Archive for July 6, 2004

We have NO DEAL!

Look! Just look. Look at what they’ve done to my truck. The birds. I was washing my truck this afternoon (just before another downpour, naturally) and noticed a large hole in the grill. The only thing I can figure is that it happened when I hit that bird a few weeks ago. So now there’s like a gaping six inch wide hole in my grill. Great.

Posted by Hello

That’s it! No more games. No more Mister Nice Animal Lover. No more swerving to miss the birds. It’s on, now! It’s on like Donkey Kong! On a good note, there doesn’t appear to be any damage to the radiator. It’s a pretty large hole though, so I’ll have to get an estimate and try to get it fixed. On another note, I just can’t believe I would not have noticed it in three weeks. I haven’t washed my truck lately because of all the rain, but I was thinking I washed it a few days before the beach trip and the hole wasn’t there then.

“If you’re lost, you can look, and you will find me, time after time. If you fall, I will catch you. I’ll be waiting, time after time…”

July 6, 2004 at 6:14 pm Leave a comment

We have NO DEAL!

Look! Just look. Look at what they’ve done to my truck. The birds. I was washing my truck this afternoon (just before another downpour, naturally) and noticed a large hole in the grill. The only thing I can figure is that it happened when I hit that bird a few weeks ago. So now there’s like a gaping six inch wide hole in my grill. Great.

Posted by Hello

That’s it! No more games. No more Mister Nice Animal Lover. No more swerving to miss the birds. It’s on, now! It’s on like Donkey Kong! On a good note, there doesn’t appear to be any damage to the radiator. It’s a pretty large hole though, so I’ll have to get an estimate and try to get it fixed. On another note, I just can’t believe I would not have noticed it in three weeks. I haven’t washed my truck lately because of all the rain, but I was thinking I washed it a few days before the beach trip and the hole wasn’t there then.

“If you’re lost, you can look, and you will find me, time after time. If you fall, I will catch you. I’ll be waiting, time after time…”

July 6, 2004 at 6:14 pm Leave a comment

My Baby Takes The Morning Train…

Ah, back to the ol’ 9 to 5, or 6 to 2. I was just thinking how Cassie said the other night that she has to get up at 3:15 AM and has to be at work by 4:30. Uh, no. It’s all I can do to get here by 6… or 6:30ish. Whichever. I know that vacations and holidays are supposed to be relaxing, but after having both the past couple of weeks, I’ve been pretty tired physically. I do feel mentally refreshed, however, so that is good. I guess the holidays are just busier than normal days sometimes. But I’ll still take one anyday.

Well, our seventeen straight days of rain ended yesterday. Seriously, we had received measurable rainfall seventeen days in a row, ending Sunday. Felt like I was back in Seattle (or in Seattle for the first time ever) for a while there. For those of you keeping your own Bone Quicken file for fun, I spent $143 on gas during June, down from $214 or whatever it was in May. The decrease in gas prices, along with the fact that I parked my truck for four days for the beach trip, were contributing factors.

Wow, I just had a triple sneeze. I’m normally a double sneezer. Anywho, wound down the long weekend yesterday going to my aunt’s house. They grilled pork chops and ribs. They were excellent. Jessica came by and we ended up going to my little cousin’s t-ball game. They lost, but she got on base both times. It breaks my heart to see her try to run. Dad called and said their computer was messing up and he couldn’t get online (which is pretty much the equivalent of DEFCON 2), so I ran by there when I got home and got it going fairly easily.

Random funnies:
“Too bad they don’t make Nintendo games based on getting dates with girls.”

“Who just IM’d you?”
“Um, I dunno. Camgirl167497?”

“Man, it’s a hot one. Like seven inches from the midday sun…”

July 6, 2004 at 7:58 am Leave a comment

My Baby Takes The Morning Train…

Ah, back to the ol’ 9 to 5, or 6 to 2. I was just thinking how Cassie said the other night that she has to get up at 3:15 AM and has to be at work by 4:30. Uh, no. It’s all I can do to get here by 6… or 6:30ish. Whichever. I know that vacations and holidays are supposed to be relaxing, but after having both the past couple of weeks, I’ve been pretty tired physically. I do feel mentally refreshed, however, so that is good. I guess the holidays are just busier than normal days sometimes. But I’ll still take one anyday.

Well, our seventeen straight days of rain ended yesterday. Seriously, we had received measurable rainfall seventeen days in a row, ending Sunday. Felt like I was back in Seattle (or in Seattle for the first time ever) for a while there. For those of you keeping your own Bone Quicken file for fun, I spent $143 on gas during June, down from $214 or whatever it was in May. The decrease in gas prices, along with the fact that I parked my truck for four days for the beach trip, were contributing factors.

Wow, I just had a triple sneeze. I’m normally a double sneezer. Anywho, wound down the long weekend yesterday going to my aunt’s house. They grilled pork chops and ribs. They were excellent. Jessica came by and we ended up going to my little cousin’s t-ball game. They lost, but she got on base both times. It breaks my heart to see her try to run. Dad called and said their computer was messing up and he couldn’t get online (which is pretty much the equivalent of DEFCON 2), so I ran by there when I got home and got it going fairly easily.

Random funnies:

“Too bad they don’t make Nintendo games based on getting dates with girls.”

“Who just IM’d you?”

“Um, I dunno. Camgirl167497?”

“Man, it’s a hot one. Like seven inches from the midday sun…”

July 6, 2004 at 7:58 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
July 2004

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