Archive for March 9, 2005

Seven Inches From The Sun

I’m not big on reality TV. I did catch about half of American Idol last night, however. I tell you one thing, Jessica Sierra is seven-inches-from-the-sun-hot! I don’t care where you’re from or what you’ve been smoking. I guess I’ll root for her and Bo. It’s pretty much required since I’m from Alabama that I root for Bo. And since that did turn out to be his grandmother that called in a couple of weeks ago after all. Who knew! Oh, and I also discovered that it’s Avila, not Ovula. Again, who knew.

Allison Fisher is two-for-two in ’05, after winning the Great Lakes Classic over the weekend in Michigan City, Indiana. Tiffany Nelson was second, marking her best career finish. Vivian Villarreal was 3rd and Kelly Fisher 4th. On a related note, I haven’t shot pool in a couple of weeks. Went to Bumpers Friday night, but the tables were all full and there was already a list of people waiting, so we left.

Went running yesterday. I’m not saying it was cold, but I did pass an eskimo, two penguins, and one girl who appeared to be training for the Iditarod, as she was running with her dog. It wasn’t that bad, really. Before I’d even run half a lap, both my calves tightened up like two gargantuan monkey fists. I don’t know what the deal was. I stretched like I usually do.

Work has been really crappy lately. I am officially ready for a new job. However, I’m goin’ to see the Sein in 3 days, so all is well. After that, it will be time to plan a beach trip. Summer’s comin’!!

“Man, it’s a hot one, like seven inches from the midday sun. I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone, but you stay so cool…”

March 9, 2005 at 11:20 am 2 comments

Seven Inches From The Sun

I’m not big on reality TV. I did catch about half of American Idol last night, however. I tell you one thing, Jessica Sierra is seven-inches-from-the-sun-hot! I don’t care where you’re from or what you’ve been smoking. I guess I’ll root for her and Bo. It’s pretty much required since I’m from Alabama that I root for Bo. And since that did turn out to be his grandmother that called in a couple of weeks ago after all. Who knew! Oh, and I also discovered that it’s Avila, not Ovula. Again, who knew.

Allison Fisher is two-for-two in ’05, after winning the Great Lakes Classic over the weekend in Michigan City, Indiana. Tiffany Nelson was second, marking her best career finish. Vivian Villarreal was 3rd and Kelly Fisher 4th. On a related note, I haven’t shot pool in a couple of weeks. Went to Bumpers Friday night, but the tables were all full and there was already a list of people waiting, so we left.

Went running yesterday. I’m not saying it was cold, but I did pass an eskimo, two penguins, and one girl who appeared to be training for the Iditarod, as she was running with her dog. It wasn’t that bad, really. Before I’d even run half a lap, both my calves tightened up like two gargantuan monkey fists. I don’t know what the deal was. I stretched like I usually do.

Work has been really crappy lately. I am officially ready for a new job. However, I’m goin’ to see the Sein in 3 days, so all is well. After that, it will be time to plan a beach trip. Summer’s comin’!!

“Man, it’s a hot one, like seven inches from the midday sun. I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone, but you stay so cool…”

March 9, 2005 at 10:20 am 2 comments

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
March 2005

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