Archive for July, 2004

Road trippin’

Sometimes I wonder why I’ve never, ever, ever seen a Mexican eating in a Mexican restaurant…

Yesterday, I was busier than Dick Cheney’s damage control team the day after he drops an F-bomb. I left work an hour early and got a lot done. Picked up my tux. Got Dad a birthday gift and got my sister a wedding card and gift. I wonder who started the idea of giving gifts for every imaginable occasion anyway. Dad got off work late, so I didn’t have time to take him out for birthday dinner before Bible study. After that, work didn’t take quite as long as usual because someone stole two of our boxes. Wow, someone needs a life.

Talked to Jonathan for a bit. He said he’d go with me if I want to go visit Barbara sometime. She is still undergoing treatments. What do you say in moments like that? I guess no one really knows, and your presence probably means more than any words. In other health news, Tiffany texted me again last night. They are having to do surgery on her today. I sure hope all goes well. And last, but not least, in today’s “News that’ll make you want to drop a lighted match into the recently filled gas tank of your vehicle,” I learned today that one of my ex-girlfriends, who I dated for two years, is planning to get married. Wedding is tentatively set for next April.

Speaking of road trips… what? There are several possibilites upcoming. Hopefully, we’ll get everything worked out for Labor Day Weekend (Sept. 3-7) in New York City. Otherwise, I’d like to go back to the beach, maybe just for the weekend, before the summer is too far gone. And I’d still like to go to Cincinnati, but it doesn’t look like I’m going to get anyone to go there with me, so that’s probably out. The other night, Michael was like, “I just bought a time-share in Branson, Missouri, if you ever want to go up there.” I was thinking, who suckered you into that? That sounded about as appealing to me as, “I know, honey, let’s honeymoon in Kuwait.” Also, after I sent Amy a belated birthday wish, she invited me back down to the lake house again. I can’t believe I have a friend with a lake house, a boat, and a jet ski, and I’ve been down there one time, ever. I’ll be satisfied if just the NYC trip comes thru.

“I guess you get used to somebody, kinda like having them around. I guess you get used to the way they make you happy, bring you up when you’re feeling down…”

July 22, 2004 at 8:18 am 2 comments

Road trippin’

Sometimes I wonder why I’ve never, ever, ever seen a Mexican eating in a Mexican restaurant…

Yesterday, I was busier than Dick Cheney’s damage control team the day after he drops an F-bomb. I left work an hour early and got a lot done. Picked up my tux. Got Dad a birthday gift and got my sister a wedding card and gift. I wonder who started the idea of giving gifts for every imaginable occasion anyway. Dad got off work late, so I didn’t have time to take him out for birthday dinner before Bible study. After that, work didn’t take quite as long as usual because someone stole two of our boxes. Wow, someone needs a life.

Talked to Jonathan for a bit. He said he’d go with me if I want to go visit Barbara sometime. She is still undergoing treatments. What do you say in moments like that? I guess no one really knows, and your presence probably means more than any words. In other health news, Tiffany texted me again last night. They are having to do surgery on her today. I sure hope all goes well. And last, but not least, in today’s “News that’ll make you want to drop a lighted match into the recently filled gas tank of your vehicle,” I learned today that one of my ex-girlfriends, who I dated for two years, is planning to get married. Wedding is tentatively set for next April.

Speaking of road trips… what? There are several possibilites upcoming. Hopefully, we’ll get everything worked out for Labor Day Weekend (Sept. 3-7) in New York City. Otherwise, I’d like to go back to the beach, maybe just for the weekend, before the summer is too far gone. And I’d still like to go to Cincinnati, but it doesn’t look like I’m going to get anyone to go there with me, so that’s probably out. The other night, Michael was like, “I just bought a time-share in Branson, Missouri, if you ever want to go up there.” I was thinking, who suckered you into that? That sounded about as appealing to me as, “I know, honey, let’s honeymoon in Kuwait.” Also, after I sent Amy a belated birthday wish, she invited me back down to the lake house again. I can’t believe I have a friend with a lake house, a boat, and a jet ski, and I’ve been down there one time, ever. I’ll be satisfied if just the NYC trip comes thru.

“I guess you get used to somebody, kinda like having them around. I guess you get used to the way they make you happy, bring you up when you’re feeling down…”

July 22, 2004 at 8:18 am Leave a comment

Hillbilly Porn

Shane sent this out this morning. If you live in or have been to Nashville, this will be hilarious. If not, it probably won’t be very funny. Nevertheless… Lyrics to Hillbilly Porn

Here’s sort of the story behind the song.

If you’ve never seen it, there is just this odd, very out of place set of nude statues right in the middle of downtown Nashville, amidst all the music industry offices, the hall of fame, the country nightclubs, etc. I have always found it an odd choice, and this song just puts that into words nicely.

“I feel stupid, but I think I been catchin’ on. I feel ugly, but I know I still turn you on. You seem colder now, torn apart, angry, turned around. Will that whole mad season knock you down?”

July 21, 2004 at 11:08 am 1 comment

Hillbilly Porn

Shane sent this out this morning. If you live in or have been to Nashville, this will be hilarious. If not, it probably won’t be very funny. Nevertheless… Lyrics to Hillbilly Porn

Here’s sort of the story behind the song.

If you’ve never seen it, there is just this odd, very out of place set of nude statues right in the middle of downtown Nashville, amidst all the music industry offices, the hall of fame, the country nightclubs, etc. I have always found it an odd choice, and this song just puts that into words nicely.

“I feel stupid, but I think I been catchin’ on. I feel ugly, but I know I still turn you on. You seem colder now, torn apart, angry, turned around. Will that whole mad season knock you down?”

July 21, 2004 at 11:08 am Leave a comment

Prognosis… eh

Happy birthday to my Dad today. Hizzle be’s fitty-foe.

Well, I had my first softball practice last night. I thought it went pretty good, especially considering I haven’t played in two years. The shoulder hurt a little, but not as bad as it did before. So, I don’t know if it’s gonna get worse or what. It doesn’t bother me hitting at all, just when I have to throw one hard. I don’t know if I’ll get to play much, because most everyone else works together and knows each other, but I did hit one out in BP, so maybe that’ll help me. Who knows. Another thing about last night is that I realized I was one of the oldest guys out there, either second or third oldest. Wow, there’s a reality check for you right there. On the good side, I was in much better shape than a lot of them.

I suppose I should recount “the shoulder story” now. What happened was, a couple of years ago in fall league, one night it was game time and we only had eight players, so everyone thought we were going to have to forfeit. Well, a ninth player showed up at the last minute and we just had to run out in the field without warming up. I was playing left field, and on the first ball that was hit to me, I pegged it into second. I think I heard something pop, or at least felt something pop. From then on thru the rest of the season, anytime I’d do anything more than lob it in, I would experience excruciating pain in my shoulder. So, I haven’t played since then, but I can tell something still isn’t right. Oh well.

This week is shaping up to be ultra-busy. I have to go try on and pick up my tux either today or tomorrow. I also still have to get a wedding gift. I need to go get Dad a birthday gift today. I know, I know, but I looked yesterday and didn’t find anything, except for a card. I am going to try and take care of all that today, before church. We will probably practice again Thursday night, and then Friday I have the rehearsal dinner and Saturday the wedding. My sister is getting married! My little thither!! This is the little girl I used to play hockey with in the back yard, using wiffle ball bats and a tennis ball. Have I mentioned the song she has chosen to have sung is the same song I played when I proposed to my ex-fiance? Have I mentioned that? I’m sure that won’t affect me one bit. Fortunately, that’s all water near a bridge.

In other news, Tiffany texted me last night (ex-gf, late 2002-early 2003). She was like, “Just wanted to let you know I haven’t stopped blogging. I’ve been in the hospital since Friday.” She had an acute kidney infection, which had gotten pretty bad, apparently. That isn’t funny at all, of course, but it is a bit humorous how if you don’t blog for a couple of days, people know something must be wrong. I called Mom last night, and she said my great uncle is in the hospital. He doesn’t really have any close relatives, so it would probably be good if I stopped by to see him.

Wow, someone I used to work with at Food Fair 14 years ago just stopped by to see me at work. Time’s fun when you’re having flies.

“I’m wishin’ my daddy was forty again. Then he would be young, and I would be ten. We would go fishin’, throw an old ball around, wash his old truck, and go into town…”

July 21, 2004 at 8:03 am 3 comments

Prognosis… eh

Happy birthday to my Dad today. Hizzle be’s fitty-foe.

Well, I had my first softball practice last night. I thought it went pretty good, especially considering I haven’t played in two years. The shoulder hurt a little, but not as bad as it did before. So, I don’t know if it’s gonna get worse or what. It doesn’t bother me hitting at all, just when I have to throw one hard. I don’t know if I’ll get to play much, because most everyone else works together and knows each other, but I did hit one out in BP, so maybe that’ll help me. Who knows. Another thing about last night is that I realized I was one of the oldest guys out there, either second or third oldest. Wow, there’s a reality check for you right there. On the good side, I was in much better shape than a lot of them.

I suppose I should recount “the shoulder story” now. What happened was, a couple of years ago in fall league, one night it was game time and we only had eight players, so everyone thought we were going to have to forfeit. Well, a ninth player showed up at the last minute and we just had to run out in the field without warming up. I was playing left field, and on the first ball that was hit to me, I pegged it into second. I think I heard something pop, or at least felt something pop. From then on thru the rest of the season, anytime I’d do anything more than lob it in, I would experience excruciating pain in my shoulder. So, I haven’t played since then, but I can tell something still isn’t right. Oh well.

This week is shaping up to be ultra-busy. I have to go try on and pick up my tux either today or tomorrow. I also still have to get a wedding gift. I need to go get Dad a birthday gift today. I know, I know, but I looked yesterday and didn’t find anything, except for a card. I am going to try and take care of all that today, before church. We will probably practice again Thursday night, and then Friday I have the rehearsal dinner and Saturday the wedding. My sister is getting married! My little thither!! This is the little girl I used to play hockey with in the back yard, using wiffle ball bats and a tennis ball. Have I mentioned the song she has chosen to have sung is the same song I played when I proposed to my ex-fiance? Have I mentioned that? I’m sure that won’t affect me one bit. Fortunately, that’s all water near a bridge.

In other news, Tiffany texted me last night (ex-gf, late 2002-early 2003). She was like, “Just wanted to let you know I haven’t stopped blogging. I’ve been in the hospital since Friday.” She had an acute kidney infection, which had gotten pretty bad, apparently. That isn’t funny at all, of course, but it is a bit humorous how if you don’t blog for a couple of days, people know something must be wrong. I called Mom last night, and she said my great uncle is in the hospital. He doesn’t really have any close relatives, so it would probably be good if I stopped by to see him.

Wow, someone I used to work with at Food Fair 14 years ago just stopped by to see me at work. Time’s fun when you’re having flies.

“I’m wishin’ my daddy was forty again. Then he would be young, and I would be ten. We would go fishin’, throw an old ball around, wash his old truck, and go into town…”

July 21, 2004 at 8:03 am Leave a comment

Stage One of the Tour de Bone

I was going to begin this bloglet by talking about this excellent movie I saw on Lifetime Saturday night. Then I thought some people might get the wrong idea if I did that. But it was called Nightmare Street, just in case you’re wondering.

I’m sitting here following the Tour online. Looks like Lance may have the yellow jersey after today. Ullrich is attacking, but he was more than six minutes behind Lance entering the day. Five stages to go after today, including the a couple of time trials. The final stage is almost always merely a ceremonial ride, with the winner already decided.

I practiced for the 2005 Tour myself yesterday… or just rode my bike for about 25 minutes. Whichever. I guess that would be considered a time trial. Had some rear-tire issues after I got home. I think there may be a protrusion in the rim which keeps puncturing the innertube. (Why doesn’t “innertube” show up on spellcheck?) So I need to rectify that, because unfortunately, I don’t have a US Postal team cruiser to pull up and quickly change out my tire if I have a flat while riding. Otherwise, just relaxed at home. Had about a 90-minute nap, and ate some Chinese leftovers for supper. Last night, I dreamed I was a senior in high school again. I have probably dreamed that at least fifty times.

Nothing funny going on, I guess. Besides, there’s more to life than making shallow, fairly obvious observations, as I’m sure you know. But just for your enjoyment, I’ll dig one out of the annals. From “The Shoes”:

J: “I don’t get this. I go out with this girl three times, she doesn’t want to shake my hand. Why’s she kissing you?”
K: “Because I snubbed her. You see? Women, they like that. Yes! I understand women. The snub is good. They love the snub.”
G: “No they don’t. I tried that once. I snubbed for a year. Nothing. Every woman I saw, I snubbed. You never saw people so pleased.” ROFL

“Never once did you think that they’d lie when they’re holding you. You wonder why they haven’t called, when they said they’d call you. You start to wonder if you’re ever gonna make it by. You’ll start to think you were born blind…”

July 20, 2004 at 8:46 am Leave a comment

Stage One of the Tour de Bone

I was going to begin this bloglet by talking about this excellent movie I saw on Lifetime Saturday night. Then I thought some people might get the wrong idea if I did that. But it was called Nightmare Street, just in case you’re wondering.

I’m sitting here following the Tour online. Looks like Lance may have the yellow jersey after today. Ullrich is attacking, but he was more than six minutes behind Lance entering the day. Five stages to go after today, including the a couple of time trials. The final stage is almost always merely a ceremonial ride, with the winner already decided.

I practiced for the 2005 Tour myself yesterday… or just rode my bike for about 25 minutes. Whichever. I guess that would be considered a time trial. Had some rear-tire issues after I got home. I think there may be a protrusion in the rim which keeps puncturing the innertube. (Why doesn’t “innertube” show up on spellcheck?) So I need to rectify that, because unfortunately, I don’t have a US Postal team cruiser to pull up and quickly change out my tire if I have a flat while riding. Otherwise, just relaxed at home. Had about a 90-minute nap, and ate some Chinese leftovers for supper. Last night, I dreamed I was a senior in high school again. I have probably dreamed that at least fifty times.

Nothing funny going on, I guess. Besides, there’s more to life than making shallow, fairly obvious observations, as I’m sure you know. But just for your enjoyment, I’ll dig one out of the annals. From “The Shoes”:

J: “I don’t get this. I go out with this girl three times, she doesn’t want to shake my hand. Why’s she kissing you?”

K: “Because I snubbed her. You see? Women, they like that. Yes! I understand women. The snub is good. They love the snub.”

G: “No they don’t. I tried that once. I snubbed for a year. Nothing. Every woman I saw, I snubbed. You never saw people so pleased.” ROFL

“Never once did you think that they’d lie when they’re holding you. You wonder why they haven’t called, when they said they’d call you. You start to wonder if you’re ever gonna make it by. You’ll start to think you were born blind…”

July 20, 2004 at 8:46 am Leave a comment

You will be involved in many parties and gatherings…

So said my fortune cookie yesterday. Hmm, well I do have the rehearsal dinner and wedding Friday and Saturday. After yesterday, I have now had Chinese food like six times in my entire life. I’m a newbie to the Chinese food thing, but it seems like they serve very large portions. Probably have leftovers tonight.

Got some good news today. A guy came down and signed me up for the softball team. Woohoo!! He said we’d probably play Tuesdays and Thursdays. Supposed to practice tomorrow night. Hopefully, my shoulder will be all healed up from the incident two years ago. (I’ll post more about that later, for those of you who were fortunate enough not to be a member of the MSN group, Spammers.) It’s gonna be keeping me busy, with everything else that is going on, but I’m excited. We’re gonna be playing at West Park, which is the site where I hit my only homerun.

I bet when you are trying to teach someone to speak English, it is hard to explain why you pronounce colonel, kernel. Don’t you think? Oh, the “-olo” makes an “-er” sound. No, no, it doesn’t do that in any other words, just this one. I want to go throw frisbee, but I can’t get anyone to go. Maybe that’s why people get dogs, no one to play frisbee with.

I was under it this weekend. After work Friday, I went by the car wash and got my oil changed (shamefully, by someone else). For some reason, I was really tired Friday night. K called, and then Jess called later, but I really just couldn’t muster the energy to get up and get ready and go anywhere. I did finally go get some Taco Bell for supper. Had an unexpected call from Jen around 12:30 Saturday morning. She was having some family issues, and said talking to me would help. We talked for quite awhile.

Saturday I was lethargic all day again, making it out only to get some lunch at Subway. I finally did get some energy around 7:00. Got a shower and headed over to Matt’s. They were having the NCAA 2005 party, I guess. They had 3 Xboxes over there. Wow. Man, I used to love to play video games, but I guess as you get older, life gets busier and other things become more important and take precedence. Anyhow, we ordered a pizza, and not long after I ate, my stomach started feeling like some U-235 fission was going on down there. It continued feeling weird most of the day Sunday. Must have been something I ate. I dunno.

Random funnies:
“I think he wears makeup.”
“I just think he looks weird.”
“Yeah, I could definitely see him playing a psycho killer in the movies.”

“Well, if she can’t go, we’ll just find someone else to invite… or just not go at all.”

“I don’t mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain. Look for the girl with the broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay awhile, and she will be loved…”

July 19, 2004 at 10:32 am Leave a comment

You will be involved in many parties and gatherings…

So said my fortune cookie yesterday. Hmm, well I do have the rehearsal dinner and wedding Friday and Saturday. After yesterday, I have now had Chinese food like six times in my entire life. I’m a newbie to the Chinese food thing, but it seems like they serve very large portions. Probably have leftovers tonight.

Got some good news today. A guy came down and signed me up for the softball team. Woohoo!! He said we’d probably play Tuesdays and Thursdays. Supposed to practice tomorrow night. Hopefully, my shoulder will be all healed up from the incident two years ago. (I’ll post more about that later, for those of you who were fortunate enough not to be a member of the MSN group, Spammers.) It’s gonna be keeping me busy, with everything else that is going on, but I’m excited. We’re gonna be playing at West Park, which is the site where I hit my only homerun.

I bet when you are trying to teach someone to speak English, it is hard to explain why you pronounce colonel, kernel. Don’t you think? Oh, the “-olo” makes an “-er” sound. No, no, it doesn’t do that in any other words, just this one. I want to go throw frisbee, but I can’t get anyone to go. Maybe that’s why people get dogs, no one to play frisbee with.

I was under it this weekend. After work Friday, I went by the car wash and got my oil changed (shamefully, by someone else). For some reason, I was really tired Friday night. K called, and then Jess called later, but I really just couldn’t muster the energy to get up and get ready and go anywhere. I did finally go get some Taco Bell for supper. Had an unexpected call from Jen around 12:30 Saturday morning. She was having some family issues, and said talking to me would help. We talked for quite awhile.

Saturday I was lethargic all day again, making it out only to get some lunch at Subway. I finally did get some energy around 7:00. Got a shower and headed over to Matt’s. They were having the NCAA 2005 party, I guess. They had 3 Xboxes over there. Wow. Man, I used to love to play video games, but I guess as you get older, life gets busier and other things become more important and take precedence. Anyhow, we ordered a pizza, and not long after I ate, my stomach started feeling like some U-235 fission was going on down there. It continued feeling weird most of the day Sunday. Must have been something I ate. I dunno.

Random funnies:

“I think he wears makeup.”

“I just think he looks weird.”

“Yeah, I could definitely see him playing a psycho killer in the movies.”

“Well, if she can’t go, we’ll just find someone else to invite… or just not go at all.”

“I don’t mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain. Look for the girl with the broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay awhile, and she will be loved…”

July 19, 2004 at 10:32 am Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
July 2004

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