Archive for July, 2004

Always Fun Introspective Quiz Stuff

Well, I was bored, so I took a 102-question personality test. The results are in:

Conscious self
Overall self

Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
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Enneagram Test Results

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||| 43%
Type 4 Sensitivity |||||||||||| 50%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||| 46%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||| 26%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||| 73%

Your Conscious-Surface type is 9w1
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 2w1

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ISFP – “Artist”. Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 8.8% of total population.

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Wow, that’s pretty accurate right there. I’m definitely not real aggressive. “A high level of self-control, probably too high…” Get out! Me?? LOL Yes, I’m afraid so. Imaginative, creative, serene, orderly… Yes! Yes! That is me! You’ve done it, Watson! WOOOOOOO!!

“I know where you hide, alone in your car. Know all of the things that make you who you are. I know that goodbye means nothing at all. Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls…”

July 27, 2004 at 9:39 am Leave a comment

Always Fun Introspective Quiz Stuff

Well, I was bored, so I took a 102-question personality test. The results are in:

Conscious self
Overall self

Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
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Enneagram Test Results

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||| 43%
Type 4 Sensitivity |||||||||||| 50%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||| 46%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||| 26%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||| 73%

Your Conscious-Surface type is 9w1
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 2w1

Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
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ISFP – “Artist”. Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 8.8% of total population.

Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test
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Wow, that’s pretty accurate right there. I’m definitely not real aggressive. “A high level of self-control, probably too high…” Get out! Me?? LOL Yes, I’m afraid so. Imaginative, creative, serene, orderly… Yes! Yes! That is me! You’ve done it, Watson! WOOOOOOO!!

“I know where you hide, alone in your car. Know all of the things that make you who you are. I know that goodbye means nothing at all. Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls…”

July 27, 2004 at 9:39 am Leave a comment

Always a groomsman…

Well, I loaded all the pictures from Saturday onto my computer. Figured I would post a few, to satisfy your curiosity. The first one is my second cousin, Hunter, and my first cousin, Abi. She is the one I went to see play t-ball a few times this year. She looked SO cute Saturday. The second one is of me and my sister. And the final one is Mom and Dad with the bride.

Ring bearer and flower girl. Posted by Hello

My sister and me. Posted by Hello

Dad, my sister, and Mom. Posted by Hello

Well, I was planning to catch some sleep, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen after all. That’s probably good, because if I did doze off, I would probably sleep ’til Thursday.

“She keeps a picture of me, in her apartment in the city. Some things in this world, man, they don’t make sense. Some things you can’t see until they leave you, then they’re things that you miss…”

July 26, 2004 at 3:48 pm Leave a comment

Always a groomsman…

Well, I loaded all the pictures from Saturday onto my computer. Figured I would post a few, to satisfy your curiosity. The first one is my second cousin, Hunter, and my first cousin, Abi. She is the one I went to see play t-ball a few times this year. She looked SO cute Saturday. The second one is of me and my sister. And the final one is Mom and Dad with the bride.

Ring bearer and flower girl. Posted by Hello

My sister and me. Posted by Hello

Dad, my sister, and Mom. Posted by Hello

Well, I was planning to catch some sleep, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen after all. That’s probably good, because if I did doze off, I would probably sleep ’til Thursday.

“She keeps a picture of me, in her apartment in the city. Some things in this world, man, they don’t make sense. Some things you can’t see until they leave you, then they’re things that you miss…”

July 26, 2004 at 3:48 pm Leave a comment

In search of a few hours of suspended consciousness

“Monday, thou art a muse to me. Many a song have included thee. The weekend so far away it seems. Yet only a day removed, can it be?”

Following are the thoughts of a rogue blogger. The stories are real, although some events may have become blurred or slightly exaggerated due to very little sleep and consumption of large amounts of (non-)alcoholic beverages. Names have not been changed to protect the innocent. Women who are pregnant or nursing, or anyone who may be harmed by random bouts of uncontrollable laughter, are strongly advised to read other, less-interesting blogs.

Those are the words of a man who’s had about nine hours of sleep the past two nights. Saturday night, after I blogged, Matt called and said several people were over there. So, I debated for a minute, then decided to head that way. I think there ended up being seven people over there. Shot a little pool. Watched them playing video games. Then, I joined in for a couple of games. We played NCAA 2005 2-on-2 and Michael and I lost 44-43. They drove 80 yards in 20 seconds for the winning TD. One of the few unrealistic things about that game. Then, I played one-on-one and beat Matt 24-21, which is pretty good, since I think he plays that game every waking hour non-stop. (I can’t really say anything since I broke down and bought it also. I have no idea why I’m not married yet.) Anyway, we all went to Subway for a late night snack, and when all was said and done, I got home about 5:00 AM. So I wound up getting a little over 3 hours sleep that night.

After church on Sunday, I came home and relaxed for a couple of hours. My sister called and wanted me to print off directions for them for Destin. I did, but the mapquest directions were so complicated, as usual, and the route was way out there, so I ended up showing her how we came back when we went down there last month. Wow, two turns, instead of twenty! So they got on their way. K had called last week and said he had to go to Nashville for some video stuff Sunday afternoon, so I rode up there with him. Stopped by Old Navy, but I didn’t buy anything. Shot some pool. Turns out pool at Buffalo Billiards is free on Sundays. Who knew? Dinner was of course none other than Famous Dave’s BBQ. A pile of rib tips and twelve paper towels later, and we were off. It’s pretty sad when the hostesses in a restaurant in another state start to recognize you. Or pretty cool, whichever. Stopped by Kinko’s and then by Shane’s. Ended up getting back shortly after 11:00. So today, I have got to cut the grass if it doesn’t rain. Otherwise, I am going to catch up on some zzzizzles. Seriouslah. With practice likely on Tuesday and Thursday, this will probably be my only free night of the week.

Oh, I got my USB cable back, so I should be able to post a few pics this afternoon from the wedding. Try not to get too excited ;-) I’ll close today with a special haiku (in the standard 5-7-5 pattern), in honor of Lance Armstrong wrapping up his record-breaking sixth Tour de France on Sunday.

Six tours in a row
I’m gonna soak up the sun
I like Sheryl Crow

Random funnies:
“We need to have a talk, pseudo-man to pseudo man.”

“After ninety days, the TV just went crap.”
“Wow, that sounds like most of my relationships.”

“If you could only see the way she loves me, maybe you would understand, why I feel this way about our love, and what I must do. If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says, when she says she loves me…”

July 26, 2004 at 7:52 am 1 comment

In search of a few hours of suspended consciousness

“Monday, thou art a muse to me. Many a song have included thee. The weekend so far away it seems. Yet only a day removed, can it be?”

Following are the thoughts of a rogue blogger. The stories are real, although some events may have become blurred or slightly exaggerated due to very little sleep and consumption of large amounts of (non-)alcoholic beverages. Names have not been changed to protect the innocent. Women who are pregnant or nursing, or anyone who may be harmed by random bouts of uncontrollable laughter, are strongly advised to read other, less-interesting blogs.

Those are the words of a man who’s had about nine hours of sleep the past two nights. Saturday night, after I blogged, Matt called and said several people were over there. So, I debated for a minute, then decided to head that way. I think there ended up being seven people over there. Shot a little pool. Watched them playing video games. Then, I joined in for a couple of games. We played NCAA 2005 2-on-2 and Michael and I lost 44-43. They drove 80 yards in 20 seconds for the winning TD. One of the few unrealistic things about that game. Then, I played one-on-one and beat Matt 24-21, which is pretty good, since I think he plays that game every waking hour non-stop. (I can’t really say anything since I broke down and bought it also. I have no idea why I’m not married yet.) Anyway, we all went to Subway for a late night snack, and when all was said and done, I got home about 5:00 AM. So I wound up getting a little over 3 hours sleep that night.

After church on Sunday, I came home and relaxed for a couple of hours. My sister called and wanted me to print off directions for them for Destin. I did, but the mapquest directions were so complicated, as usual, and the route was way out there, so I ended up showing her how we came back when we went down there last month. Wow, two turns, instead of twenty! So they got on their way. K had called last week and said he had to go to Nashville for some video stuff Sunday afternoon, so I rode up there with him. Stopped by Old Navy, but I didn’t buy anything. Shot some pool. Turns out pool at Buffalo Billiards is free on Sundays. Who knew? Dinner was of course none other than Famous Dave’s BBQ. A pile of rib tips and twelve paper towels later, and we were off. It’s pretty sad when the hostesses in a restaurant in another state start to recognize you. Or pretty cool, whichever. Stopped by Kinko’s and then by Shane’s. Ended up getting back shortly after 11:00. So today, I have got to cut the grass if it doesn’t rain. Otherwise, I am going to catch up on some zzzizzles. Seriouslah. With practice likely on Tuesday and Thursday, this will probably be my only free night of the week.

Oh, I got my USB cable back, so I should be able to post a few pics this afternoon from the wedding. Try not to get too excited ;-) I’ll close today with a special haiku (in the standard 5-7-5 pattern), in honor of Lance Armstrong wrapping up his record-breaking sixth Tour de France on Sunday.

Six tours in a row

I’m gonna soak up the sun

I like Sheryl Crow

Random funnies:

“We need to have a talk, pseudo-man to pseudo man.”

“After ninety days, the TV just went crap.”

“Wow, that sounds like most of my relationships.”

“If you could only see the way she loves me, maybe you would understand, why I feel this way about our love, and what I must do. If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says, when she says she loves me…”

July 26, 2004 at 7:52 am Leave a comment

Invaluable Moments

Well, it’s over. My sister got married today. And I figured I’d blog one last time before I go careening off the Hudson Memorial Bridge. Things went pretty well, wedding-wise. They forgot to blow out their candles, so I mouthed to my sister “Blow out your candles.” She was like, “What?” I did it again, and she got it. Also, when I was walking Mom in, her candle went out. So she was whispering to me, “My candle went out. My candle went out.” I had no idea what to do. There were some candles up on the stage that were burning, so as inconspicuously as I could, I took her candle and walked up to the stage and re-lit it. Gee, you know, I’m pretty good at this wedding stuff. Maybe I should get married myself someday.

There are just no words to describe how it feels to walk your mother up the aisle and she clutches your arm tighter and you know she is doing all she can to hold back the tears, and you know as of this day, your lives are really changing forever. There are no words to describe how it feels to see your Dad walk your baby sister down the aisle and give her away. And there are no words to describe the final few moments before the ceremony that I got to spend with my sister, just her and me. I walked upstairs to where she was waiting. She was telling me how nervous she was, and I tried to calm her nerves a little. Then someone yelled up the stairs and asked her if she needed them to carry her train down the stairs, and she said, “No, Jeff will get it.” Those precious few minutes when it was just her and me, they are invaluable to me. We didn’t say a whole lot, but there were so many feelings, so many memories that flooded my mind, not a lot had to be said. That was absolutely one of the best moments of my life. And the thing was, it was unplanned. The urge just hit me to walk up to see her, and I am so very glad I did.

I did get some nice pictures, and one of my aunts took some pics of the ceremony. As soon as I get my USB cable back, I will post a few. I am sure you are all waiting with baited breath ;-) In other news, I wish I had a dollar for everytime I got one of these lines: “So, when are we gonna be doing this for you?” “I guess you’re the next in line.” “Isn’t it about time for you to be doing this?” I love it. Anyway, it turned out to be a good day. Everyone did a really good job. I’ll try to post more later. I just hope he’s good to my sister.

“Ordinary? No. I really don’t think so. Not a love this true. Common destiny. We were meant to be, me and you…”

July 24, 2004 at 9:09 pm Leave a comment

Invaluable Moments

Well, it’s over. My sister got married today. And I figured I’d blog one last time before I go careening off the Hudson Memorial Bridge. Things went pretty well, wedding-wise. They forgot to blow out their candles, so I mouthed to my sister “Blow out your candles.” She was like, “What?” I did it again, and she got it. Also, when I was walking Mom in, her candle went out. So she was whispering to me, “My candle went out. My candle went out.” I had no idea what to do. There were some candles up on the stage that were burning, so as inconspicuously as I could, I took her candle and walked up to the stage and re-lit it. Gee, you know, I’m pretty good at this wedding stuff. Maybe I should get married myself someday.

There are just no words to describe how it feels to walk your mother up the aisle and she clutches your arm tighter and you know she is doing all she can to hold back the tears, and you know as of this day, your lives are really changing forever. There are no words to describe how it feels to see your Dad walk your baby sister down the aisle and give her away. And there are no words to describe the final few moments before the ceremony that I got to spend with my sister, just her and me. I walked upstairs to where she was waiting. She was telling me how nervous she was, and I tried to calm her nerves a little. Then someone yelled up the stairs and asked her if she needed them to carry her train down the stairs, and she said, “No, Jeff will get it.” Those precious few minutes when it was just her and me, they are invaluable to me. We didn’t say a whole lot, but there were so many feelings, so many memories that flooded my mind, not a lot had to be said. That was absolutely one of the best moments of my life. And the thing was, it was unplanned. The urge just hit me to walk up to see her, and I am so very glad I did.

I did get some nice pictures, and one of my aunts took some pics of the ceremony. As soon as I get my USB cable back, I will post a few. I am sure you are all waiting with baited breath ;-) In other news, I wish I had a dollar for everytime I got one of these lines: “So, when are we gonna be doing this for you?” “I guess you’re the next in line.” “Isn’t it about time for you to be doing this?” I love it. Anyway, it turned out to be a good day. Everyone did a really good job. I’ll try to post more later. I just hope he’s good to my sister.

“Ordinary? No. I really don’t think so. Not a love this true. Common destiny. We were meant to be, me and you…”

July 24, 2004 at 9:09 pm Leave a comment

Dropping like flies

Whenever someone asks me to do something, I’m always reminded of something my Dad told me a long, long time ago. He said, “Son, I have more procrastination in my little finger than you have in your whole body. So if I say we’ll go to the park tomorrow, that doesn’t mean we’ll actually go tomorrow. You remember that.” I had no idea what procrastination meant back then, but I knew we weren’t going to the park anytime soon.

Well, practice was cut a little short last night. The guy over the park never showed up to turn the lights on, so around 8:30, playing the outfield was getting to be a bit scary. We lost at least one player last night, the guy who was hitting fungo. He hit one and I forget where it went, but when everyone turned around, he was down! He was on the ground, writhing in pain. He had this big brace on his knee, and so I think he reinjured that. After a couple of minutes, he got up and limped around. He said, “Well, that’s it for me guys.” I’m not sure if he was talking about for last night or for the whole season, but I’m pretty sure he was talking about the season. Then later, another guy pulled a muscle or something and sat out the last half hour or so.

When we were going out for fielding practice, the coach was like, “Well, we want JT (that’s what they all call me) in left field, we know that for sure.” So I’m hoping that’s a good sign that I’ll get to play. Then again, not everyone was there last night, so we’ll see. We don’t practice again until Tuesday. I think the season starts August 10th.

Post-edit: Did anyone see the Jeopardy guy, Ken Jennings, on Leno, last night? Wow, that was quite possibly the least entertaining interview I have ever seen. That guy has the personality of a sign-post. And if he somehow ends up hooking up with Julia Stiles, argh, there’s gonna be trouble in Trebekville. Afterwards, I was watching Kilborn and I thought that Ken sort of looks like a dorkier version of Craig. Like if Craig had been in Back to the Future and traveled back to the past and his dad had not stood up to Biff, he would’ve ended up as Ken. Too much late-night pondering, no?

“He shivers at the memory and trembles as he stirs. Some folks think it’s him, but me, I think it’s her…”

July 23, 2004 at 9:09 am Leave a comment

Dropping like flies

Whenever someone asks me to do something, I’m always reminded of something my Dad told me a long, long time ago. He said, “Son, I have more procrastination in my little finger than you have in your whole body. So if I say we’ll go to the park tomorrow, that doesn’t mean we’ll actually go tomorrow. You remember that.” I had no idea what procrastination meant back then, but I knew we weren’t going to the park anytime soon.

Well, practice was cut a little short last night. The guy over the park never showed up to turn the lights on, so around 8:30, playing the outfield was getting to be a bit scary. We lost at least one player last night, the guy who was hitting fungo. He hit one and I forget where it went, but when everyone turned around, he was down! He was on the ground, writhing in pain. He had this big brace on his knee, and so I think he reinjured that. After a couple of minutes, he got up and limped around. He said, “Well, that’s it for me guys.” I’m not sure if he was talking about for last night or for the whole season, but I’m pretty sure he was talking about the season. Then later, another guy pulled a muscle or something and sat out the last half hour or so.

When we were going out for fielding practice, the coach was like, “Well, we want JT (that’s what they all call me) in left field, we know that for sure.” So I’m hoping that’s a good sign that I’ll get to play. Then again, not everyone was there last night, so we’ll see. We don’t practice again until Tuesday. I think the season starts August 10th.

Post-edit: Did anyone see the Jeopardy guy, Ken Jennings, on Leno, last night? Wow, that was quite possibly the least entertaining interview I have ever seen. That guy has the personality of a sign-post. And if he somehow ends up hooking up with Julia Stiles, argh, there’s gonna be trouble in Trebekville. Afterwards, I was watching Kilborn and I thought that Ken sort of looks like a dorkier version of Craig. Like if Craig had been in Back to the Future and traveled back to the past and his dad had not stood up to Biff, he would’ve ended up as Ken. Too much late-night pondering, no?

“He shivers at the memory and trembles as he stirs. Some folks think it’s him, but me, I think it’s her…”

July 23, 2004 at 9:09 am Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
July 2004

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