Archive for May 5, 2004

One Year Anniversary

Uno de enero, dos de febrero, tres de marzo, quatro de abril. Cinco de mayo, seis de junio, siete de julio, san fermin. Faa la la la la la la…

Well, it was one year ago today, May 5, 2003, that upon the urging of Kyle, I began to blog. To commemorate, I thought I would reprint that scintillating first entry. So, without further adieu, here she be:
– 2003 MAY 5 MON (8:45 AM) –

Well, another Monday, and I’m back at work. Didn’t do much Sunday. Watched the NBA playoffs. Neither team I was for ended up winning. Watched “RED DRAGON” over the weekend. That’s pretty good. I feel fully recovered from my bout with STREP THROAT last week. Got some antibiotics last Wednesday. Be watching for me on TV next Monday and Tuesday, May 12-13. The BILLIARDS TOURNAMENT we attended is going to be on ESPN2. I’ll be sitting behind the table, in the second row, underneath the “N” in the huge ESPN banner. Hopefully you’ll be able to spot me. I was wearing the navy and gray shirt which I’m wearing in the picture with ALLISON on the main page.

“I’m not crazy I’m just a little unwell. I know right now you can’t tell. But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see a different side of me. I’m not crazy I’m just a little impaired. I know right now you don’t care. But soon enough you’re gonna think of me, and how I used to be.”

Hemingway it was not. But from small things great things one day come. Or something. You think the past year has flown by, but in a way it seems like longer than a year since we watched Red Dragon. I used to capitalize key words and events. Funny, I was talking about the WPBA tournament being on last year, too. And yes, the lyrics have been there from the start. Hopefully, the posts have improved in some way. Did I think I’d be blogging for a year? No. Have I thought of quitting? Not really. Sometimes I wonder if I stopped, if anyone would miss me. And there have been a few days when I’ve had blogger’s block, but it has never become a chore. If and when it does, that’s how I’ll know it’s time to get out. Like a great athlete walking away from the sport he loves. What? It would be interesting to see when I put the first “what” or “oh wait” in there.

I blogged on AOL from May 5-July 25. My last blog entry there was when Amber had shingles. Wow. Then I switched to Angelfire. Had lots of downtime problems there, so I moved to Blogspot on October 29th, and I’ve been here ever since.

AOL – 3441
Angelfire – 2018
Blogspot – 5042
Total – 10501

Definitely not the biggest blog, nor the best. But hopefully not the worst either. Anyway, I’m glad you found me. Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or a happy blogiversary wish ;-) And be thankful that you have access to my dementia.

“Well I guess it’s been a good year, for roses and aggressions, for flowers and freeways. And I guess I’ll put a smile on, get a new girlfriend. Yeah, put a new hat on…”

May 5, 2004 at 8:20 am Leave a comment

One Year Anniversary

Uno de enero, dos de febrero, tres de marzo, quatro de abril. Cinco de mayo, seis de junio, siete de julio, san fermin. Faa la la la la la la…

Well, it was one year ago today, May 5, 2003, that upon the urging of Kyle, I began to blog. To commemorate, I thought I would reprint that scintillating first entry. So, without further adieu, here she be:


– 2003 MAY 5 MON (8:45 AM) –

Well, another Monday, and I’m back at work. Didn’t do much Sunday. Watched the NBA playoffs. Neither team I was for ended up winning. Watched “RED DRAGON” over the weekend. That’s pretty good. I feel fully recovered from my bout with STREP THROAT last week. Got some antibiotics last Wednesday. Be watching for me on TV next Monday and Tuesday, May 12-13. The BILLIARDS TOURNAMENT we attended is going to be on ESPN2. I’ll be sitting behind the table, in the second row, underneath the “N” in the huge ESPN banner. Hopefully you’ll be able to spot me. I was wearing the navy and gray shirt which I’m wearing in the picture with ALLISON on the main page.

“I’m not crazy I’m just a little unwell. I know right now you can’t tell. But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see a different side of me. I’m not crazy I’m just a little impaired. I know right now you don’t care. But soon enough you’re gonna think of me, and how I used to be.”


Hemingway it was not. But from small things great things one day come. Or something. You think the past year has flown by, but in a way it seems like longer than a year since we watched Red Dragon. I used to capitalize key words and events. Funny, I was talking about the WPBA tournament being on last year, too. And yes, the lyrics have been there from the start. Hopefully, the posts have improved in some way. Did I think I’d be blogging for a year? No. Have I thought of quitting? Not really. Sometimes I wonder if I stopped, if anyone would miss me. And there have been a few days when I’ve had blogger’s block, but it has never become a chore. If and when it does, that’s how I’ll know it’s time to get out. Like a great athlete walking away from the sport he loves. What? It would be interesting to see when I put the first “what” or “oh wait” in there.

I blogged on AOL from May 5-July 25. My last blog entry there was when Amber had shingles. Wow. Then I switched to Angelfire. Had lots of downtime problems there, so I moved to Blogspot on October 29th, and I’ve been here ever since.


AOL – 3441

Angelfire – 2018

Blogspot – 5042

Total – 10501

Definitely not the biggest blog, nor the best. But hopefully not the worst either. Anyway, I’m glad you found me. Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or a happy blogiversary wish ;-) And be thankful that you have access to my dementia.

“Well I guess it’s been a good year, for roses and aggressions, for flowers and freeways. And I guess I’ll put a smile on, get a new girlfriend. Yeah, put a new hat on…”

May 5, 2004 at 8:20 am Leave a comment

Just three miles from the rest stop…

Well, here’s the nocturnal phantasm from last night…

It starts out like I am watching a music video, or maybe more like a vacation promo commercial. The Buddy Jewell song, “Sweet Southern Comfort,” is playing, and there’s this little kid and his dad walking along a wooded area by a river or creek or something. Well, there is a dog caught in the brush by the river, so the little boy reaches down to free the dog, except all of a sudden it’s me reaching down to free the dog. Then, the river is gone and replaced by a clearing, with a parking lot and a welcome center or rest stop or something. So we walk over there, and there is a bicycle in the parking lot, which apparently belongs to Lance Armstrong. So the little boy turns Lance in for biking outside of the boundary where he is apparently supposed to be biking. They fine Lance $1,000, and the little boy gets $500 of it as a reward. (What the crap?) So then I walk into the rest stop or whatever it is and Lance comes out of a hall and waves to us. The next thing I know it’s me, Kyle and his mom (that sounds about right), and some girl. I’m not sure who it was. It seemed like a girl I knew, or maybe a combination of girls I know. Anyway, she is sitting in a chair and is starting to feel a little sick. So Kyle remarks that she probably has “ty.” So I’m thinking, typhoid? And I’m like, “What?” He says, “You remember when you had it, you knew you were going to get the flu.” So I said, “Oh yeah.” Well, Kyle’s mom is urging her to take some medicine. So not wanting to get sick, I pop a 1000 mg Vitamin C, and offer one to her. She chews it, instead of just swallowing, and it is yucky. Then I walk outside, thinking I’ve already caught what she has, but hoping I haven’t. Then I woke up.


“Just three miles from the rest stop, and she slams on the brakes. She says I’ve tried to be, but I’m not, so could you please collect your things. I don’t wanna be cold. I don’t wanna be cruel, but I gotta find more than what’s happenin’ with you, and if you would open up the door…”

May 5, 2004 at 7:21 am Leave a comment

Just three miles from the rest stop…

Well, here’s the nocturnal phantasm from last night…

It starts out like I am watching a music video, or maybe more like a vacation promo commercial. The Buddy Jewell song, “Sweet Southern Comfort,” is playing, and there’s this little kid and his dad walking along a wooded area by a river or creek or something. Well, there is a dog caught in the brush by the river, so the little boy reaches down to free the dog, except all of a sudden it’s me reaching down to free the dog. Then, the river is gone and replaced by a clearing, with a parking lot and a welcome center or rest stop or something. So we walk over there, and there is a bicycle in the parking lot, which apparently belongs to Lance Armstrong. So the little boy turns Lance in for biking outside of the boundary where he is apparently supposed to be biking. They fine Lance $1,000, and the little boy gets $500 of it as a reward. (What the crap?) So then I walk into the rest stop or whatever it is and Lance comes out of a hall and waves to us. The next thing I know it’s me, Kyle and his mom (that sounds about right), and some girl. I’m not sure who it was. It seemed like a girl I knew, or maybe a combination of girls I know. Anyway, she is sitting in a chair and is starting to feel a little sick. So Kyle remarks that she probably has “ty.” So I’m thinking, typhoid? And I’m like, “What?” He says, “You remember when you had it, you knew you were going to get the flu.” So I said, “Oh yeah.” Well, Kyle’s mom is urging her to take some medicine. So not wanting to get sick, I pop a 1000 mg Vitamin C, and offer one to her. She chews it, instead of just swallowing, and it is yucky. Then I walk outside, thinking I’ve already caught what she has, but hoping I haven’t. Then I woke up.


“Just three miles from the rest stop, and she slams on the brakes. She says I’ve tried to be, but I’m not, so could you please collect your things. I don’t wanna be cold. I don’t wanna be cruel, but I gotta find more than what’s happenin’ with you, and if you would open up the door…”

May 5, 2004 at 7:21 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
May 2004

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