Up and running

March 15, 2005 at 11:16 pm Leave a comment

When I am next to someone at a traffic light, I like to get them looking over at me, then slowly ease in reverse so that it appears they are rolling forward. It is funny to see them step on their brakes. Of course, this isn’t really a good thing to do if there is a car behind you.

New links
Here is a good article on treadmill training.

I did four miles today. Also added some running links to my blog over there.

What is happening to me?
Watched most all of American Idol tonight. What in the world is happening to me? I thought Jessica did well, even though the panel was pretty tough all night. Honestly, trying to be as unbiased as possible, I think Bo had the best performance of the night. You can tell he’s performed live many times. I thought Mikhala was the worst, by far. She should be the next one cut. Lindsay wasn’t great, either, even though she’s really cute. Nikko probably won’t last long, even though I loved his choice of a J-5 song.

I guess Kerry now has the unofficial Bo Bice blog. If Jessica makes it to the next round, I might turn my blog into the Jessica Sierra blog. Imagine her gratitude.

*** My current Cingular text message vote count for Jessica: 4.

“Don’t lose a girl you love at home for a night in Panama City. Don’t rush off the phone when your Momma calls. You ain’t that busy. You oughta make that drive to say goodbye to your grandpa before he goes. Don’t ask me how I know…”

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Up and running 61 & 755

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
March 2005

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