to say.

May 26, 2005 at 9:05 am 3 comments

It’s over

Finally, at long last, I can go back to my normal Tuesday night routine of… well, nothing really. Actually, I sorta started getting into House the last couple of weeks, which has become something of a time-slot hit following AI on Tuesdays.

Anyhow, Carrie Underwood is the new American Idol. As I blogged yesterday, I kinda thought she would win. Both of them sang much better tonight, as I’m sure they were more relaxed. It’s a little disappointing that Bo didn’t win. But, I got to see Jessica Sierra again, so you know, that made my day week month. Sigh. And I thought I’d never see her again. I thought Lindsey and Nikko did pretty well tonight, too. Why did they get voted off so soon again?

I really think Bo did all he could possibly do to win the competition. In the end, he just wasn’t as popular as Carrie, for whatever reason. He tore up “Sweet Home Alabama” tonight. I had the TV blasting. I figured he would just do “Freebird”, but man, when that music started, I was like, “Aw yeah, dawg. ‘Das hot!” I tell you what, he could slide right in and be their lead singer, and they wouldn’t miss a beat.

Hope you’ve enjoyed the reviews. Now I guess I gotta find something else to blog about.

“And I’m so terrified of no one else, but me. And I’m here all the time. I won’t go away…”

May 25, 2005 at 11:48 pm 3 comments

Always trust your instincts

Kramer: “Don’t ever question my instincts, because my instincts are honed!”

I just love it when my instincts are right. I get this feeling that something just isn’t quite right, or something is going on that I don’t know about. And part of me is thinking, you’re crazy, there’s no way that is happening, but the bigger part of me knows something isn’t right. And come to find out, my instincts were right. ALWAYS trust your instincts. You have them for a reason. They’re learned from many life experiences and years of interacting with others. And when they prove to be right, it only makes you trust them more.

Monday-Tuesday rewind
I didn’t run Monday because the stupid weather forecast I watched showed Monday all gray and cloudy and rainy, so I figured there was no sense bringing any clothes to change into. Of course, Monday turned out to be sunny and gorgeous. Have I ever shared my thoughts on weather forecasters? Yeah, I probably have. Yesterday, I ran 3 miles after work. It was hot. Cooked dinner last night. My sister came by and we ate and watched American Idol together.

Here’s an idea
I think public dressing rooms should be placed at random locations. Many times, I find myself out wanting to go for a run, or maybe someone wants to go play tennis, and while I almost always have some exercise clothes in the truck, I don’t always have a place to change clothes. Yes, I could change in the truck, and I have before, even while driving, but that srikes me as not being the absolute safest method. I’m sure many people experience this same problem. That’s probably why we, as a nation, are so obese. No place to change.

So, I propose public dressing rooms. There are public restrooms at the park, so why not a dressing room? I’m not changing in the restroom. I would not want anything of mine touching any part of that urine-coated bacteria hotbed. And a shower wouldn’t hurt, either, although it would probably get infested and corroded. What are the city leaders doing anyway? Better roads? Better schools? Violent crimes? Pffffft! What we need is a place to change our clothes.

Today’s perv news

Camera Found In Eva Tanning Booth

That’s only a misdemeanor? Wow. That right there is exactly why I’ve never been in a tanning booth. Well, that’s not the main reason. I’m comfortable with my body. If someone wants to have a gander, I say, enjoy the show. Now I think I’m going to install a reverse peephole in my front door, so that when I come home I can see if anyone is waiting inside to jack me with a sock full of pennnies :-)

“Someone is calling my name from the back of the restaurant. And someone is playing a game in the house that I grew up in. And someone will drive her around, down the same streets that I did…”

May 25, 2005 at 10:17 am Leave a comment

Bo v. Carrie

Well, friends and fellow American Idol observers, the end is near, and I’m not just talking about what’s left of Paula Abdul’s career. The competition is over. The votes will soon be in, and then there will only be a spread-way-too-thin two-hour season finale to go. Here are my thoughts on tonight’s performances:

Bo Bice – I thought his first song was off a little, and I don’t know really why he would choose that song on the final night of competition. That being said, I thought his second song was the best performance of the night by either contestant. His third song was the same as Carrie’s first song, and he outsang her on it. Overall, not as good as last week, but then again, Bo was just about flawless last week.

Carrie Underwood – She went really flat in the middle of the first song. The second song was definitely her best. That’s her strong suit, country music and Martina McBride. Still, I didn’t think it matched Bo’s second song. Her third song, I thought was OK. I had never heard the song, so it’s a little difficult when you don’t know what it’s supposed to sound like. Sometimes during the verses, she sang too soft and I couldn’t understand the words. I didn’t think she was as “into” the songs feeling-wise as Bo was tonight.

Whether looking at the entire competition, the past few weeks, or just tonight, I think Bo outperformed Carrie. I think the fact that one of their songs was the same, and Bo clearly sang it better, helps him. Still, Carrie has a huge fan base, is nice to look at, and it will be tough to get more votes than her. Still, I think she consistently missed more notes than Bo, song for song, week after week. And stage presence-wise, it’s no contest. Bo appears very comfortable on stage, and Carrie looks like a deer in headlights. He also showed a lot of versatility, singing different types of music well. It seems like Bo has basically done nothing but pursue music and a music career for the past several years. It would be nice to see him reap the rewards for all those years. Of course, neither of them are gonna come out of this in bad shape, I’m sure. Either way, I can’t believe I got hooked on a reality show for the first time in my life. That being said, I will kinda miss blogging about it each week.

Who should win? Bo, without a doubt.
Who will win? I still have a feeling Carrie will.

“I’ve always been in love with you. I guess you’ve always known it’s true. You took my love for granted. Why, oh why? The show is over, say goodbye…”

May 24, 2005 at 8:56 pm 4 comments

Tie a red ribbon ’round the old shopping cart

Kyle alerted me to this over the weekend. And as the self-proclaimed spokesperson for single people everywhere, I felt it was my duty to blog it:

Wal-Mart Stores Introduce Singles Nights

That kinda reminds me of one of the skits on Whose Line: And we all remember that retail favorite, “Tie a Red Ribbon Round Ye Olde Shopping Carte.” So now while you’re shopping for groceries, household items, toilet paper, and such, you might also pickup a lifetime companion. Just make sure you scan the barcode to see how expensive she is before you reach the checkout line. Seriously, I don’t think it’s a bad idea. I’ve always found Wal-Mart to be a good location to meet women, especially the produce, dairy, frozen foods, and health and beauty sections ;-)

“I remember when you used to be shy. Yeah, once we were so fine, you and I. Now why you gotta make it so hard on me…”

May 23, 2005 at 10:37 am 9 comments

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
May 2005

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