Archive for September, 2004

The last day of Wreck-tember

I just love that insurance commercial (not sure the company), but the guy is like, “And then there’s September, which I like to refer to as Wreck-tember.” That’s my kind of humor.

Tonight’s entry is brought to you by the letter R and the number 4.

R is for random. It’s all random. It’s all good.
One more day to go on the cell phone fast. I’m like Hakeem Olajuwon during Ramadan over here. Or not like that at all. Whichever.

Went to Wal-Mart today after work. While looking at the toys, I remember pondering, “Is the Etch-a-Sketch the only thing Ohio Art ever gave us?” I mean, it was nice, but did they not try some other things? Well, I’m glad I asked. Here are some lesser-known Ohio Art projects:
1. Etch-a-tatoo
2. Etch-a-visa
3. Etch-a-diploma
4. Etch-a-blood-test
5. Etch-a-dollar

Bought a card and a couple of gifts for Mom today. Her birthday is Sunday. Then went to Rhino and finally bought Tecmo Super Bowl (Marv Albert voice:”Yes!!”), since I did get paid today :-) Hmm, I should take a picture of that and post a screen shot for your enjoyment.

Among the more disturbing things I could tell you about myself (and there are many) is that I actually called in Sunday night to vote on the new Danny Partridge on VH-1. Ugh. I did. I called in to vote. How sad is that. What happened to me? I used to be cool. Sure, not in a popular sort of way, but in an Eric Foreman kind of way.

A lot of songs get stuck in my head for no apparent reason. “Carol of the Bells” gets stuck in my head all the freakin’ time, as those who know me will readily attest, I’m sure. For some reason, that “Time of My Life” song from Dirty Dancing or whatever also gets stuck in my head a lot, too. Weirdness.

Little Old Lady From Pasadena?
Finally, as I was turning into the BAM/Office Depot shopping center today, something frightening was awaiting me. For those who aren’t from around here, let me explain how the parking lot is set up. There are two lanes going in and two lanes going out, and they are divided by a raised, grassy median with trees on it, so once you choose your side, that’s it. Well, as I turned in, there was this little old lady coming right at me at 7 miles per hour, going the wrong way. I wish I would’ve had my camera to take pictures of the turmoil she caused, as it was about 3:30 PM in Decatur.

“If you hear teardrops, falling like rain on the rooftops. If you don’t know what you’re listening to, this is me missing you. If you see lonely, clear skies turning stormy. Lightning strikes and all you see is blue. This is me missing you…”

September 30, 2004 at 10:38 pm Leave a comment

The last day of Wreck-tember

I just love that insurance commercial (not sure the company), but the guy is like, “And then there’s September, which I like to refer to as Wreck-tember.” That’s my kind of humor.

Tonight’s entry is brought to you by the letter R and the number 4.

R is for random. It’s all random. It’s all good.

One more day to go on the cell phone fast. I’m like Hakeem Olajuwon during Ramadan over here. Or not like that at all. Whichever.

Went to Wal-Mart today after work. While looking at the toys, I remember pondering, “Is the Etch-a-Sketch the only thing Ohio Art ever gave us?” I mean, it was nice, but did they not try some other things? Well, I’m glad I asked. Here are some lesser-known Ohio Art projects:

1. Etch-a-tatoo

2. Etch-a-visa

3. Etch-a-diploma

4. Etch-a-blood-test

5. Etch-a-dollar

Bought a card and a couple of gifts for Mom today. Her birthday is Sunday. Then went to Rhino and finally bought Tecmo Super Bowl (Marv Albert voice:”Yes!!”), since I did get paid today :-) Hmm, I should take a picture of that and post a screen shot for your enjoyment.

Among the more disturbing things I could tell you about myself (and there are many) is that I actually called in Sunday night to vote on the new Danny Partridge on VH-1. Ugh. I did. I called in to vote. How sad is that. What happened to me? I used to be cool. Sure, not in a popular sort of way, but in an Eric Foreman kind of way.

A lot of songs get stuck in my head for no apparent reason. “Carol of the Bells” gets stuck in my head all the freakin’ time, as those who know me will readily attest, I’m sure. For some reason, that “Time of My Life” song from Dirty Dancing or whatever also gets stuck in my head a lot, too. Weirdness.

Little Old Lady From Pasadena?

Finally, as I was turning into the BAM/Office Depot shopping center today, something frightening was awaiting me. For those who aren’t from around here, let me explain how the parking lot is set up. There are two lanes going in and two lanes going out, and they are divided by a raised, grassy median with trees on it, so once you choose your side, that’s it. Well, as I turned in, there was this little old lady coming right at me at 7 miles per hour, going the wrong way. I wish I would’ve had my camera to take pictures of the turmoil she caused, as it was about 3:30 PM in Decatur.

“If you hear teardrops, falling like rain on the rooftops. If you don’t know what you’re listening to, this is me missing you. If you see lonely, clear skies turning stormy. Lightning strikes and all you see is blue. This is me missing you…”

September 30, 2004 at 10:38 pm Leave a comment

I’d store it in boxes…

I’ll tell you what, if Microsoft had like a WeatherShare program or something, I would surely send you all a big file of the wonderful weather we’re having here this evening. It’s soo nice and cool, maybe the perfect time of the year. Nights like this just make me want to drive around for hours with the windows rolled down, thinking, listening to the radio, and singing along. Of course, gas prices of $1.89 per gallon make that unwise, if not unfeasible.

Coming home from church tonight, the 80’s station played “Sweet Child Of Mine.” So I did what I do everytime I hear that song. (Apparently, it is now part of my learned behavior.) I rolled the window all the way down, turned the radio up full blast, pulled out my air guitar, sped up about 30 miles an hour, and did my best Axel Rose imitation at the top of my lungs. What a perfect night for one of my favorite songs to come on the radio. I love it when little stuff like that happens. And even though I have the CD, it’s just more enjoyable when the radio plays a favorite song. Why is that? I guess maybe because it’s unexpected. A little surprise.

Anywho, the weather is here, wish you were beautiful ;-)
I have to be up in less than six hours. So, good night.

“There’s something about this time of year, that spins my head around. Takes me back, makes me wonder, what’s she doin’ now?”

September 29, 2004 at 11:44 pm Leave a comment

I’d store it in boxes…

I’ll tell you what, if Microsoft had like a WeatherShare program or something, I would surely send you all a big file of the wonderful weather we’re having here this evening. It’s soo nice and cool, maybe the perfect time of the year. Nights like this just make me want to drive around for hours with the windows rolled down, thinking, listening to the radio, and singing along. Of course, gas prices of $1.89 per gallon make that unwise, if not unfeasible.

Coming home from church tonight, the 80’s station played “Sweet Child Of Mine.” So I did what I do everytime I hear that song. (Apparently, it is now part of my learned behavior.) I rolled the window all the way down, turned the radio up full blast, pulled out my air guitar, sped up about 30 miles an hour, and did my best Axel Rose imitation at the top of my lungs. What a perfect night for one of my favorite songs to come on the radio. I love it when little stuff like that happens. And even though I have the CD, it’s just more enjoyable when the radio plays a favorite song. Why is that? I guess maybe because it’s unexpected. A little surprise.

Anywho, the weather is here, wish you were beautiful ;-)

I have to be up in less than six hours. So, good night.

“There’s something about this time of year, that spins my head around. Takes me back, makes me wonder, what’s she doin’ now?”

September 29, 2004 at 11:44 pm Leave a comment

555-FILK and Incidental Milk?

“What’s filk?”
“Filk’s nothing.”
“But 555-FILM is movie phone.”

Greetings, salutations, shalom…
What does your phone number spell?
There’s a neat little site to mess around on, or if you’re getting a new number or business line or something. My number didn’t really spell much. The last four digits of my home number spell HiFi. K’s number was ###-PECK. Tee hee.

I’ve been searching around online. Looks like good ol’ has the cheapest pre-order price for the Seinfeld DVD Gift Set. $77.86. Which is a few cents cheaper than They’re $77.97. Plus Wal-Mart has the low price guarantee. Can’t beat that. 80 bucks for the first three seasons, plus all the extras, is definitely worth it to me. Although some guy named Brody can supposedly cut me a deal on some bootleg copies. He’s quite a character.

Speaking of Seinfeld, I just noticed this message yesterday on my Junior Mints: “Allergen Information: Manufactured on shared equipment with milk-containing products. Incidental milk may be present.”

Incidental milk? What the crap? There’s a new catch phrase. Try to work that into your daily conversation. “Excuse me, ma’am, but I believe you’ve got some incidental milk there on your shirt.” Besides, I’m lactose-intolerant. (OK, not really.) But basically what they’re saying is that we manufacture other things on the same conveyor, which is probably not really very clean in the first place, so there’s no telling what’s in your mints. That’s probably what makes them so minty.

“I’ve been searching high, high, high. I’ve been searching low. Ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba, baby, don’t forget my number. Ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba, baby, love is stronger than thunder…”

September 29, 2004 at 10:54 am 3 comments

555-FILK and Incidental Milk?

“What’s filk?”

“Filk’s nothing.”

“But 555-FILM is movie phone.”

Greetings, salutations, shalom…

What does your phone number spell?

There’s a neat little site to mess around on, or if you’re getting a new number or business line or something. My number didn’t really spell much. The last four digits of my home number spell HiFi. K’s number was ###-PECK. Tee hee.

I’ve been searching around online. Looks like good ol’ has the cheapest pre-order price for the Seinfeld DVD Gift Set. $77.86. Which is a few cents cheaper than They’re $77.97. Plus Wal-Mart has the low price guarantee. Can’t beat that. 80 bucks for the first three seasons, plus all the extras, is definitely worth it to me. Although some guy named Brody can supposedly cut me a deal on some bootleg copies. He’s quite a character.

Speaking of Seinfeld, I just noticed this message yesterday on my Junior Mints: “Allergen Information: Manufactured on shared equipment with milk-containing products. Incidental milk may be present.”

Incidental milk? What the crap? There’s a new catch phrase. Try to work that into your daily conversation. “Excuse me, ma’am, but I believe you’ve got some incidental milk there on your shirt.” Besides, I’m lactose-intolerant. (OK, not really.) But basically what they’re saying is that we manufacture other things on the same conveyor, which is probably not really very clean in the first place, so there’s no telling what’s in your mints. That’s probably what makes them so minty.

“I’ve been searching high, high, high. I’ve been searching low. Ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba, baby, don’t forget my number. Ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba, baby, love is stronger than thunder…”

September 29, 2004 at 10:54 am 1 comment

It’s getting easier to stalk me…

Thanks to Deanna (I think), who submitted my photo to the Allison Fisher website. Well, it’s up, on the fan page. Check it out.

I guess it’s only a matter of time now. Or something.

“She rocked out to Wham! Not a big Limp Bizkit fan…”

September 28, 2004 at 2:47 pm 2 comments

It’s getting easier to stalk me…

Thanks to Deanna (I think), who submitted my photo to the Allison Fisher website. Well, it’s up, on the fan page. Check it out.

I guess it’s only a matter of time now. Or something.

“She rocked out to Wham! Not a big Limp Bizkit fan…”

September 28, 2004 at 2:47 pm Leave a comment

Cell Phone Compton

If you know the difference between Slippery Pete and Prickly Pete, then we should be friends ;-)

How ’bout them Cowboys:
Not much going on around here. Enjoyed a relaxing evening at home last night. Watched the Cowboys beat the ‘Skins 21-18! Wow, that first quarter took a little over an hour. Watched the second ep of “Listen Up” before that. It was pretty good.

15 Minutes To Go:
Why did I still get like five calls on my cell phone yesterday after blogging that I could not answer? lol I managed to only use one minute yesterday, so I have 15 with 4 days to go. Oh, go ahead, laugh it up. But this is how it was in the old days, before 1000 anytime minutes. Back in the mid-90s, my mother only had 30 minutes a month. Total! So that’s how I grew up. It was like Cell Phone Compton. Sure, it was tough, but it has well prepared me for weeks like this. I can see me telling my kids, “When I was growing up, we didn’t even have camera phones.”

Misty May I:
I thought I would share with you a few chicks that I try to catch whenever they’re on TV, some that maybe aren’t so obvious, just because:
Misty May – Or Misty May I, as I like to say. (I’m not even sure what that means.)
Maria Sharapova – You already know about us.. er, her.
Olivia d’Abo – Ever since I saw The Big Green, I’ve been entranced. “Her bouquet cleaved his hardened shell, and fondled his muscled heart.”
Stephnie Weir – I know most of you will probably think this is weird. She can look a little strange, but sometimes she looks really hot, and there’s more to her than just looks. Plus, a chick with a sense of humor is hot anyway.

Are you offended when I say “chick”? Oh yeah, I picked up Springsteen’s Born In The USA at Wal-Mart Saturday for $9.72. I only had the cassette. lol So, lots of Boss lyrics in the coming days, I’m sure.

“We just sit around talking about the old times. She says when she feels like crying, she’s start laughing. Laughing about glory days…”

September 28, 2004 at 9:02 am 1 comment

Cell Phone Compton

If you know the difference between Slippery Pete and Prickly Pete, then we should be friends ;-)

How ’bout them Cowboys:

Not much going on around here. Enjoyed a relaxing evening at home last night. Watched the Cowboys beat the ‘Skins 21-18! Wow, that first quarter took a little over an hour. Watched the second ep of “Listen Up” before that. It was pretty good.

15 Minutes To Go:

Why did I still get like five calls on my cell phone yesterday after blogging that I could not answer? lol I managed to only use one minute yesterday, so I have 15 with 4 days to go. Oh, go ahead, laugh it up. But this is how it was in the old days, before 1000 anytime minutes. Back in the mid-90s, my mother only had 30 minutes a month. Total! So that’s how I grew up. It was like Cell Phone Compton. Sure, it was tough, but it has well prepared me for weeks like this. I can see me telling my kids, “When I was growing up, we didn’t even have camera phones.”

Misty May I:

I thought I would share with you a few chicks that I try to catch whenever they’re on TV, some that maybe aren’t so obvious, just because:

Misty May – Or Misty May I, as I like to say. (I’m not even sure what that means.)

Maria Sharapova – You already know about us.. er, her.

Olivia d’Abo – Ever since I saw The Big Green, I’ve been entranced. “Her bouquet cleaved his hardened shell, and fondled his muscled heart.”

Stephnie Weir – I know most of you will probably think this is weird. She can look a little strange, but sometimes she looks really hot, and there’s more to her than just looks. Plus, a chick with a sense of humor is hot anyway.

Are you offended when I say “chick”? Oh yeah, I picked up Springsteen’s Born In The USA at Wal-Mart Saturday for $9.72. I only had the cassette. lol So, lots of Boss lyrics in the coming days, I’m sure.

“We just sit around talking about the old times. She says when she feels like crying, she’s start laughing. Laughing about glory days…”

September 28, 2004 at 9:02 am Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
September 2004

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