Archive for February, 2005

Bone: From 10 to 1

(stolen from Lindsy)

TEN Random Things About Me
1. I have a very hard time telling people no
2. Two of my shining accomplishments are meeting Faith Hill and Allison Fisher
3. I have the same birthday as Abraham Lincoln (different year)
4. I was Spanish Club President in high school, but I don’t remember very many words
5. I have mild OCD, a need for symmetry
6. I don’t smoke or drink
7. I am a member of the Church of Christ
8. A fabric softener sheet just fell out of my sweatshirt a minute ago in the bathroom
9. I will seriously consider adopting children in five or six years if there are no signs that I might be getting married
10. I tweaked my back several days ago and it has been killing me for the past week

NINE Places I’ve Visited
1. New York
2. New Orleans, Louisiana
3. Indianapolis, Indiana
4. Dallas, Texas
5. Atlanta, Georgia
6. Memphis, Tennessee
7. Richmond, Virginia
8. Destin, Florida
9. Luckenbach, Texas (thanks, Mom!)

EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Move to New York
2. Have kids
3. Get up on open mic night at a comedy club
4. Visit London and Paris
5. Work for a charity/non-profit organization
6. See the Reds play in Cincinnati
7. Work in a sports-related job
8. Write something and have it published

SEVEN Ways To Win My Heart
1. Act and speak like a lady
2. Be funny
3. See the good in me
4. Don’t drink or smoke
5. Enjoy watching Seinfeld
6. Be honest
7. Be trying to put God first in your life

SIX Things I Believe In
1. The Bible
2. Love
3. Giving
4. Honesty
5. Prayer
6. Helping others

FIVE Things I’m Afraid Of
1. Forever
2. Losing my parents
3. Snakes
4. Having to buy larger than a 33 waist. (I obviously can’t think of anymore.)
5. Sleepwalking and hurting myself

FOUR Of My Favorite Items In My Bedroom
1. My bed
2. My computer
3. My burgundy and white Old Navy shirt
4. My Seinfeld tickets!

THREE Things I Do Everyday
1. Pray
2. Get online
3. Shower

TWO Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
1. Fall asleep
2. Rip the phone out of the wall and throw it out the window

ONE Person I Want To See Right Now
1. Allison Fisher

“He went to Paris, looking for answers, to questions that bothered him so. He was impressive, young and aggressive, saving the world on his own…”

February 23, 2005 at 12:25 pm 3 comments

Bone: From 10 to 1

(stolen from Lindsy)

TEN Random Things About Me
1. I have a very hard time telling people no
2. Two of my shining accomplishments are meeting Faith Hill and Allison Fisher
3. I have the same birthday as Abraham Lincoln (different year)
4. I was Spanish Club President in high school, but I don’t remember very many words
5. I have mild OCD, a need for symmetry
6. I don’t smoke or drink
7. I am a member of the Church of Christ
8. A fabric softener sheet just fell out of my sweatshirt a minute ago in the bathroom
9. I will seriously consider adopting children in five or six years if there are no signs that I might be getting married
10. I tweaked my back several days ago and it has been killing me for the past week

NINE Places I’ve Visited
1. New York
2. New Orleans, Louisiana
3. Indianapolis, Indiana
4. Dallas, Texas
5. Atlanta, Georgia
6. Memphis, Tennessee
7. Richmond, Virginia
8. Destin, Florida
9. Luckenbach, Texas (thanks, Mom!)

EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Move to New York
2. Have kids
3. Get up on open mic night at a comedy club
4. Visit London and Paris
5. Work for a charity/non-profit organization
6. See the Reds play in Cincinnati
7. Work in a sports-related job
8. Write something and have it published

SEVEN Ways To Win My Heart
1. Act and speak like a lady
2. Be funny
3. See the good in me
4. Don’t drink or smoke
5. Enjoy watching Seinfeld
6. Be honest
7. Be trying to put God first in your life

SIX Things I Believe In
1. The Bible
2. Love
3. Giving
4. Honesty
5. Prayer
6. Helping others

FIVE Things I’m Afraid Of
1. Forever
2. Losing my parents
3. Snakes
4. Having to buy larger than a 33 waist. (I obviously can’t think of anymore.)
5. Sleepwalking and hurting myself

FOUR Of My Favorite Items In My Bedroom
1. My bed
2. My computer
3. My burgundy and white Old Navy shirt
4. My Seinfeld tickets!

THREE Things I Do Everyday
1. Pray
2. Get online
3. Shower

TWO Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
1. Fall asleep
2. Rip the phone out of the wall and throw it out the window

ONE Person I Want To See Right Now
1. Allison Fisher

“He went to Paris, looking for answers, to questions that bothered him so. He was impressive, young and aggressive, saving the world on his own…”

February 23, 2005 at 11:25 am 3 comments

Bachelor, I presume?

I’m not saying I believe in the tooth fairy, but let’s just say that I’ve never had to give a second thought as to how I would properly dispose of any of my teeth.

You can tell a lot about someone by the groceries they buy. Apparently. I posted something similar to this several months ago. (Here, actually.) So I’m at Wal-Mart tonight and when I get to the checkout, the dude is about halfway thru my items and out of the blue, he says, “Bachelor, I presume?” First of all, why can’t a cute chick cashier say that to me? Second of all… OK, there is no second of all. I guess my Tony’s pizza-for-one and my one cucumber might have given it away. What am I supposed to do, buy in bulk?

This afternoon turned out to be beautiful, so I went running at Wilson Morgan. I think I’m about to cook some supper and watch some basketball.

“It’s the simple things in life, like the kids at home and a loving wife, that you miss the most, when you lose control…”

February 22, 2005 at 8:28 pm 2 comments

Bachelor, I presume?

I’m not saying I believe in the tooth fairy, but let’s just say that I’ve never had to give a second thought as to how I would properly dispose of any of my teeth.

You can tell a lot about someone by the groceries they buy. Apparently. I posted something similar to this several months ago. (Here, actually.) So I’m at Wal-Mart tonight and when I get to the checkout, the dude is about halfway thru my items and out of the blue, he says, “Bachelor, I presume?” First of all, why can’t a cute chick cashier say that to me? Second of all… OK, there is no second of all. I guess my Tony’s pizza-for-one and my one cucumber might have given it away. What am I supposed to do, buy in bulk?

This afternoon turned out to be beautiful, so I went running at Wilson Morgan. I think I’m about to cook some supper and watch some basketball.

“It’s the simple things in life, like the kids at home and a loving wife, that you miss the most, when you lose control…”

February 22, 2005 at 7:28 pm 2 comments

Monday Madness

This week, using the letters in your name (real or screen name), list places that you’ve been to. Be creative! Have fun! =)

B – Battery Park in New York
O – Orange Beach
N – New Orleans
E – East Rutherford, New Jersey

(from Monday Madness)
I was gonna do Human Jukebox, but U and X? No way.

“Please come to Boston for the springtime. I’m stayin’ here with some friends and they’ve got lots of room. You can sell your paintings on the sidewalk, by a cafe where I hope to be workin’ soon…”

February 21, 2005 at 11:54 pm 1 comment

Monday Madness

This week, using the letters in your name (real or screen name), list places that you’ve been to. Be creative! Have fun! =)

B – Battery Park in New York
O – Orange Beach
N – New Orleans
E – East Rutherford, New Jersey

(from Monday Madness)
I was gonna do Human Jukebox, but U and X? No way.

“Please come to Boston for the springtime. I’m stayin’ here with some friends and they’ve got lots of room. You can sell your paintings on the sidewalk, by a cafe where I hope to be workin’ soon…”

February 21, 2005 at 10:54 pm 1 comment

Day 11697 of the Bone Reality Show

Wow, 33 hits from searches for “Lonely No More” (which I posted lyrics for here) between 10 AM Friday and 6 PM Sunday.

I’m on no sleep
Melody had a medical emergency late Saturday night and ended up in ICU for several hours. She was out in a regular room by last night. Kyle and I drove up to visit. Shane joined us and we all went to Famous Dave’s for dinner, at which a large portion of the conversation centered around my ex-girlfriends and the mistakes I have made and the ones I let slip away. At which point, I began pretending to slam my head into the brick wall. Ah, good times. It rained almost the entire way up there and back. I didn’t get home until nearly 1 AM, so I look like I came out on the wrong end of a sleep deprivation project today. Melody is doing better. Hopefully, the tour of emergency rooms across the country ends here.

Back when a 50 was a 50
Friday night was pool at Bumpers and dinner at the Leather-Free Applebees in Huntsville. My skull cap provided inspiration for some interesting conversation there. On Saturday night, I ended up hanging out at a friend’s place watching the slam dunk contest and 3 point shootout. The dude who won the dunk contest (who I’d never heard of, by the way) got 3 50’s (a perfect score) in 4 dunks. Dude, whatever happened to the days when you actually had to do something to earn a 50? Tip to Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith, Magic Johnson, and other TNT announcers: Just saying a thousand times that the dunk contest has returned to its glory days and is as good as ever doesn’t make it so. No matter how many times you tell us how exciting it is, we know better. The Stoudamaire off-the-backboard-off-Steve-Nash’s-head dunk was the best, but other than that, it stunk. I asked someone like fifteen minutes after it was over who had won. They couldn’t tell me, and we had just sat there and watched it. It had a good run… Dr. J, Dominique, Jordan, Spud Webb, even Vince Carter. But now, it’s over. Let it go.

If there’s debris on the track, but no one sees it…
In other weekend sports, I watched most of the Daytona 500 yesterday. Jeff Gordon won. It was actually fairly exciting, with the aid of a Dale-Junior-is-way-behind-mysterious-debris-on-the-track caution flag or two. About halfway through, there were four cars distancing themselves from the pack. I had just thought to myself, NASCAR isn’t going to be too happy with this. Then, boom! Caution for debris. Never fails. Oh well, such is the state of NASCAR. Love it or leave it, I guess.

“In your world I have no meaning, though I’m trying hard to understand. And it’s my heart that’s breaking, down this long distance line tonight. I ain’t missing you at all…”

February 21, 2005 at 10:27 am Leave a comment

Day 11697 of the Bone Reality Show

Wow, 33 hits from searches for “Lonely No More” (which I posted lyrics for here) between 10 AM Friday and 6 PM Sunday.

I’m on no sleep
Melody had a medical emergency late Saturday night and ended up in ICU for several hours. She was out in a regular room by last night. Kyle and I drove up to visit. Shane joined us and we all went to Famous Dave’s for dinner, at which a large portion of the conversation centered around my ex-girlfriends and the mistakes I have made and the ones I let slip away. At which point, I began pretending to slam my head into the brick wall. Ah, good times. It rained almost the entire way up there and back. I didn’t get home until nearly 1 AM, so I look like I came out on the wrong end of a sleep deprivation project today. Melody is doing better. Hopefully, the tour of emergency rooms across the country ends here.

Back when a 50 was a 50
Friday night was pool at Bumpers and dinner at the Leather-Free Applebees in Huntsville. My skull cap provided inspiration for some interesting conversation there. On Saturday night, I ended up hanging out at a friend’s place watching the slam dunk contest and 3 point shootout. The dude who won the dunk contest (who I’d never heard of, by the way) got 3 50’s (a perfect score) in 4 dunks. Dude, whatever happened to the days when you actually had to do something to earn a 50? Tip to Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith, Magic Johnson, and other TNT announcers: Just saying a thousand times that the dunk contest has returned to its glory days and is as good as ever doesn’t make it so. No matter how many times you tell us how exciting it is, we know better. The Stoudamaire off-the-backboard-off-Steve-Nash’s-head dunk was the best, but other than that, it stunk. I asked someone like fifteen minutes after it was over who had won. They couldn’t tell me, and we had just sat there and watched it. It had a good run… Dr. J, Dominique, Jordan, Spud Webb, even Vince Carter. But now, it’s over. Let it go.

If there’s debris on the track, but no one sees it…
In other weekend sports, I watched most of the Daytona 500 yesterday. Jeff Gordon won. It was actually fairly exciting, with the aid of a Dale-Junior-is-way-behind-mysterious-debris-on-the-track caution flag or two. About halfway through, there were four cars distancing themselves from the pack. I had just thought to myself, NASCAR isn’t going to be too happy with this. Then, boom! Caution for debris. Never fails. Oh well, such is the state of NASCAR. Love it or leave it, I guess.

“In your world I have no meaning, though I’m trying hard to understand. And it’s my heart that’s breaking, down this long distance line tonight. I ain’t missing you at all…”

February 21, 2005 at 9:27 am Leave a comment

100% Nylon

Not a good re-cover-y
Well, K and I hit up The Brick Deli, Indoor Amphitheatre, Billiards Hall, and Tobacco Emporium last evening for some semi-exciting 8-ball action. As soon as I walked in and saw the tables, I knew something was different. Instead of the usual faded green cloth with brown patches and worn spots, I was greeted by a brilliant bright green on each table. Hopes were high, at first, because re-covering these tables was long overdue. However, once I got a closer look, I could tell this was not the high-quality Simonis cloth that I have come to know and love… or that I’ve only seen on TV. It was thin, stretchy cloth, that had to be mostly nylon. Maybe they’ll get broken in or something in a few weeks.

It’s Alli’s world
Speaking of billiards, congratulations to my pseudo-girlfriend, Allison Fisher, on winning the season opening WPBA event of the year in North Carolina last week! Love ya, baby! Could I find just one girl who speaks like she does? OK, probably not.

“Did Brandi speak to you?”
“No. I thought about speaking to her first, but then I thought, why mess up 32 years.”

“Go to your happy place.”
“Uhh, this IS my happy place.”

“So you got to meet his woman?”
“You mean the girl who waited on us.”
“Well, of course. Aren’t those two phrases interchangeable in almost every situation?”

“What is that?”
“Cocktail sauce.”
“Don’t you have any tartar sauce? That looks menstrual.”

“This love has taken its toll on me. She said goodbye, too many times before…”

February 18, 2005 at 11:19 am Leave a comment

100% Nylon

Not a good re-cover-y
Well, K and I hit up The Brick Deli, Indoor Amphitheatre, Billiards Hall, and Tobacco Emporium last evening for some semi-exciting 8-ball action. As soon as I walked in and saw the tables, I knew something was different. Instead of the usual faded green cloth with brown patches and worn spots, I was greeted by a brilliant bright green on each table. Hopes were high, at first, because re-covering these tables was long overdue. However, once I got a closer look, I could tell this was not the high-quality Simonis cloth that I have come to know and love… or that I’ve only seen on TV. It was thin, stretchy cloth, that had to be mostly nylon. Maybe they’ll get broken in or something in a few weeks.

It’s Alli’s world
Speaking of billiards, congratulations to my pseudo-girlfriend, Allison Fisher, on winning the season opening WPBA event of the year in North Carolina last week! Love ya, baby! Could I find just one girl who speaks like she does? OK, probably not.

“Did Brandi speak to you?”
“No. I thought about speaking to her first, but then I thought, why mess up 32 years.”

“Go to your happy place.”
“Uhh, this IS my happy place.”

“So you got to meet his woman?”
“You mean the girl who waited on us.”
“Well, of course. Aren’t those two phrases interchangeable in almost every situation?”

“What is that?”
“Cocktail sauce.”
“Don’t you have any tartar sauce? That looks menstrual.”

“This love has taken its toll on me. She said goodbye, too many times before…”

February 18, 2005 at 10:19 am Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
February 2005

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