Archive for October 20, 2004

The Ultimate 80’s Quiz!

Wow, those are some great questions. You gotta take this one! It’s 100 questions, so clear out a little time. I didn’t do as well on this as I did on the 80’s lyrics quiz a few months back. The movie part really killed me. I don’t know movies near as well as I know music. I never saw half of those. So, are you stuck in the 80’s more than I am? Can you beat 60 out of 100? Take it for yourself:

The Ultimate 80’s Quiz (from Liquid Generation)

“Don’t say you’re easy on me. You’re about as easy as a nuclear war. There’s a dream that strings the road, with broken glass for us to hold. And I got so far before I had to say, please please tell me now, is there something I should know? Is there something I should say…”

October 20, 2004 at 9:32 am 3 comments

The Ultimate 80’s Quiz!

Wow, those are some great questions. You gotta take this one! It’s 100 questions, so clear out a little time. I didn’t do as well on this as I did on the 80’s lyrics quiz a few months back. The movie part really killed me. I don’t know movies near as well as I know music. I never saw half of those. So, are you stuck in the 80’s more than I am? Can you beat 60 out of 100? Take it for yourself:

The Ultimate 80’s Quiz (from Liquid Generation)

“Don’t say you’re easy on me. You’re about as easy as a nuclear war. There’s a dream that strings the road, with broken glass for us to hold. And I got so far before I had to say, please please tell me now, is there something I should know? Is there something I should say…”

October 20, 2004 at 9:32 am Leave a comment

It’s been a year…

Remember this guy? It’s been one year today since he actually did what I’m sure so many of us have thought of doing before.

Love this part… “On Dec. 18, Jones paid $500 (Canadian) in fines and was barred from Canada for a year.” Boy, that’ll show him. Can you imagine not being able to go to Canada for a whole year? Here’s what I wrote about it when it happened.

“Thunderbolts and lightning. Very, very frightening. Me! Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, figaro, magnifico! I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me. He’s just a poor boy from a poor family.”

October 20, 2004 at 9:31 am Leave a comment

It’s been a year…

Remember this guy? It’s been one year today since he actually did what I’m sure so many of us have thought of doing before.

Love this part… “On Dec. 18, Jones paid $500 (Canadian) in fines and was barred from Canada for a year.” Boy, that’ll show him. Can you imagine not being able to go to Canada for a whole year? Here’s what I wrote about it when it happened.

“Thunderbolts and lightning. Very, very frightening. Me! Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, figaro, magnifico! I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me. He’s just a poor boy from a poor family.”

October 20, 2004 at 9:31 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
October 2004

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