Archive for October, 2004

Blogger hacked

Ugh. Finally. Well, was apparently hacked at some point this morning. So I was unable to post for several hours. It appears most everything is back up and running now. Now what was that about finally getting my own domain?

“Put on my blue suede shoes and I boarded the plane. Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues, in the middle of a pouring rain…”

October 27, 2004 at 3:33 pm Leave a comment

Blogger hacked

Ugh. Finally. Well, was apparently hacked at some point this morning. So I was unable to post for several hours. It appears most everything is back up and running now. Now what was that about finally getting my own domain?

“Put on my blue suede shoes and I boarded the plane. Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues, in the middle of a pouring rain…”

October 27, 2004 at 3:33 pm Leave a comment

Monday Madness on Tuesday

Well, I was browsing thru some memes and came across Monday Madness. I decided to do an old one, from a couple of weeks ago. Maybe from now on, I can actually do it on Mondays. Or more likely, I’ll completely forget about it.

Name 3 things….

1….your ideal salad has on it.
Hmm, cucumbers, bacon bits, and cheeeeeeeese!
2….you do religiously in the morning.
Um, shower, take Vitamin C, brush teeth.
3….you look forward to doing in your spare time.
Sleeping, watching Seinfeld, and ummm, shoot pool.
4….you’ve never done before, but think you will at some point in your life.
Ask a girl for her phone number. What? Um, get married (surely), fly, and take the Kramer Reality Tour.
5….you love to do while on vacation.
Sit on the beach at night, get a snack out of the vending machine at the hotel, and… I guess, sleep late.
6….you took pictures of in the last month.
The last three things I remember taking pictures of are my new ultra-bright alarm clock, screen shots of Nintendo games, and my Cactus Club t-shirt.
7….you have to do before the end of the day.
Pray, blog, and have a Sun Drop.
8….you like about your best friend.
OK, that’s kinda gay.

“A woman loves beyond her questions, and dreams beyond her doubts. Her heart will lead and she will follow, even when there’s no way out. Her eyes refuse to see the danger, as she walks right thru the fire. A man may give himself to passion and desire, but a woman loves…”

October 26, 2004 at 10:43 pm Leave a comment

Are you dressing up for Halloween?

I think the worst part about being a fly would be if you flew inside someone’s car and they went on a long trip. When you finally get out of there, you’re hundreds of miles from home. And you only have a life expectancy of like a day anyway, so you’re probably never gonna see your family again.

So who’s dressing up? What are you gonna be? Who’s going to a party? I told myself last year that I’d definitely dress up as Nelly this year, if I dressed up. Someone also suggested Steve-O. I guess I could slap on a leopard-print thong and go with it. Either way, I’ll be sure to post pictures.

Alabama Invasion
I love history. I found this interesting: Military Planned Alabama Invasion
20,000 troops? Ha! It would’ve taken a lot more than that to defeat the Alabama militia.

Hurts to say
Root canal, catheter, torn achilles’ tendon, vasectomy… some things hurt just to say. Dad had a colonoscopy yesterday. Ouch. I’m sure he appreciates me telling the world about it. Everything looked OK, apparently, but he’s still awaiting some test results.

The rest of the story
Had dinner at Logan’s last night. This is quickly becoming a second hangout. The food is usually good. The servers have all quickly learned the correct procedures (free soft drinks, free salads, sit down and chat, etc.). And, maybe most importantly, no obvious freaks working there.

Called and talked to the proud new dad last night. They’re supposed to be coming home today:
“It’s pretty neat.”
“Yeah, I’ll have to get me one of those.”
“How are you gonna do that?”
“Well, I’m not quite sure. I haven’t gotten that far yet.”

Game 3 of the World Series is tonight. Just about a must-win for the Cards.

Hottie alert: Misty May & Kerri Walsh on Leno tonight, in a repeat.

“You left my heart as empty as a Monday morning church. It used to be so full of faith and now it only hurts. And I can heart the devil whisper things are only getting worse. You left my heart as empty, as a Monday morning church…”

October 26, 2004 at 10:55 am 3 comments

Are you dressing up for Halloween?

I think the worst part about being a fly would be if you flew inside someone’s car and they went on a long trip. When you finally get out of there, you’re hundreds of miles from home. And you only have a life expectancy of like a day anyway, so you’re probably never gonna see your family again.


So who’s dressing up? What are you gonna be? Who’s going to a party? I told myself last year that I’d definitely dress up as Nelly this year, if I dressed up. Someone also suggested Steve-O. I guess I could slap on a leopard-print thong and go with it. Either way, I’ll be sure to post pictures.

Alabama Invasion

I love history. I found this interesting: Military Planned Alabama Invasion

20,000 troops? Ha! It would’ve taken a lot more than that to defeat the Alabama militia.

Hurts to say

Root canal, catheter, torn achilles’ tendon, vasectomy… some things hurt just to say. Dad had a colonoscopy yesterday. Ouch. I’m sure he appreciates me telling the world about it. Everything looked OK, apparently, but he’s still awaiting some test results.

The rest of the story

Had dinner at Logan’s last night. This is quickly becoming a second hangout. The food is usually good. The servers have all quickly learned the correct procedures (free soft drinks, free salads, sit down and chat, etc.). And, maybe most importantly, no obvious freaks working there.

Called and talked to the proud new dad last night. They’re supposed to be coming home today:

“It’s pretty neat.”

“Yeah, I’ll have to get me one of those.”

“How are you gonna do that?”

“Well, I’m not quite sure. I haven’t gotten that far yet.”

Game 3 of the World Series is tonight. Just about a must-win for the Cards.

Hottie alert: Misty May & Kerri Walsh on Leno tonight, in a repeat.

“You left my heart as empty as a Monday morning church. It used to be so full of faith and now it only hurts. And I can heart the devil whisper things are only getting worse. You left my heart as empty, as a Monday morning church…”

October 26, 2004 at 10:55 am Leave a comment

In a van down by the river

It is just me, or is the World Series just a wee bit anti-climatic after that Yankees/Red Sox series? I mean, obviously not to SL or Red Sox fans. But to the general baseball fan. It’s kinda like the old Cowboy/49er NFC Championship games. You always wished they could meet in the Super Bowl. Or like Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi in the semifinals of the US Open. Sure you want them to win the finals, but it can’t live up to the semifinal. Or it’d be kinda like me going out with Charlize Theron, then having a date with some girl I’ve always wanted to go out with my whole life. I mean, sure this girl is nice, but I’ve already been out with Charlize. Ya know?

Seinfeld Trivia
What book is Newman reading while Kramer soaks in the hot tub after getting sunburned? (Hint: It was also a movie.)

Friday’s answer was Latvian Orthodox. (“The Conversion”) George even cheated on his conversion test, but in the end it wasn’t enough. His girlfriend tells him she’s not ready for a commitment because she’s planning to spend a year in Latvia.

Motivationally speaking
“Now you kids are probably thinking, hey I’m gonna go out there and get the world by the tail, wrap it around, pull it down, and put it in your pocket. But I’m here to tell you that as you go out there, that you’re probably gonna find out that you’re not gonna amount to JACK SQUAT!!” ROFL

Oh man, every school kid should hear that speech. That is my favorite SNL skit, I think, ever… motivational speaker Matt Foley. I bought the best of Chris Farley the other night at Best Buy and watched it last night.

Sunday nights
There’s something about Sundays, especially Sunday nights, that feel lonesome to me. (Feels like I’ve blogged this before.) I suppose part of it is that the weekend is ending. The end of something is often sad. There’s not as much to do on Sunday nights, and no matter how much you find to do, you can’t put off Monday. But it’s more than that. I can’t explain it. I’m not even completely sure why it feels like that, but Sunday nights always leave me with a lonesome, melancholy, terminal feeling.

Bone’s financial advice
Kyle was carrying around 3 DVD’s the other night and as we were getting ready to leave, he put them down and was like, “Eh, I don’t need to buy these.”
So I responded with the following financial advice. Feel free to apply it to your own life:
“Sure you can. Just pretend you had a date tonight, and this is the money you would have spent on her.”
“Hmmm… OK.”
“See? That’s the good thing about being single.”

“I’m no good just believing in someone else. Would you think I were weak if I just break down? Oh no, it’s coming on again. Hold on, it won’t take long. Blue Monday, it’s a big Monday ahead…”

October 25, 2004 at 1:25 pm 3 comments

In a van down by the river

It is just me, or is the World Series just a wee bit anti-climatic after that Yankees/Red Sox series? I mean, obviously not to SL or Red Sox fans. But to the general baseball fan. It’s kinda like the old Cowboy/49er NFC Championship games. You always wished they could meet in the Super Bowl. Or like Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi in the semifinals of the US Open. Sure you want them to win the finals, but it can’t live up to the semifinal. Or it’d be kinda like me going out with Charlize Theron, then having a date with some girl I’ve always wanted to go out with my whole life. I mean, sure this girl is nice, but I’ve already been out with Charlize. Ya know?

Seinfeld Trivia

What book is Newman reading while Kramer soaks in the hot tub after getting sunburned? (Hint: It was also a movie.)

Friday’s answer was Latvian Orthodox. (“The Conversion”) George even cheated on his conversion test, but in the end it wasn’t enough. His girlfriend tells him she’s not ready for a commitment because she’s planning to spend a year in Latvia.

Motivationally speaking

“Now you kids are probably thinking, hey I’m gonna go out there and get the world by the tail, wrap it around, pull it down, and put it in your pocket. But I’m here to tell you that as you go out there, that you’re probably gonna find out that you’re not gonna amount to JACK SQUAT!!” ROFL

Oh man, every school kid should hear that speech. That is my favorite SNL skit, I think, ever… motivational speaker Matt Foley. I bought the best of Chris Farley the other night at Best Buy and watched it last night.

Sunday nights

There’s something about Sundays, especially Sunday nights, that feel lonesome to me. (Feels like I’ve blogged this before.) I suppose part of it is that the weekend is ending. The end of something is often sad. There’s not as much to do on Sunday nights, and no matter how much you find to do, you can’t put off Monday. But it’s more than that. I can’t explain it. I’m not even completely sure why it feels like that, but Sunday nights always leave me with a lonesome, melancholy, terminal feeling.

Bone’s financial advice

Kyle was carrying around 3 DVD’s the other night and as we were getting ready to leave, he put them down and was like, “Eh, I don’t need to buy these.”

So I responded with the following financial advice. Feel free to apply it to your own life:

“Sure you can. Just pretend you had a date tonight, and this is the money you would have spent on her.”

“Hmmm… OK.”

“See? That’s the good thing about being single.”

“I’m no good just believing in someone else. Would you think I were weak if I just break down? Oh no, it’s coming on again. Hold on, it won’t take long. Blue Monday, it’s a big Monday ahead…”

October 25, 2004 at 1:25 pm Leave a comment

Stupid, sorry people

Here’s the story about the wreck I saw yesterday. I knew it. He never had a chance.

Wreck Leaves One Dead, Alcohol Involved

October 25, 2004 at 1:22 pm Leave a comment

Stupid, sorry people

Here’s the story about the wreck I saw yesterday. I knew it. He never had a chance.

Wreck Leaves One Dead, Alcohol Involved

October 25, 2004 at 1:22 pm Leave a comment

Meme meme meme me!

1. Blackout:: New York
2. Platinum:: record
3. Leather and lace:: Silk and Saddle
4. Court:: TV
5. Mind your own business:: Hank Williams Sr.
6. Gambling:: Kenny Rogers
7. Lily:: Susan Ross
8. Evasive:: Maneuver
9. Turn-on:: turn-off
10. Suspect:: usual
(from unconscious mutterings)

Kramer: “Hey! George, Lily.”
Susan: “No. Susan.”
Kramer: “No, no. It’s Lily.”
Susan: “I think I know my own name.”
George: “It’s Susan.”
Kramer (confused): “Well, you look like a Lily.”

Hey, if you’re looking for something to spruce up your blog for the holidays… or just something to make it slightly more interesting, check out the Memes List. I’ll post a permanent link to it.

“Cos it’s all in my head, I think about it over and over again. I can’t keep picturing you with him, and it hurts so bad…”

October 25, 2004 at 9:15 am Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
October 2004

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