Long sleeves and hot chocolate…

October 13, 2004 at 2:45 pm 3 comments

The chilly weather has arrived!

Boo! Posted by Hello

What is this?
a) Time remaining until the end of the world.
b) Ratio of guys to girls on any given night at The Brick.
c) My personal best time in the mile.

The answer? Well, actually, it would be none of the above. That is my new ultra-luminescent alarm clock, which also serves as a reading light, and kills mosquitos as well. Figured I’d give you some idea of what I wake up to each morning, although it’s hard to get an idea of how bright it is on here. I actually took this picture from across the room ;-)

Other randomness
-Seems like we went right from using the AC to using the heat, overnight. Literally. I need some solid cool, moderate, utility-bill-reducing time.

-I saw a bluebird today, which caused me to think of the song, Winter Wonderland. I’ve always wondered, what the crap kind of bird is a new bird?

-Remember when Kyle had two blogs?

-No solid ideas yet for my 50,000-word novel. See? That’s the hardest part, coming up with an idea. Filling 200 pages with interesting and creative writing and unexpected plot-twists, that’s all secondary. Thus the phrase, a “novel” idea.

Last, and least
Julie Kelly (yes, Julie Kelly) won the WPBA’s Canadian Classic Sunday, beating Allison 7-4 in the finals. Bob Corr finished third, allowing Allison to maintain her #1 ranking. Newcomer Hsin Huang also made the TV matches, finishing 4th. Check out the WPBA site for more. It’s probably good for the game that someone other than Alli or Karen finally won one. Taking an overview, I don’t think it’s any coincidence that Allison has won both times at the Delta Classic, which I attended. Do you? ;-)

“The running and the races, the people and the places, there’s always somewhere else I had to be. And time gets slim, my old friend…”

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Long sleeves and hot chocolate… Times, they are a-changin’

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Jeremy  |  October 13, 2004 at 6:23 pm

    Hey, your wish is my command….see blog for more! and comment for me….it makes me look better! Jeremy

  • 2. Bone  |  October 13, 2004 at 8:56 pm

    Are you talking about a Brad and Jennifer update? OK, I’m on my way now to read it.

    Dude, I comment all the time. You get more comments than almost anyone I know. lol

  • 3. Anonymous  |  October 14, 2004 at 6:25 pm

    hey bonester whats the ratio to guys to girls on thursday nights at the brick what lol . your secret admirer move over russian bride what rofl luv u anyway

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
October 2004

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