Archive for May, 2004

Dr. Drake Ramoray’s Weekend Recap

It was stormy here last night. I had this thought: Somewhere at this moment some redneck couple is probably conceiving right about now, and they are going to name their child Stormy.

After Saturday morning’s excitement, I slept ’til nearly Noon. Went out to eat with Jessica’s parents and sister Saturday night. Someone mentioned Dead Lobster. I was thinking, “Oh crap, please no.” Fortunately, they decided on Ruby Tuesday. After that, we were going to Point Mallard to watch the hot air balloons, but ended up getting caught in traffic for about 50 minutes. It’s not quite the same seeing the hot-air balloons in their little trailers, exiting the park, as you are sitting at a standstill in traffic. That’s when I knew it was time to go. So we never even got parked there. Went to TCBY. On the way there, we passed this house with two police cars in the driveway and their lights flashing and everything, and I was like, “That looks familiar.” The girl who dipped my cone at TCBY had a light blue bracelet on, for those of you who know what that means. Personally, I have no idea. Then we had a nice competitive game of putt-putt at Golf Shores. Kim Phuong apparently didn’t recognize me, so we didn’t get a discount or anything. I did end up being crowned golf champ, unceremoniously as it may have been. Went to K-Mart for the first time since the Martha Stewart scandal broke. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any “Free Martha” t-shirts. I guess she’s no James Brown.

A pretty typical Sunday followed. Ate dinner last night at the original Greenbrier. It was my first time there. I had always gone to the new one. TVLand was having a 48-hour Cheers marathon, which made me happier than a 10-year-old kid at Neverland ranch. What? Although I didn’t realize it was on until last night, so I only got to see a couple of episdoes. Man, I love that show. One of the eps I saw was where Sam gets Kevin McHale to play for Cheers against Gary’s Old Town Tavern. I think one of my favorites of all time is the one where Cliff and Norm are discussing how many bolts are in the floor at the Boston Garden, and they eventually get McHale obsessed with it, too. And the one where Cliff goes on Jeopardy. ROFL “Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?”

“I’m nothing but a loser. I’m no good for anything.”
“Oh, that’s OK Cliff. We understand.”
“I can’t believe I lost on Jeopardy.”
“Oh… you were on Jeopardy?” :-D

Ended up watching the storms until they had passed thru, so I pretty much didn’t get to sleep until 1:00 or so.

Lots of weekend funnies:
D: “I saw Rick Springfield in concert!!” (waving her arms in the air)
J: “There’s something you don’t hear everyday.”
D: “He was Doctor Noah Gray on General Hospital?”
K: “What? Did you say Doctor Drake Ramoray?”
D: “No, that was Joey on Friends.”

“Sam Cassell is the ugliest NBA player since Patrick Ewing. Look at him. If he was green he would look like an alien.”

J: “Man, gas is so freakin’ expensive.”
K: “Exactly. That’s why I don’t date girls anymore.”
J: “Well, that’s not the main reason.”

“Where’s your TCBY slip cover?”

K: “Then we had to head back down to the tabernacle or synagogue, or whatever it’s called.”
J: “Oh man, that sounds like fun. A night at the ‘gogue.”

Well, I guess I’m gonna go watch the Lakers/T-wolves.

“Makin’ your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Takin’ a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn’t you like to get away? Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name…”

May 31, 2004 at 7:30 pm Leave a comment

Dr. Drake Ramoray’s Weekend Recap

It was stormy here last night. I had this thought: Somewhere at this moment some redneck couple is probably conceiving right about now, and they are going to name their child Stormy.

After Saturday morning’s excitement, I slept ’til nearly Noon. Went out to eat with Jessica’s parents and sister Saturday night. Someone mentioned Dead Lobster. I was thinking, “Oh crap, please no.” Fortunately, they decided on Ruby Tuesday. After that, we were going to Point Mallard to watch the hot air balloons, but ended up getting caught in traffic for about 50 minutes. It’s not quite the same seeing the hot-air balloons in their little trailers, exiting the park, as you are sitting at a standstill in traffic. That’s when I knew it was time to go. So we never even got parked there. Went to TCBY. On the way there, we passed this house with two police cars in the driveway and their lights flashing and everything, and I was like, “That looks familiar.” The girl who dipped my cone at TCBY had a light blue bracelet on, for those of you who know what that means. Personally, I have no idea. Then we had a nice competitive game of putt-putt at Golf Shores. Kim Phuong apparently didn’t recognize me, so we didn’t get a discount or anything. I did end up being crowned golf champ, unceremoniously as it may have been. Went to K-Mart for the first time since the Martha Stewart scandal broke. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any “Free Martha” t-shirts. I guess she’s no James Brown.

A pretty typical Sunday followed. Ate dinner last night at the original Greenbrier. It was my first time there. I had always gone to the new one. TVLand was having a 48-hour Cheers marathon, which made me happier than a 10-year-old kid at Neverland ranch. What? Although I didn’t realize it was on until last night, so I only got to see a couple of episdoes. Man, I love that show. One of the eps I saw was where Sam gets Kevin McHale to play for Cheers against Gary’s Old Town Tavern. I think one of my favorites of all time is the one where Cliff and Norm are discussing how many bolts are in the floor at the Boston Garden, and they eventually get McHale obsessed with it, too. And the one where Cliff goes on Jeopardy. ROFL “Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?”

“I’m nothing but a loser. I’m no good for anything.”

“Oh, that’s OK Cliff. We understand.”

“I can’t believe I lost on Jeopardy.”

“Oh… you were on Jeopardy?” :-D

Ended up watching the storms until they had passed thru, so I pretty much didn’t get to sleep until 1:00 or so.

Lots of weekend funnies:

D: “I saw Rick Springfield in concert!!” (waving her arms in the air)

J: “There’s something you don’t hear everyday.”

D: “He was Doctor Noah Gray on General Hospital?”

K: “What? Did you say Doctor Drake Ramoray?”

D: “No, that was Joey on Friends.”

“Sam Cassell is the ugliest NBA player since Patrick Ewing. Look at him. If he was green he would look like an alien.”

J: “Man, gas is so freakin’ expensive.”

K: “Exactly. That’s why I don’t date girls anymore.”

J: “Well, that’s not the main reason.”

“Where’s your TCBY slip cover?”

K: “Then we had to head back down to the tabernacle or synagogue, or whatever it’s called.”

J: “Oh man, that sounds like fun. A night at the ‘gogue.”

Well, I guess I’m gonna go watch the Lakers/T-wolves.

“Makin’ your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Takin’ a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn’t you like to get away? Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name…”

May 31, 2004 at 7:30 pm Leave a comment

I look like Steve-O!!

Well, Jessica’s Mom nailed it. I’ve been told I favor several different celebrities over the years… Danny Glover, Willem Dafoe, Jim Carrey, Jay Barker, Mini Me (what?), but this one takes the cake. While they were watching TV the other night, she told Jess that I look like Steve-O. Well, I had never seen this guy. He is on the show “Wild Boys” on MTV. So last night we watched it, and I was freaking out! I was like, “Turn it! I can’t watch this.”

This is kinda freaky. Posted by Hello

I look like Steve-O, Jerry! I look like Steve-O! Maybe it’s just me. Maybe not as much now, but this is exactly how I looked about four or five years ago. For those of you who know me, I would be really interested in hearing your opinions on this matter. I’ll try and post a similar pic of me if I can find one.

“Maybe head up north, to Knoxville, Tennessee. I know my baby sister has got a couch where I can sleep…”

May 31, 2004 at 8:08 am 3 comments

I look like Steve-O!!

Well, Jessica’s Mom nailed it. I’ve been told I favor several different celebrities over the years… Danny Glover, Willem Dafoe, Jim Carrey, Jay Barker, Mini Me (what?), but this one takes the cake. While they were watching TV the other night, she told Jess that I look like Steve-O. Well, I had never seen this guy. He is on the show “Wild Boys” on MTV. So last night we watched it, and I was freaking out! I was like, “Turn it! I can’t watch this.”

This is kinda freaky. Posted by Hello

I look like Steve-O, Jerry! I look like Steve-O! Maybe it’s just me. Maybe not as much now, but this is exactly how I looked about four or five years ago. For those of you who know me, I would be really interested in hearing your opinions on this matter. I’ll try and post a similar pic of me if I can find one.

“Maybe head up north, to Knoxville, Tennessee. I know my baby sister has got a couch where I can sleep…”

May 31, 2004 at 8:08 am Leave a comment

Nothing like a Memorial Day at work…

It’s hard to gripe about anything on a day like this. I encourage you to take a few moments to reflect today, on our freedom, the sacrifices that have been made, and the price that has been paid for it. That is the least we can do.

Here are a few sites to check out:
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Civil War site

WWII Memorial

Arlington National Cemetery

Korean War Memorial

“So if you ever think of me, think of all your liberties and recall, some gave all…”

May 31, 2004 at 7:04 am Leave a comment

Nothing like a Memorial Day at work…

It’s hard to gripe about anything on a day like this. I encourage you to take a few moments to reflect today, on our freedom, the sacrifices that have been made, and the price that has been paid for it. That is the least we can do.

Here are a few sites to check out:

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Civil War site

WWII Memorial

Arlington National Cemetery

Korean War Memorial

“So if you ever think of me, think of all your liberties and recall, some gave all…”

May 31, 2004 at 7:04 am Leave a comment

Cops: Part 2 (What took you so long?)

Where to begin? Well, Friday night, I was talking to Jess, who was at work. She had to let me go because she was being paged, and said she’d call me back. Well, within five minutes, I was snoozing on the couch and had left my cell phone in the bathroom. A couple of times during the night, I heard my cell phone ringing, and was wondering why anyone would be calling me at that time of the night, but I was much too tired to get up and try to locate my phone.

Then sometime after 3:00 AM, I hear someone knocking on my windows. I might have thought it was Jessica, but then I noticed they were banging on different windows, one right after another. I was still groggy, but I was thinking, “How are they getting from one window to another so quickly? They must be knocking and running really, really fast.” Plus, I thought I heard male voices outside as well. Once I regain consciousness, I hear my phone once again, so I decide to find it and answer it. It was Jessica. She was like, “Come to the door.” I’m like, what the crap? So I put on some shorts and go to the front door. I can see thru the big front window that there are bright lights outside. It is right about this time that I am just about to freak out. So I open the door and see Jessica and two police officers, and the whole complex is lit up like a power plant. You have to remember that I have been asleep this entire time and did not know anything was going on. There are a million thoughts that run thru your mind when the cops are banging on your door at 4 AM, and none of them are very good. (Naturally, I’m thinking, “What took you so long?”)

I was just about to put my hands out to be handcuffed, when she is like, “Why haven’t you been answering your phone? I thought something had happened to you.” As it turns out, when she tried to call me back earlier in the night, some guy answered and was like, “He’s not available.” Apparently, the “rines had gotten crossed.” (Did you just say the rines were crossed?) So she got all worried. On subsequent calls, it was showing up like my number had been disconnected. So anyway, she was concerned, thinking maybe I had been abducted (if only) or fallen and broken my hip. Meanwhile, the cops woke up several neighbors, and had their lights on and were beating on my doors and windows with their night sticks. The neighbors were saying “Well, he doesn’t say too much”, “He’s kinda quiet”, and stuff like that. (Things they always say about psycho killers.) I figure I’ll probably be evicted sometime this week.

Oh well, it’s been fun living here. I guess I’ll have to break down and finally get that medic alert bracelet to avoid such incidents in the future. Well, at least I’ll have a story to tell my grandkids… or, someone else’s grandkids. And it’s little events like this that keep life interesting. In retrospect, I guess in the same situation, I would have been concerned as well. On the bright side, it is kinda nice to have someone who cares/worries about you ;-) And I’m just glad the cops weren’t there to arrest me for anything. Plus, it made for some great conversation at dinner last night with her family.

“I wish I didn’t feel so strong about you, like happiness and love revolve around you. Trying to catch your heart is like trying to catch a star. So many people love you, baby. That must be what you are…”

May 30, 2004 at 11:39 am 2 comments

Cops: Part 2 (What took you so long?)

Where to begin? Well, Friday night, I was talking to Jess, who was at work. She had to let me go because she was being paged, and said she’d call me back. Well, within five minutes, I was snoozing on the couch and had left my cell phone in the bathroom. A couple of times during the night, I heard my cell phone ringing, and was wondering why anyone would be calling me at that time of the night, but I was much too tired to get up and try to locate my phone.

Then sometime after 3:00 AM, I hear someone knocking on my windows. I might have thought it was Jessica, but then I noticed they were banging on different windows, one right after another. I was still groggy, but I was thinking, “How are they getting from one window to another so quickly? They must be knocking and running really, really fast.” Plus, I thought I heard male voices outside as well. Once I regain consciousness, I hear my phone once again, so I decide to find it and answer it. It was Jessica. She was like, “Come to the door.” I’m like, what the crap? So I put on some shorts and go to the front door. I can see thru the big front window that there are bright lights outside. It is right about this time that I am just about to freak out. So I open the door and see Jessica and two police officers, and the whole complex is lit up like a power plant. You have to remember that I have been asleep this entire time and did not know anything was going on. There are a million thoughts that run thru your mind when the cops are banging on your door at 4 AM, and none of them are very good. (Naturally, I’m thinking, “What took you so long?”)

I was just about to put my hands out to be handcuffed, when she is like, “Why haven’t you been answering your phone? I thought something had happened to you.” As it turns out, when she tried to call me back earlier in the night, some guy answered and was like, “He’s not available.” Apparently, the “rines had gotten crossed.” (Did you just say the rines were crossed?) So she got all worried. On subsequent calls, it was showing up like my number had been disconnected. So anyway, she was concerned, thinking maybe I had been abducted (if only) or fallen and broken my hip. Meanwhile, the cops woke up several neighbors, and had their lights on and were beating on my doors and windows with their night sticks. The neighbors were saying “Well, he doesn’t say too much”, “He’s kinda quiet”, and stuff like that. (Things they always say about psycho killers.) I figure I’ll probably be evicted sometime this week.

Oh well, it’s been fun living here. I guess I’ll have to break down and finally get that medic alert bracelet to avoid such incidents in the future. Well, at least I’ll have a story to tell my grandkids… or, someone else’s grandkids. And it’s little events like this that keep life interesting. In retrospect, I guess in the same situation, I would have been concerned as well. On the bright side, it is kinda nice to have someone who cares/worries about you ;-) And I’m just glad the cops weren’t there to arrest me for anything. Plus, it made for some great conversation at dinner last night with her family.

“I wish I didn’t feel so strong about you, like happiness and love revolve around you. Trying to catch your heart is like trying to catch a star. So many people love you, baby. That must be what you are…”

May 30, 2004 at 11:39 am Leave a comment

Cops… on location?

I found this to be an interesting statistic: Every two hours, a person or a vehicle is hit by a train. Geesh, with odds like that, I may as well go park my truck on the train track right now, and just sit and wait.

Yesterday, we were eating lunch downtown in the second floor of this restaurant. So we see this cop car zoom by on the street below, and then a guy takes off running across the street. Someone jokes, “There he goes. He’s getting away.” Then some chubby cop on foot comes running after the guy. So we had a bird’s-eye view of the whole episode. The fugitive runs into this tree-lined ridge, climbs a fence, crosses some train tracks, and we lose sight of him. The chubby cop runs out of breath (no lie.. how pathetic). So this other cop car pulls up and he gets in that car. I don’t know if they ever caught the guy, but we saw two or three more cops on foot and probably four or five more cars. I was just thinking, I can see if they really were on “Cops”, the camera would be following the chubby cop on the foot chase, then suddenly, he’d stop and you’d see the guy getting farther and farther away. That would be funny.

Anyway, that was our small-town excitement for yesterday. I still haven’t heard what the guy did or if they ever caught him. Last night, my sister and I went to see my little 5-year-old cousin play t-ball. That is some entertainment right there. They are sooo cute. One little boy didn’t have his glove on half the game. He was picking up dirt and putting in his glove right in the middle of the game. My cousin got on base both times she batted. Two infield singles. LOL Afterwards, several of us went to Cracker Barrell for dinner. As usual, the service was crappy. The food was OK. I LOVE Cracker Barrell, but the one here is the worst I have ever eaten at. Come to think of it, that seems to happen to a lot of restaurants that come here. Some cutie working there spoke to me as I was coming out of the bathroom. So naturally, I pretended not to hear her. What? :-D I was singing happy birthday to my cousin and she was getting tickled and saying it wasn’t her birthday. Then, she started singing happy birthday to everyone at the table. On our way home, my sister took me by to see their house. Just about everything is done on it, I think. They bought an old, run-down house and have had it fixed up. It really looks like a brand new house, especially on the inside. That was the first time I have seen it. I can’t believe my sister is getting married in less than two months!!!

Got home about 10:45. I overslept bad, no, I mean, BAD, this morning. Got to work about an hour and a half late. That’s OK. That just means a six-and-a-half-hour-day for me ;-) Hope everyone has as happy and safe holiday weekend. We have to work Monday :-(

“I’m gonna get fired, if I don’t get some sleep. My long lost buddies say I’m gettin’ in too deep…”

May 28, 2004 at 9:55 am Leave a comment

Cops… on location?

I found this to be an interesting statistic: Every two hours, a person or a vehicle is hit by a train. Geesh, with odds like that, I may as well go park my truck on the train track right now, and just sit and wait.

Yesterday, we were eating lunch downtown in the second floor of this restaurant. So we see this cop car zoom by on the street below, and then a guy takes off running across the street. Someone jokes, “There he goes. He’s getting away.” Then some chubby cop on foot comes running after the guy. So we had a bird’s-eye view of the whole episode. The fugitive runs into this tree-lined ridge, climbs a fence, crosses some train tracks, and we lose sight of him. The chubby cop runs out of breath (no lie.. how pathetic). So this other cop car pulls up and he gets in that car. I don’t know if they ever caught the guy, but we saw two or three more cops on foot and probably four or five more cars. I was just thinking, I can see if they really were on “Cops”, the camera would be following the chubby cop on the foot chase, then suddenly, he’d stop and you’d see the guy getting farther and farther away. That would be funny.

Anyway, that was our small-town excitement for yesterday. I still haven’t heard what the guy did or if they ever caught him. Last night, my sister and I went to see my little 5-year-old cousin play t-ball. That is some entertainment right there. They are sooo cute. One little boy didn’t have his glove on half the game. He was picking up dirt and putting in his glove right in the middle of the game. My cousin got on base both times she batted. Two infield singles. LOL Afterwards, several of us went to Cracker Barrell for dinner. As usual, the service was crappy. The food was OK. I LOVE Cracker Barrell, but the one here is the worst I have ever eaten at. Come to think of it, that seems to happen to a lot of restaurants that come here. Some cutie working there spoke to me as I was coming out of the bathroom. So naturally, I pretended not to hear her. What? :-D I was singing happy birthday to my cousin and she was getting tickled and saying it wasn’t her birthday. Then, she started singing happy birthday to everyone at the table. On our way home, my sister took me by to see their house. Just about everything is done on it, I think. They bought an old, run-down house and have had it fixed up. It really looks like a brand new house, especially on the inside. That was the first time I have seen it. I can’t believe my sister is getting married in less than two months!!!

Got home about 10:45. I overslept bad, no, I mean, BAD, this morning. Got to work about an hour and a half late. That’s OK. That just means a six-and-a-half-hour-day for me ;-) Hope everyone has as happy and safe holiday weekend. We have to work Monday :-(

“I’m gonna get fired, if I don’t get some sleep. My long lost buddies say I’m gettin’ in too deep…”

May 28, 2004 at 9:55 am Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
May 2004

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