Archive for February 11, 2005

Could this be my year?

There’s something in the air, my friends. After last night’s activities, I stopped by Wal-Mart kinda late. Walking thru the parking lot, I glanced down and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a shiny new Alexander Hamilton. That’s right, boys and girls, a $10 bill. I looked around to make sure it wasn’t some kind of a joke, picked it up and stuck it in my pocket. Daddy needs a quarter-tank of gas!

Then this morning, sleepy-eyed and on four hours sleep, I heard “Ice Ice Baby” on the radio. On the radio! That just doesn’t happen everyday. Boo-yah! (<—hip, cool phrase.. don’t concern yourself with it)

Finally, I’m surfing Blog Explosion a few minutes ago and I win 25 bonus credits. Woohoo! I can’t imagine things getting much better. Of course, I don’t have a date for Valentine’s Day (that can always be considered a blessing though) and no big plans for my birthday. But the way things are going, I wouldn’t be surprised if all that changed. Or I’d be very surprised, astounded, and shocked beyond coherence. Whichever.

If I had to guess, I’d say that I’ll probably head up to Nashville at some point this weekend.

I’m reminded of a couple of Seinfeld lines…
(from The Red Dot)
Elaine: “No, today’s YOUR lucky day.”
George: “It’d be my first one.”

(from The Betrayal)
George: “Ahh, this is the kind of day that almost makes you feel good to be alive.”
Jerry: “Almost.”

“Fifteen, there’s still time for you. Twenty-two, I feel her, too. Thirty-three, you’re on your way. Every day’s a new day…”

February 11, 2005 at 11:52 am Leave a comment

Shoot Cupid

Fed up with VD? Just want to kill some time at work? Try this little game.

If cupid won’t shoot you, you can Shoot Cupid. Enjoy.

“When they ask me why it all came undone, I say four trips around the sun is a lot for anyone…”

February 11, 2005 at 10:54 am Leave a comment

Could this be my year?

There’s something in the air, my friends. After last night’s activities, I stopped by Wal-Mart kinda late. Walking thru the parking lot, I glanced down and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a shiny new Alexander Hamilton. That’s right, boys and girls, a $10 bill. I looked around to make sure it wasn’t some kind of a joke, picked it up and stuck it in my pocket. Daddy needs a quarter-tank of gas!

Then this morning, sleepy-eyed and on four hours sleep, I heard “Ice Ice Baby” on the radio. On the radio! That just doesn’t happen everyday. Boo-yah! (

February 11, 2005 at 10:52 am Leave a comment

Shoot Cupid

Fed up with VD? Just want to kill some time at work? Try this little game.

If cupid won’t shoot you, you can Shoot Cupid. Enjoy.

“When they ask me why it all came undone, I say four trips around the sun is a lot for anyone…”

February 11, 2005 at 9:54 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
February 2005

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