Archive for July 28, 2004

The Jimmy

Just snapping into a Slim Jim, pondering what changes I need to make to my play-calling in NCAA 2005…

Mmmm… spicy beef jerky. I find it to be the most sensual of the salted, cured meats. “Swiss colony beef log, baby, makes a young boy scream and shout…”

Well, practice went OK last night. It has already become obvious that my shoulder is gonna be a problem all year though. (sigh) I try not to throw hard in practice, and just save it for the games, but it still hurts. Oh well. I’m still lookin’ forward to the season. I think we’ll be decent. Worried a little bit about our pitching, but we’ll see. There was this hottie who was walking the track last night. I guess she must’ve made at least four or five laps. I think it was distracting everyone. On an unrelated note, I got the most sleep I’ve gotten in four days last night, about six hours. I needed it though. My head hurt all day yesterday after I didn’t get to sleep until 2 AM Tuesday morning. So I’m up to 18.5 hours the past four nights. Woohoo! I feel so refreshed, like a phoenix, rising out of Arizona.

Mom has this funny way of being nosy. First of all, I am a pretty private person when it comes to my dating life. I just prefer to keep most of those things to myself, as you can probably tell if you read my blog very often. I mean, it’s no big deal though. If you want to know something, just ask, and I’ll tell you. Anyhow, yesterday she was like, “What did you have for supper last night?” I said, “I went to the Mexican restaurant.” She was like, “By yourself?” That’s how she always does. Of course I didn’t go by myself. I’m not eating out in a restaurant by myself like some psychotic loner… unless maybe it’s Applebees where the waitresses are gonna end up coming and sitting and chatting anyway.

I was asked the other day why I seem to remain friends with many of my ex-girlfriends. That is a very good question, one that I’ll have to ponder for awhile. I’ll get back to you on that ;-)

“The Jimmy” was on last night, definitely a top 25 ep, IMO. I think many of us have experienced a shower that didn’t take. And this is the first ep where George begins referring to himself in the third person, imitating Jimmy:
J: “Don’t you see what’s happened, he couldn’t talk , he’s wearing these shoes, he’s drooling.”
K. “What!?”
E: “He thinks you’re mentally challenged!!”
J (thinking that it is entirely possible): “Well…you know.”
E: “Well, what happens when you show up? He’ll see that you’re not.”
J: “Not necessarily, because…”

J: “You took a shower.”
G: “It didn’t take. Ten minutes from now, I’ll be sweating all over again. I can feel it. I’m a human heat pump!”
K: “You should take cold showers.”
G: “Cold showers? They’re for psychotics.”
K: “Well I take ’em.” ROFL

E: “Do any of you guys know that blonde guy at the health club who’s always on the exercise bike? You know, he’s really handsome?”
G: “I wouldn’t know.”
E: “You know, just admitting a man is handsome doesn’t necessarily make you a homosexual.”
G: “It doesn’t help.”

Then Jerry thinks he has been violated while under the gas at the dentist.
J: “I don’t know, but I was spitting out and rinsing like there was no tomorrow.” :-D

“Friends, get scattered by the wind, tossed upon the waves, lost for years on end. Friends, slowly drift apart. They give away their hearts, maybe call you now and then…”

July 28, 2004 at 11:32 am 7 comments

The Jimmy

Just snapping into a Slim Jim, pondering what changes I need to make to my play-calling in NCAA 2005…

Mmmm… spicy beef jerky. I find it to be the most sensual of the salted, cured meats. “Swiss colony beef log, baby, makes a young boy scream and shout…”

Well, practice went OK last night. It has already become obvious that my shoulder is gonna be a problem all year though. (sigh) I try not to throw hard in practice, and just save it for the games, but it still hurts. Oh well. I’m still lookin’ forward to the season. I think we’ll be decent. Worried a little bit about our pitching, but we’ll see. There was this hottie who was walking the track last night. I guess she must’ve made at least four or five laps. I think it was distracting everyone. On an unrelated note, I got the most sleep I’ve gotten in four days last night, about six hours. I needed it though. My head hurt all day yesterday after I didn’t get to sleep until 2 AM Tuesday morning. So I’m up to 18.5 hours the past four nights. Woohoo! I feel so refreshed, like a phoenix, rising out of Arizona.

Mom has this funny way of being nosy. First of all, I am a pretty private person when it comes to my dating life. I just prefer to keep most of those things to myself, as you can probably tell if you read my blog very often. I mean, it’s no big deal though. If you want to know something, just ask, and I’ll tell you. Anyhow, yesterday she was like, “What did you have for supper last night?” I said, “I went to the Mexican restaurant.” She was like, “By yourself?” That’s how she always does. Of course I didn’t go by myself. I’m not eating out in a restaurant by myself like some psychotic loner… unless maybe it’s Applebees where the waitresses are gonna end up coming and sitting and chatting anyway.

I was asked the other day why I seem to remain friends with many of my ex-girlfriends. That is a very good question, one that I’ll have to ponder for awhile. I’ll get back to you on that ;-)

“The Jimmy” was on last night, definitely a top 25 ep, IMO. I think many of us have experienced a shower that didn’t take. And this is the first ep where George begins referring to himself in the third person, imitating Jimmy:

J: “Don’t you see what’s happened, he couldn’t talk , he’s wearing these shoes, he’s drooling.”

K. “What!?”

E: “He thinks you’re mentally challenged!!”

J (thinking that it is entirely possible): “Well…you know.”

E: “Well, what happens when you show up? He’ll see that you’re not.”

J: “Not necessarily, because…”

J: “You took a shower.”

G: “It didn’t take. Ten minutes from now, I’ll be sweating all over again. I can feel it. I’m a human heat pump!”

K: “You should take cold showers.”

G: “Cold showers? They’re for psychotics.”

K: “Well I take ’em.” ROFL

E: “Do any of you guys know that blonde guy at the health club who’s always on the exercise bike? You know, he’s really handsome?”

G: “I wouldn’t know.”

E: “You know, just admitting a man is handsome doesn’t necessarily make you a homosexual.”

G: “It doesn’t help.”

Then Jerry thinks he has been violated while under the gas at the dentist.

J: “I don’t know, but I was spitting out and rinsing like there was no tomorrow.” :-D

“Friends, get scattered by the wind, tossed upon the waves, lost for years on end. Friends, slowly drift apart. They give away their hearts, maybe call you now and then…”

July 28, 2004 at 11:32 am Leave a comment

Trading spouses?

No, my bloglet title is not referring to some swinger porn video, starring Buck Naked, although I suppose it could be. It refers to the latest so-called “reality” show on TV. Now, as the flag-bearer for anti-reality viewers everywhere, you might not expect this to be coming from me. Yes, I still believe the success of reality shows only reflects what sad, empty lives many people lead. (Same thing with those people who ALWAYS seem to be online. Oh wait, what?) BUT, I watched a few minutes of this show the past couple of nights, and those people were cracking me up. It was actually pretty entertaining. Plus, it’s not making a mockery of marriage, or midgets, or ugly people, or anything like that, far as I can tell. I only got to watch it for about fifteen minutes last night because I had to leave for softball practice. My favorite line was when the guy said, “Why we can’t have no chicken wings?” ROFL WOOOOOOOOO!!

I have talked to several others who are watching this show as well. Mom was like, “I think this is gonna be my new favorite show. Well, besides Nick and Jessica.” Oh, please help us. What makes these shows so addicting to people? I really think sometimes if Nick and Jessica are fighting or were to break up, it would literally affect some people in their day-to-day lives. Seriouslah.

In other news, I received a porn IM a little while ago…
singscam25341: im thinking about being a porn star.. can u take a look at me on my webcam and tell me if i look good enough?
jstowry: oh wow, i’d have to say no. maybe you could be a body double though

Other random funniness:
(an email homophone funny)
“Some guy had to nearly undress to get thru the medal detector.”
“They’re detecting Olympic athletes now?”

(an intraoffice funny)
“Well, we’ve got adobe on our thingy.”

“It’s hard to bite my lip, but I ain’t saying a word. I give you all the rope to hang yourself that you deserve. You might be ahead of me in her heart today, but that’s okay…”

July 28, 2004 at 10:10 am 2 comments

Trading spouses?

No, my bloglet title is not referring to some swinger porn video, starring Buck Naked, although I suppose it could be. It refers to the latest so-called “reality” show on TV. Now, as the flag-bearer for anti-reality viewers everywhere, you might not expect this to be coming from me. Yes, I still believe the success of reality shows only reflects what sad, empty lives many people lead. (Same thing with those people who ALWAYS seem to be online. Oh wait, what?) BUT, I watched a few minutes of this show the past couple of nights, and those people were cracking me up. It was actually pretty entertaining. Plus, it’s not making a mockery of marriage, or midgets, or ugly people, or anything like that, far as I can tell. I only got to watch it for about fifteen minutes last night because I had to leave for softball practice. My favorite line was when the guy said, “Why we can’t have no chicken wings?” ROFL WOOOOOOOOO!!

I have talked to several others who are watching this show as well. Mom was like, “I think this is gonna be my new favorite show. Well, besides Nick and Jessica.” Oh, please help us. What makes these shows so addicting to people? I really think sometimes if Nick and Jessica are fighting or were to break up, it would literally affect some people in their day-to-day lives. Seriouslah.

In other news, I received a porn IM a little while ago…

singscam25341: im thinking about being a porn star.. can u take a look at me on my webcam and tell me if i look good enough?

jstowry: oh wow, i’d have to say no. maybe you could be a body double though

Other random funniness:

(an email homophone funny)

“Some guy had to nearly undress to get thru the medal detector.”

“They’re detecting Olympic athletes now?”

(an intraoffice funny)

“Well, we’ve got adobe on our thingy.”

“It’s hard to bite my lip, but I ain’t saying a word. I give you all the rope to hang yourself that you deserve. You might be ahead of me in her heart today, but that’s okay…”

July 28, 2004 at 10:10 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
July 2004

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