Archive for November, 2004

The Office Christmas Party

The secret of life is a quality blog entry. As you can see, I’m still searching…

Office Xmas Party

Well, the memo came around today. Our office Christmas party is going to be Tuesday, Decemeber 21st. It’s going to be in Decatur this year, so that’s new. If you would like to accompany me, please send an email, including a photo of yourself (if I don’t know what you look like), and at least two references who can verify that it is indeed you in the photo. Winner will be selected on a first come, first (attractive) served basis.

Seriously, I have noticed several blogs discussing this topic recently. The office holiday party. I will most likely go to mine… more than likely by myself. It’s not a huge deal to me. Are you going to yours? Is your going dependent on whether or not you have a date?

The Oprah recap

I watched the Seinfeld cast on Oprah yesterday. It was OK. My only complaint was it was 75% Jerry Seinfeld and 25% the show. They brought out Jerry first, then talked to his wife a bit. Jason Alexander didn’t come out until like 25 minutes in, and Michael Richards didn’t come out until like 40 minutes into the show. But, I’ll take what I can get. It’s not like I’m not going to watch. Besides, it was good just to see the big four together one more time.

I think as a rule, it is just difficult, painful even, for a guy to watch Oprah. I don’t know what it is, but there’s some undefinable quality about that show that just makes me want to change the channel. That was the first time I’ve watched Oprah in a long, long time. Well, that is, if you don’t count last week when Barry Manilow was on there. What?! So I enjoy hearing him sing “Mandy.” Is that so wrong? It’s a good song.

The rest of the day, I did a little laundry. Ran to Jack’s to get some dinnah. I saw Tammy S. there. I have not seen her since probably 1998 or something. It was definitely in the pre-Atlanta era anyway. I think I may have to write an entry soon about the whole ’99 Atlanta trip.

“Well you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away, oh Mandy. Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking, and I need you today, oh Mandy…”

November 30, 2004 at 12:40 pm 1 comment

The Office Christmas Party

The secret of life is a quality blog entry. As you can see, I’m still searching…

Office Xmas Party
Well, the memo came around today. Our office Christmas party is going to be Tuesday, Decemeber 21st. It’s going to be in Decatur this year, so that’s new. If you would like to accompany me, please send an email, including a photo of yourself (if I don’t know what you look like), and at least two references who can verify that it is indeed you in the photo. Winner will be selected on a first come, first (attractive) served basis.

Seriously, I have noticed several blogs discussing this topic recently. The office holiday party. I will most likely go to mine… more than likely by myself. It’s not a huge deal to me. Are you going to yours? Is your going dependent on whether or not you have a date?

The Oprah recap
I watched the Seinfeld cast on Oprah yesterday. It was OK. My only complaint was it was 75% Jerry Seinfeld and 25% the show. They brought out Jerry first, then talked to his wife a bit. Jason Alexander didn’t come out until like 25 minutes in, and Michael Richards didn’t come out until like 40 minutes into the show. But, I’ll take what I can get. It’s not like I’m not going to watch. Besides, it was good just to see the big four together one more time.

I think as a rule, it is just difficult, painful even, for a guy to watch Oprah. I don’t know what it is, but there’s some undefinable quality about that show that just makes me want to change the channel. That was the first time I’ve watched Oprah in a long, long time. Well, that is, if you don’t count last week when Barry Manilow was on there. What?! So I enjoy hearing him sing “Mandy.” Is that so wrong? It’s a good song.

The rest of the day, I did a little laundry. Ran to Jack’s to get some dinnah. I saw Tammy S. there. I have not seen her since probably 1998 or something. It was definitely in the pre-Atlanta era anyway. I think I may have to write an entry soon about the whole ’99 Atlanta trip.

“Well you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away, oh Mandy. Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking, and I need you today, oh Mandy…”

November 30, 2004 at 11:40 am 1 comment

Matchbox Empty?

(excerpt from interview with MB20 guitarist Kyle Cook)

“Everybody in Matchbox was wanting to move on. I shouldn’t say move on because Matchbox wants to make another record. We’re going to make a 4th record.”

Complete Interview

Has the final match been struck? I hope not. Matchbox Twenty became my favorite band not long after I first saw the video for “Push” back in 1997, and has been since. Looks like they are definitely on a break. Plans are to come back for another record at some point, but who knows?

“And we always say, it would be good to go away someday. Yeah, but if there’s nothing there to make things change, if it’s the same to you, I’ll just hang, the same to you, I’ll always hang…”

November 29, 2004 at 11:38 pm 2 comments

Matchbox Empty?

(excerpt from interview with MB20 guitarist Kyle Cook)
“Everybody in Matchbox was wanting to move on. I shouldn’t say move on because Matchbox wants to make another record. We’re going to make a 4th record.”
Complete Interview

Has the final match been struck? I hope not. Matchbox Twenty became my favorite band not long after I first saw the video for “Push” back in 1997, and has been since. Looks like they are definitely on a break. Plans are to come back for another record at some point, but who knows?

“And we always say, it would be good to go away someday. Yeah, but if there’s nothing there to make things change, if it’s the same to you, I’ll just hang, the same to you, I’ll always hang…”

November 29, 2004 at 10:38 pm 2 comments

Seinfeld DVD "Hidden" Extras

Here are 3 of the hidden things (so-called easter eggs) on the Seinfeld DVD set that I have found/been told about so far. They’re all from the Seasons 1&2 set.

1. An early camera test – On Disk 1, from the main menu, select “extras”. Then press up twice to highlight the jalopeño and select it. This is just a camera test with Jerry walking around the apartment so that they can adjust the lighting and colors and such.

2. “The Bet” – On Disk 3, from the main menu, select “extras”, then select “inside looks”. Hit left once to highlight the fortune cookie and then select it. This is the story of the never-aired episode “The Bet.” It dealt with Elaine getting a gun and they scrapped it fairly early in the filming.

3. Split-screen – On Disk 4, from the main menu, select “setup”, then scroll down to episodes and hit up to highlight the green pea. Select it. This takes you to a split-screen demonstration comparing the original scenes to the digitally remastered DVD version.


“Dear Joan, I wanted to say that I’m sorry for the screamin’ last night and the nights before. I’ve wanted more from this, than anything I’ve ever known…”

November 29, 2004 at 4:39 pm Leave a comment

Seinfeld DVD “Hidden” Extras

Here are 3 of the hidden things (so-called easter eggs) on the Seinfeld DVD set that I have found/been told about so far. They’re all from the Seasons 1&2 set.

1. An early camera test – On Disk 1, from the main menu, select “extras”. Then press up twice to highlight the jalopeño and select it. This is just a camera test with Jerry walking around the apartment so that they can adjust the lighting and colors and such.

2. “The Bet” – On Disk 3, from the main menu, select “extras”, then select “inside looks”. Hit left once to highlight the fortune cookie and then select it. This is the story of the never-aired episode “The Bet.” It dealt with Elaine getting a gun and they scrapped it fairly early in the filming.

3. Split-screen – On Disk 4, from the main menu, select “setup”, then scroll down to episodes and hit up to highlight the green pea. Select it. This takes you to a split-screen demonstration comparing the original scenes to the digitally remastered DVD version.


“Dear Joan, I wanted to say that I’m sorry for the screamin’ last night and the nights before. I’ve wanted more from this, than anything I’ve ever known…”

November 29, 2004 at 3:39 pm Leave a comment

Long Time, No Blog

I believe the classic song from KC & The Sunshine Band would sum up this weekend best: Shoot a little pool, eat a little food, get down tonight, get down tonight.


Shot pool at The Brick with Kyle, then met up with Bunny at Logan’s for dinner. Introduced Bunny to Bizarro Shane. I tell you what, it was really good catching up with friends who were home for the holidays and stuff. It reminded me of how things used to be, before every single person I knew moved to another state. After dinner, we decided to head back to hear Bishop Black for a minute. It was more packed than one of Dick Cheney’s arteries in there, so we only stayed probably twenty minutes or so. I think I got home around 12:30, but I’m not real sure. You know how it is. I’m not even sure what that means.


Did a little shopping. The girl at Old Navy was like, “Do you need any gift receipts?” I was like, “Uh, nope. It’s all mine.” lol That made me feel kinda bad. I was like, “OK, I’m not buying anything else for myself until after Christmas.” Then at dinner, I nearly made a big mistake asking Heather if she knew Shanna. She was like, “How do you know where I’m from?” Uhhhh. I made a nice recovery though and then we quickly aborted the mission, withdrew our troops, and retreated. That’s stalker-iffic! After that, headed over to the Jazz Factory to shoot pool again. Ended up getting a discount again because I had to wait like 20 minutes to pay, so they only charged us for half an hour, even though we were probably there for an hour and a half or more.

Oh yeah, never get this song stuck in your head:

“My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party ahhhll the tiiiime…”

Because it will stay there ALL night long. (And yes, it was Eddie Murphy.)


The Seinfeld cast reunites on today’s Oprah! Don’t miss it! Not that you need another reason to watch Oprah. What

On a related note, it’s only 24 days until Festivus. Start dusting off the aluminum pole.

Quoted Dysfunction

K: “She didn’t answer. No one picked up.”

J: “Hmm. They must have Caller ID then.”

B: “You’re the George Costanza of our group.”

K: “Uh, no I’m not. Every group has someone they all make fun of, like us with Elaine.”

“How did you know that?”

“Uh, have you ever heard of a website called Google?”

“If my heart had wings, I would fly to you and lie beside you as you dream. If my heart had wings…”

November 29, 2004 at 10:14 am Leave a comment

Long Time, No Blog

I believe the classic song from KC & The Sunshine Band would sum up this weekend best: Shoot a little pool, eat a little food, get down tonight, get down tonight.

Shot pool at The Brick with Kyle, then met up with Bunny at Logan’s for dinner. Introduced Bunny to Bizarro Shane. I tell you what, it was really good catching up with friends who were home for the holidays and stuff. It reminded me of how things used to be, before every single person I knew moved to another state. After dinner, we decided to head back to hear Bishop Black for a minute. It was more packed than one of Dick Cheney’s arteries in there, so we only stayed probably twenty minutes or so. I think I got home around 12:30, but I’m not real sure. You know how it is. I’m not even sure what that means.

Did a little shopping. The girl at Old Navy was like, “Do you need any gift receipts?” I was like, “Uh, nope. It’s all mine.” lol That made me feel kinda bad. I was like, “OK, I’m not buying anything else for myself until after Christmas.” Then at dinner, I nearly made a big mistake asking Heather if she knew Shanna. She was like, “How do you know where I’m from?” Uhhhh. I made a nice recovery though and then we quickly aborted the mission, withdrew our troops, and retreated. That’s stalker-iffic! After that, headed over to the Jazz Factory to shoot pool again. Ended up getting a discount again because I had to wait like 20 minutes to pay, so they only charged us for half an hour, even though we were probably there for an hour and a half or more.

Oh yeah, never get this song stuck in your head:
“My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party ahhhll the tiiiime…”
Because it will stay there ALL night long. (And yes, it was Eddie Murphy.)

The Seinfeld cast reunites on today’s Oprah! Don’t miss it! Not that you need another reason to watch Oprah. What

On a related note, it’s only 24 days until Festivus. Start dusting off the aluminum pole.

Quoted Dysfunction
K: “She didn’t answer. No one picked up.”
J: “Hmm. They must have Caller ID then.”

B: “You’re the George Costanza of our group.”
K: “Uh, no I’m not. Every group has someone they all make fun of, like us with Elaine.”

“How did you know that?”
“Uh, have you ever heard of a website called Google?”

“If my heart had wings, I would fly to you and lie beside you as you dream. If my heart had wings…”

November 29, 2004 at 9:14 am Leave a comment

So what’s new with you?

I had to work today. Did you?

What’s new? Let me tell ya…

I heard this question several times the past couple of days. Just once, I would like to have a really good answer when someone asks that. Something like:

“Well, I just got back from the Galapagos Islands. I lived there for six months while doing research.”

Or “Not a lot. Oh, by the way, have you met my fiancee? She’s from the former Soviet Union. Oh, Svetlana…”

Or “I was just out in Hollywood last week filming an episode of Jeopardy. I’m not supposed to tell anyone, but I beat Ken Jennings. It wasn’t really even close.”

But no, my answer is always the same, “not much.” I’m exactly the same as I was five years ago. I guess maybe there’s something comforting and reassuring in that. Maybe.


My uncle who lives in Texas asked me yesterday if I was still dating “that girl from Gulf Shores.” Wow, that ended like almost 3 years ago. My cousin who still refers to me as “J.T. Love” was there as well. It’s always nice to be reminded of that former persona at least once a year by the only person in the entire population of the world who still calls me that.

Last night, Kyle and I had dinner at Cracker Barrell, then watched the Seinfeld special on NBC at 9:00. Do you realize how very close that show came to not ever becoming a series? Imagine what our lives would be like without it? I shudder to think…

Quotes and Dialogue

“She didn’t answer when I called. No one picked up.”

“Hmm. They must have caller ID.”

“Come on, Human Jukebox. You’ve got 50,000 songs in your head. Think of something.”

“There’s that guy from Extreme Home Makeover.”

“Dude, that’s a chick show.”

“No, it’s not. It’s a good show.”

“You need to start watching manly shows… like Gilmore Girls.”

“Punch the clock, head for home, check the phone, just in case. Go to bed, dream of you. That’s what I’m doin’ these days…”

November 26, 2004 at 3:59 pm Leave a comment

So what’s new with you?

I had to work today. Did you?

What’s new? Let me tell ya…
I heard this question several times the past couple of days. Just once, I would like to have a really good answer when someone asks that. Something like:
“Well, I just got back from the Galapagos Islands. I lived there for six months while doing research.”
Or “Not a lot. Oh, by the way, have you met my fiancee? She’s from the former Soviet Union. Oh, Svetlana…”
Or “I was just out in Hollywood last week filming an episode of Jeopardy. I’m not supposed to tell anyone, but I beat Ken Jennings. It wasn’t really even close.”

But no, my answer is always the same, “not much.” I’m exactly the same as I was five years ago. I guess maybe there’s something comforting and reassuring in that. Maybe.

My uncle who lives in Texas asked me yesterday if I was still dating “that girl from Gulf Shores.” Wow, that ended like almost 3 years ago. My cousin who still refers to me as “J.T. Love” was there as well. It’s always nice to be reminded of that former persona at least once a year by the only person in the entire population of the world who still calls me that.

Last night, Kyle and I had dinner at Cracker Barrell, then watched the Seinfeld special on NBC at 9:00. Do you realize how very close that show came to not ever becoming a series? Imagine what our lives would be like without it? I shudder to think…

Quotes and Dialogue
“She didn’t answer when I called. No one picked up.”
“Hmm. They must have caller ID.”

“Come on, Human Jukebox. You’ve got 50,000 songs in your head. Think of something.”

“There’s that guy from Extreme Home Makeover.”
“Dude, that’s a chick show.”
“No, it’s not. It’s a good show.”
“You need to start watching manly shows… like Gilmore Girls.”

“Punch the clock, head for home, check the phone, just in case. Go to bed, dream of you. That’s what I’m doin’ these days…”

November 26, 2004 at 2:59 pm Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
November 2004

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