How to tell if you have a girlfriend (Four easy questions)

May 13, 2004 at 9:33 am Leave a comment

I was watching “The Virgin” last night. Love this Jerry/George exchange:

J: What’s your phone call frequency? Are you on a daily?

G: No, Semi-daily. Four or five times a week.

J: What about Saturday nights? Do you have to ask her out, or is the date implied?

G: Implied.

J: She got anything in your medicine cabinet?

G: There might be some moisturizer.

J: Aha. Let me ask you this: Is there any Tampax in your house?

G: Yeah.

J: Well, I’ll tell you what you’ve got here. You got yourself a girlfriend.

G: Ahh, no. No. Are you sure? A girlfriend?

J: I’m looking at a guy on a semi-daily with tampax in his house and an implied date on Saturday night. I would like to help you out, but…

That is great. A very underrated episode, I think. Not much happening today. Raining off and on. Looks like we may try out the new billiards place tonight. Everyone is invited. I imagine it will happen around 7ish. Shoot me an e or gimme a call if you wanna come. This is gonna be great, the next best thing to a weekend-long TVLand “Welcome Back, Kotter” marathon.

I’ll leave you with one more funny exchange from last night’s episode. George and Kramer discussing ordering some Chinese food:

G: I’ll tell you what. Why don’t we just get a couple of dishes and we’ll just share ’em?

K: OK. What are you getting?

G: I’m gonna get a Chow Fung.

K: What’s a Chow Fung?

G: It’s a broad noodle.

K: What do you mean, a broad noodle?

G: It’s a big, flat noodle.

K: Well I don’t want a big, flat noodle.

G: What kind of noodle do you want?

K: Who says I want a noodle?

G: Alright, look. I’m getting the Chow Fung. You don’t have to have any.

K: Alright. I’ll get pea pods and you can’t have any of my pea pods :-D

“I never liked the rain until I walked thru it with you. Every thunder cloud that came was one more I might not get thru…”

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Seinfeld, Reggie Miller, and Richard Dean Anderson How to tell if you have a girlfriend (Four easy questions)

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Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
May 2004

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