Archive for August, 2004

Where Were You?

I thought this was a neat little thing. Makes you think back.

Where were you when…

1. President Kennedy was shot. (11/22/1963)
I was not born. However, as many of you know, I am very interested in this event and most anything JFK. The video is the most haunting thing I have ever seen, every time I watch it, still to this day. I don’t know why.

2. Elvis died. (8/16/1977)
I do not remember this at all. I was 4 years old, and I’m sure my Mom cried.

3. Mt. St. Helen’s erupted. (5/18/1980)
I don’t know where I was, but I do remember seeing it on TV at some point. The thing I remember is how the ash cloud appeared to be billowing up so very slowly, when in reality it was so powerful and spreading so quickly.

4. John Lennon was shot. (12/8/1980)
Don’t remember. I’m sure my Dad remembers.

5. Ronald Reagan was shot. (3/31/1981)
I was in school. I believe I was in second grade. Anyway, Mom had come to pick me up from school and when I got out to the car, it had just happened and she told me about it. I ran back inside to tell my teacher, but she wouldn’t believe me. Well, I said “The President’s been killed” (rather than shot). Anyway, she apologized the next day to me. :-P

6. The space shuttle Challenger exploded. (1/28/1986)
I was in 7th grade, sitting in Mr. Hare’s science class. Mr. Givens, the sixth grade science teacher, came in the room and told us. Within a couple of minutes, we had a TV in there and were watching the news.

7. The Chernobyl meltdown occurred in the Soviet Union. (4/26/1986)
I don’t remember where I was, but I do remember this story on the news. I was 13. I remember thinking and wondering if the radiation cloud would reach the United States.

8. The earthquake hit San Francisco during the World Series. (10/7/1989)
I am pretty sure I was watching this when it started, but not positive. The thing I remember the most, unfortunately, was Al Michaels, who seems to be an expert on everything, enlightening us with his vast quake knowledge. Ugh. That, and the crumbled freeways.

9. Terrorists bombed the World Trade Center. (2/26/1993)
I don’t remember this much at all. Have no idea where I was. Just saw it on the news. Didn’t seem real significant to me then, for some reason.

10. The OJ Simpson White Bronco chase occurred. (6/17/1994)
Naturally, I was watching the NBA Finals, when they were unceremoniously interrupted. I remember being glued to the TV and wondering why the cops were all staying so far behind, when they only appeared to be traveling 30-40 miles per hour. For days I remember thinking there’s no way this football star could’ve committed murder. Obviously, my opinion had completely changed once the evidence started coming out.

11. The federal building in Oklahoma City was bombed. (4/19/1995)
I don’t remember where I was. Just remember watching the news.

12. Princess Diana was killed. (8/31/1997)
I remember it was late night here. I think it was a Sunday. I can’t remember if Bobbie and I had gone out or she had come over. I was living where I live now. I don’t remember if we watched it together, or if we talked on the phone about it, but I remember watching it well into the night. I remember seeing it as soon as it broke and thinking for the longest that maybe she’d be OK :-(

13. Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon. (9/11/2001)
I was sleeping. Woke up to my radio alarm and everything just sort of slowly sank in as I came out of my haze. It was so unreal, like a dream, but I couldn’t wake up. I turned on the TV just before the second tower was hit and, like most everyone else, stayed glued to the TV for most of the rest of the day.

14. The space shuttle Columbia disintegrated on re-entry. (2/1/2003)
Ah, I was in Memphis, visiting Tiffany. I will always remember that weekend, because I had just had my wreck the night before. I woke up to the news that the shuttle was missing, and soon afterward knew that it had disintegrated.

OK, I added two of my own:
15. Bear Bryant died. (1/26/1983)
Again, I don’t remember where I was when this happened. The only thing I remember about this was watching the funeral procession on television and the streets lined with thousands of people, and seeing a couple of the players or former players speaking, I guess at the funeral. Anyway, if you want to see a grown man cry, show me anything about Bear’s death.

16. Payne Stewart’s plane crashed. (10/25/99)
I don’t know why I remember this, but I do. I always will. It was just eerie. The plane was just flying on its own, with everyone aboard apparently unconscious. I was working in Cullman. A few of us had gone to lunch and one of the guys had heard this on the radio on the way over. So they flipped on a TV in the restaurant and we watched it. It was also the first time I ever knew there was a Fox News channel. Seemed like such an oxymoron to me.

So looking back, in reality, I only actually remember precisely where I was when about half of these events occurred. So when you talk about events that you’ll always remember where you were when they happened, are they really? Well, ask yourself these questions and see if you remember.

“Did you open your eyes and hope it never happened? Close your eyes and not go to sleep? Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages? Speak with some stranger on the street?”

August 31, 2004 at 11:44 am Leave a comment

Where Were You?

I thought this was a neat little thing. Makes you think back.

Where were you when…

1. President Kennedy was shot. (11/22/1963)

I was not born. However, as many of you know, I am very interested in this event and most anything JFK. The video is the most haunting thing I have ever seen, every time I watch it, still to this day. I don’t know why.

2. Elvis died. (8/16/1977)

I do not remember this at all. I was 4 years old, and I’m sure my Mom cried.

3. Mt. St. Helen’s erupted. (5/18/1980)

I don’t know where I was, but I do remember seeing it on TV at some point. The thing I remember is how the ash cloud appeared to be billowing up so very slowly, when in reality it was so powerful and spreading so quickly.

4. John Lennon was shot. (12/8/1980)

Don’t remember. I’m sure my Dad remembers.

5. Ronald Reagan was shot. (3/31/1981)

I was in school. I believe I was in second grade. Anyway, Mom had come to pick me up from school and when I got out to the car, it had just happened and she told me about it. I ran back inside to tell my teacher, but she wouldn’t believe me. Well, I said “The President’s been killed” (rather than shot). Anyway, she apologized the next day to me. :-P

6. The space shuttle Challenger exploded. (1/28/1986)

I was in 7th grade, sitting in Mr. Hare’s science class. Mr. Givens, the sixth grade science teacher, came in the room and told us. Within a couple of minutes, we had a TV in there and were watching the news.

7. The Chernobyl meltdown occurred in the Soviet Union. (4/26/1986)

I don’t remember where I was, but I do remember this story on the news. I was 13. I remember thinking and wondering if the radiation cloud would reach the United States.

8. The earthquake hit San Francisco during the World Series. (10/7/1989)

I am pretty sure I was watching this when it started, but not positive. The thing I remember the most, unfortunately, was Al Michaels, who seems to be an expert on everything, enlightening us with his vast quake knowledge. Ugh. That, and the crumbled freeways.

9. Terrorists bombed the World Trade Center. (2/26/1993)

I don’t remember this much at all. Have no idea where I was. Just saw it on the news. Didn’t seem real significant to me then, for some reason.

10. The OJ Simpson White Bronco chase occurred. (6/17/1994)

Naturally, I was watching the NBA Finals, when they were unceremoniously interrupted. I remember being glued to the TV and wondering why the cops were all staying so far behind, when they only appeared to be traveling 30-40 miles per hour. For days I remember thinking there’s no way this football star could’ve committed murder. Obviously, my opinion had completely changed once the evidence started coming out.

11. The federal building in Oklahoma City was bombed. (4/19/1995)

I don’t remember where I was. Just remember watching the news.

12. Princess Diana was killed. (8/31/1997)

I remember it was late night here. I think it was a Sunday. I can’t remember if Bobbie and I had gone out or she had come over. I was living where I live now. I don’t remember if we watched it together, or if we talked on the phone about it, but I remember watching it well into the night. I remember seeing it as soon as it broke and thinking for the longest that maybe she’d be OK :-(

13. Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon. (9/11/2001)

I was sleeping. Woke up to my radio alarm and everything just sort of slowly sank in as I came out of my haze. It was so unreal, like a dream, but I couldn’t wake up. I turned on the TV just before the second tower was hit and, like most everyone else, stayed glued to the TV for most of the rest of the day.

14. The space shuttle Columbia disintegrated on re-entry. (2/1/2003)

Ah, I was in Memphis, visiting Tiffany. I will always remember that weekend, because I had just had my wreck the night before. I woke up to the news that the shuttle was missing, and soon afterward knew that it had disintegrated.

OK, I added two of my own:

15. Bear Bryant died. (1/26/1983)

Again, I don’t remember where I was when this happened. The only thing I remember about this was watching the funeral procession on television and the streets lined with thousands of people, and seeing a couple of the players or former players speaking, I guess at the funeral. Anyway, if you want to see a grown man cry, show me anything about Bear’s death.

16. Payne Stewart’s plane crashed. (10/25/99)

I don’t know why I remember this, but I do. I always will. It was just eerie. The plane was just flying on its own, with everyone aboard apparently unconscious. I was working in Cullman. A few of us had gone to lunch and one of the guys had heard this on the radio on the way over. So they flipped on a TV in the restaurant and we watched it. It was also the first time I ever knew there was a Fox News channel. Seemed like such an oxymoron to me.

So looking back, in reality, I only actually remember precisely where I was when about half of these events occurred. So when you talk about events that you’ll always remember where you were when they happened, are they really? Well, ask yourself these questions and see if you remember.

“Did you open your eyes and hope it never happened? Close your eyes and not go to sleep? Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages? Speak with some stranger on the street?”

August 31, 2004 at 11:44 am Leave a comment

Ronald McDonald for President

Well I finally got my shoe on. All by myself. I feel like I’m four years old or something. There was extreme pain and hurtation, however, trying to squeeze my now-size-14 foot into my size 12 shoe. It may be a day or two before I can wear it all day. But still. Now if I can only learn to tie them.

Something occurred this morning at work which I found a bit humorous. I had pulled in and was getting out to unlock the gate, because as I’ve referenced before, it’s like getting into Fort Knox, or at least the Branch Davidian compound (not that I would know what that is like). This guy just stops in the road behind my car, no stop sign, intersection or anything, just stops in the road. He rolls down his window and yells with a bit of a laugh, “I heard them saying you’d hurt your leg!!” I said, “Yeah!” Then he pulls off. I just found that funny. I have no idea who it was.

Looks like it’s a good thing we didn’t end up in New York this weekend, as I watched some of the protests and marches going on up there on C-Span. There must have been hundreds of thousands of people there… well, in addition to the usual 10 million or so. I was trying to pick out some of the more creative anti-Bush signs. There were a couple of good ones. Tell me why does this happen: Someone calls and asks what you’re doing. You say, “Just watching C-Span.” Immediately, they start to laugh. Why is that? I don’t understand. I tell you one thing, I never did understand why someone was carrying a giant Ronald McDonald statue down the street during the demonstrations. What is that supposed to mean? Are they comparing Bush to Ronald McDonald? Are they saying vote for Ronald, he’d be better than Bush? I dunno. Personally, as an RM fan myself, I don’t think Ronald should get involved in the political forum.

Well, I am looking forward to watching Dallas tonight on MNF, even if it is preseason. It will be good to get a look at the team. Of course, I may have to take a break around 8:00 to watch Justine Bateman: E! True Hollywood Story, as I am sure many of you will be doing as well.

“I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell. I know right now you can’t tell. But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see, a different side of me…”

August 30, 2004 at 6:52 pm 2 comments

Ronald McDonald for President

Well I finally got my shoe on. All by myself. I feel like I’m four years old or something. There was extreme pain and hurtation, however, trying to squeeze my now-size-14 foot into my size 12 shoe. It may be a day or two before I can wear it all day. But still. Now if I can only learn to tie them.

Something occurred this morning at work which I found a bit humorous. I had pulled in and was getting out to unlock the gate, because as I’ve referenced before, it’s like getting into Fort Knox, or at least the Branch Davidian compound (not that I would know what that is like). This guy just stops in the road behind my car, no stop sign, intersection or anything, just stops in the road. He rolls down his window and yells with a bit of a laugh, “I heard them saying you’d hurt your leg!!” I said, “Yeah!” Then he pulls off. I just found that funny. I have no idea who it was.

Looks like it’s a good thing we didn’t end up in New York this weekend, as I watched some of the protests and marches going on up there on C-Span. There must have been hundreds of thousands of people there… well, in addition to the usual 10 million or so. I was trying to pick out some of the more creative anti-Bush signs. There were a couple of good ones. Tell me why does this happen: Someone calls and asks what you’re doing. You say, “Just watching C-Span.” Immediately, they start to laugh. Why is that? I don’t understand. I tell you one thing, I never did understand why someone was carrying a giant Ronald McDonald statue down the street during the demonstrations. What is that supposed to mean? Are they comparing Bush to Ronald McDonald? Are they saying vote for Ronald, he’d be better than Bush? I dunno. Personally, as an RM fan myself, I don’t think Ronald should get involved in the political forum.

Well, I am looking forward to watching Dallas tonight on MNF, even if it is preseason. It will be good to get a look at the team. Of course, I may have to take a break around 8:00 to watch Justine Bateman: E! True Hollywood Story, as I am sure many of you will be doing as well.

“I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell. I know right now you can’t tell. But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see, a different side of me…”

August 30, 2004 at 6:52 pm Leave a comment

8-bit Insanity!!!

Well finding the ol’ Nintendo the other night sure brought back a lot of memories. The original game pad, two-buttons, start, select. What a system. Going from the Atari 2600 to the Nintendo was like going from scrubbing your clothes on a washboard to a brand new Whirlpool washing machine. Anyway, I decided it would only be fitting to come up with a list of my five favorite games on the Nintendo, at least that I can remember. So here you go (in no particular order):

1. Super Mario Bros. – Has to be the best throw-in game ever for any system. A classic, although it kinda got ruined once you learned the shortcuts, which cut out 80% of the game.
2. RBI Baseball – This is the game I used to stay up all night playing. Blistered my thumb multiple times on this one, even if there were only ten teams to choose from (BO, CA, DT, HO, MN, NY, SF, SL, NL, AL… I think. What?)
3. Commando – Nothing like running thru the desert, one lone guy, randomly tossing grenades here and there, and mowing down hundreds of enemy soldiers with your machine gun. I always found those motorcycle things kind of humorous though, cutting across the desert sand. What’s up with that? What’s that, you never got that far? Oh, too bad ;-)
4. 1942 – In this game, I was in World War II. I mean, really there, shooting down Zeroes and kamikazes left and right. I loved 1942 & 1943, but I thought the simpler 1942 was better. In 1942, if you got hit you nosedived into the Pacific Ocean. In 1943, you just lost a few energy points or something. Crash & burn, babee! Crash & burn!
5. Tecmo Super Bowl – I thought this was a pretty advanced Nintendo game. Every NFL team, season-long stats. This was an early precursor to the Madden games and the NCAA Football that so many guys and their girlfriends so thoroughly enjoy today.

Well, those are five of my favorites. Give me those five games, and I would probably still stay occupied for hours, however sad that may be.

“”I try to walk the sunny side of the street. Don’t let no shadows tangle up my feet. There ain’t no trouble that we can’t rise above, with a handful of faith and a heart full of love. Carry on. What don’t kill us makes us strong. Carry on…”

August 30, 2004 at 8:25 am Leave a comment

8-bit Insanity!!!

Well finding the ol’ Nintendo the other night sure brought back a lot of memories. The original game pad, two-buttons, start, select. What a system. Going from the Atari 2600 to the Nintendo was like going from scrubbing your clothes on a washboard to a brand new Whirlpool washing machine. Anyway, I decided it would only be fitting to come up with a list of my five favorite games on the Nintendo, at least that I can remember. So here you go (in no particular order):

1. Super Mario Bros. – Has to be the best throw-in game ever for any system. A classic, although it kinda got ruined once you learned the shortcuts, which cut out 80% of the game.

2. RBI Baseball – This is the game I used to stay up all night playing. Blistered my thumb multiple times on this one, even if there were only ten teams to choose from (BO, CA, DT, HO, MN, NY, SF, SL, NL, AL… I think. What?)

3. Commando – Nothing like running thru the desert, one lone guy, randomly tossing grenades here and there, and mowing down hundreds of enemy soldiers with your machine gun. I always found those motorcycle things kind of humorous though, cutting across the desert sand. What’s up with that? What’s that, you never got that far? Oh, too bad ;-)

4. 1942 – In this game, I was in World War II. I mean, really there, shooting down Zeroes and kamikazes left and right. I loved 1942 & 1943, but I thought the simpler 1942 was better. In 1942, if you got hit you nosedived into the Pacific Ocean. In 1943, you just lost a few energy points or something. Crash & burn, babee! Crash & burn!

5. Tecmo Super Bowl – I thought this was a pretty advanced Nintendo game. Every NFL team, season-long stats. This was an early precursor to the Madden games and the NCAA Football that so many guys and their girlfriends so thoroughly enjoy today.

Well, those are five of my favorites. Give me those five games, and I would probably still stay occupied for hours, however sad that may be.

“”I try to walk the sunny side of the street. Don’t let no shadows tangle up my feet. There ain’t no trouble that we can’t rise above, with a handful of faith and a heart full of love. Carry on. What don’t kill us makes us strong. Carry on…”

August 30, 2004 at 8:25 am Leave a comment

Rescue The Princess!

Maybe I should have asked the doctor, “How long until I can resume regular blogging?” Walking, running, softball, that’s all good and stuff, but let’s get down to what’s really important, right? Sorry for not posting for so long. I’ve been spending a lot of time lying on my back with my foot elevated. What joy. I’ll try to recap briefly some of what’s been going on the past few days. Some of you have had some really good lines that didn’t make it into the blog. They got left on the cutting room floor. Sorry, it’s a tough business.

I guess the most important thing that has happened over the past few days is that while going thru stuff for our yard sale, I ran across my old NES. Oh wow. If I had spent a tenth as much time working on a relationship as I did playing that thing, I’d have been married long ago. Well, I couldn’t find the power supply for it, so I’ve got to go buy one. (Sell it? Who said that? Have you lost it, man?) Anyway, Kyle came over Friday night to get a program from a wedding I helped film a few weeks ago and I showed it to him. So after we went to eat at the steak house, he took the NES home to play, because he has the power supply and adapter, but his system is messed up. That led to these random funnies:

“Actually, I’ve been playing Kid Icarus for a little while.”
“Wow, I never thought I’d hear that sentence after 1992.”

“I think there’s a whole in that bridge somewhere.””Oh.” (toss grenade, tunnel appears) “There it is.””Wow, I don’t know why I remember that.”

Remember when you’d get to the end of a level on Mario and it’d be like, “Thank you, Mario, but our princess is in another castle.” And the first time thru, you wondered if you were ever gonna get there, and how many castles there were. Hmm. I feel a new entry coming soon, Bone’s top five NES games. lol

Oh yea, my sister and I had a yard sale Friday and Saturday. I’d rate it a success. The whole thing was my idea. I talked her into it sometime around Monday or Tuesday, then injured myself Tuesday night. So she pretty much got stuck with setting it up and everything. But she was great about it. Got to see Shane and Melody last night. They were in town for Shane’s bday, which is today actually. Happy birthday!

Not a whole lot else has been going on around here. Like I said, spending a lot of time with my foot elevated, trying to reduce the swelling. I still could not get my shoe on, as of yesterday. So I’m a little concerned about that. Oh yeah, and I have to take baths. Hang my leg over the side of the tub so as not to get the bandage wet. Nice visual, I’m sure. I don’t care for baths. I mean, it’s disgusting. I’m sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth. I now think that one of the worst things in life would be having to have someone bathe you all the time. It is really amazing the things I take for granted. Walking. Yes, that’s a big one right there.

Well, enough wallowing for now. I tell you what though, it’s times like this when it would really, really pay off to be married. lol Take it from someone who knows… or someone who obviously has no clue. I guess I’m going to try and go back to work tomorrow. Oh, college football kicked off last night. I’m so ready for it! Hopefully, I will be healed up enough to go to the Bama game on Saturday. Well, I guess I’m gonna finish watching this Scooby Doo Meets Laurel & Hardy movie on Cartoon Network :-)

“Was I out of my head? Was I out of my mind? How could I have ever been so blind? I was waiting for an indication. It was hard to find. Don’t matter what I say, only what I do…”

August 29, 2004 at 11:56 am 1 comment

Rescue The Princess!

Maybe I should have asked the doctor, “How long until I can resume regular blogging?” Walking, running, softball, that’s all good and stuff, but let’s get down to what’s really important, right? Sorry for not posting for so long. I’ve been spending a lot of time lying on my back with my foot elevated. What joy. I’ll try to recap briefly some of what’s been going on the past few days. Some of you have had some really good lines that didn’t make it into the blog. They got left on the cutting room floor. Sorry, it’s a tough business.

I guess the most important thing that has happened over the past few days is that while going thru stuff for our yard sale, I ran across my old NES. Oh wow. If I had spent a tenth as much time working on a relationship as I did playing that thing, I’d have been married long ago. Well, I couldn’t find the power supply for it, so I’ve got to go buy one. (Sell it? Who said that? Have you lost it, man?) Anyway, Kyle came over Friday night to get a program from a wedding I helped film a few weeks ago and I showed it to him. So after we went to eat at the steak house, he took the NES home to play, because he has the power supply and adapter, but his system is messed up. That led to these random funnies:

“Actually, I’ve been playing Kid Icarus for a little while.”

“Wow, I never thought I’d hear that sentence after 1992.”

“I think there’s a whole in that bridge somewhere.””Oh.” (toss grenade, tunnel appears) “There it is.””Wow, I don’t know why I remember that.”

Remember when you’d get to the end of a level on Mario and it’d be like, “Thank you, Mario, but our princess is in another castle.” And the first time thru, you wondered if you were ever gonna get there, and how many castles there were. Hmm. I feel a new entry coming soon, Bone’s top five NES games. lol

Oh yea, my sister and I had a yard sale Friday and Saturday. I’d rate it a success. The whole thing was my idea. I talked her into it sometime around Monday or Tuesday, then injured myself Tuesday night. So she pretty much got stuck with setting it up and everything. But she was great about it. Got to see Shane and Melody last night. They were in town for Shane’s bday, which is today actually. Happy birthday!

Not a whole lot else has been going on around here. Like I said, spending a lot of time with my foot elevated, trying to reduce the swelling. I still could not get my shoe on, as of yesterday. So I’m a little concerned about that. Oh yeah, and I have to take baths. Hang my leg over the side of the tub so as not to get the bandage wet. Nice visual, I’m sure. I don’t care for baths. I mean, it’s disgusting. I’m sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth. I now think that one of the worst things in life would be having to have someone bathe you all the time. It is really amazing the things I take for granted. Walking. Yes, that’s a big one right there.

Well, enough wallowing for now. I tell you what though, it’s times like this when it would really, really pay off to be married. lol Take it from someone who knows… or someone who obviously has no clue. I guess I’m going to try and go back to work tomorrow. Oh, college football kicked off last night. I’m so ready for it! Hopefully, I will be healed up enough to go to the Bama game on Saturday. Well, I guess I’m gonna finish watching this Scooby Doo Meets Laurel & Hardy movie on Cartoon Network :-)

“Was I out of my head? Was I out of my mind? How could I have ever been so blind? I was waiting for an indication. It was hard to find. Don’t matter what I say, only what I do…”

August 29, 2004 at 11:56 am Leave a comment

This is kinda gross right here…

Left foot vs. right foot… Posted by Hello

OK, I probably just lost three or four readers with that pic. I’m not sure what all the swelling means, except that it’s probably closely related to the pain. lol

“He said, Son can you play me a memory. I’m not really sure how it goes. But it’s sad and it’s sweet, and I knew it complete, when I wore a younger man’s clothes…”

August 26, 2004 at 11:06 pm 5 comments

This is kinda gross right here…

Left foot vs. right foot… Posted by Hello

OK, I probably just lost three or four readers with that pic. I’m not sure what all the swelling means, except that it’s probably closely related to the pain. lol

“He said, Son can you play me a memory. I’m not really sure how it goes. But it’s sad and it’s sweet, and I knew it complete, when I wore a younger man’s clothes…”

August 26, 2004 at 11:06 pm Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
August 2004

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