Archive for April, 2004

Out of it

Took a rather lengthy nap this afternoon (4-6:30). When I came to, I was looking at the clock thinking it was 6 AM and that I was late for work. It took me a couple of minutes to deduce that it was Friday evening. Sheesh.

Ran by the grocery store on my way home. I worked with one of the manager’s daughters like 10 years ago. So she was scanning my items and was like, “You must not be married.” I was like, “I guess you can tell by my groceries.” Half-gallon milk, three bananas, powdered donuts, 12 pack of Sun-Drop, frozen pizza. Hmm. Then she was like, “Oh don’t worry, you’ll find somebody soon. You’re a good looking boy.”

They say the eyes are the first thing to go :-P

“She said, I bet you don’t remember me. I said, only every other memory. I had a barbecue stain on my white t-shirt. You were killin’ me in that mini-skirt. Skippin’ rocks on the river by the railroad track…”

April 30, 2004 at 7:20 pm Leave a comment

Out of it

Took a rather lengthy nap this afternoon (4-6:30). When I came to, I was looking at the clock thinking it was 6 AM and that I was late for work. It took me a couple of minutes to deduce that it was Friday evening. Sheesh.

Ran by the grocery store on my way home. I worked with one of the manager’s daughters like 10 years ago. So she was scanning my items and was like, “You must not be married.” I was like, “I guess you can tell by my groceries.” Half-gallon milk, three bananas, powdered donuts, 12 pack of Sun-Drop, frozen pizza. Hmm. Then she was like, “Oh don’t worry, you’ll find somebody soon. You’re a good looking boy.”

They say the eyes are the first thing to go :-P

“She said, I bet you don’t remember me. I said, only every other memory. I had a barbecue stain on my white t-shirt. You were killin’ me in that mini-skirt. Skippin’ rocks on the river by the railroad track…”

April 30, 2004 at 7:20 pm Leave a comment

No Circles?

Interesting flash site

I played v3.764. I think I got to level 10 or 11 before I had to quit for lunch. Level 3 took me awhile. I’m still not sure what I did to get by that one. Could’ve done without the needless profanity on level 8, but overall it’s a neat little site. No instructions. You just kinda have to figure out what to do on your own.

“No matter what your friends try to tell you, we were made to fall in love. We’ll always be together, any kind ofweather. It’s like that. It’s like that. Every little step I take, you will be there…”

April 30, 2004 at 1:13 pm Leave a comment

No Circles?

Interesting flash site

I played v3.764. I think I got to level 10 or 11 before I had to quit for lunch. Level 3 took me awhile. I’m still not sure what I did to get by that one. Could’ve done without the needless profanity on level 8, but overall it’s a neat little site. No instructions. You just kinda have to figure out what to do on your own.

“No matter what your friends try to tell you, we were made to fall in love. We’ll always be together, any kind ofweather. It’s like that. It’s like that. Every little step I take, you will be there…”

April 30, 2004 at 1:13 pm Leave a comment

Entifadah Qanbar

Blog tip #26: Put “Entifadah Qanbar” in your blog and watch the hits come rolling in.

No two words sum up last evening better than those, however. Or maybe they do, but it’s fun to say. He was on TV last night while we were at Logan’s. His name kinda sounds like Enchilada Candybar. Anyway, he is the director of the Iraqi National Council or something. I remarked that he is probably just known as The Qandyman over there ;-)

“Hey, look at this, Pinter Ronawat. I wonder if he’s related to that guy I dated, Peter Ronawat?”
“Ah, it’s probably like Smith over there.”

Oh man, some lady just called and left a message on the machine. She said, and I quote, “Hello? (louder) Hello?! Don’t be callin’ if you ain’t gonna say nothing.” ROFL WOOOOOOOOO!!! Man, that just made my morning.

Nothing much going on otherwise. Amy invited me down for another card-playing extravaganza Saturday night. People, food, fun… eh, I’m out on that. Jessica stopped by yesterday on her way back from Bham. Billiard Boy returned to action last night for six pretty decent games. Dinner at Logan’s. As we were driving there, a commercial came on the radio for some club and they were offering 50 cent Bud this weekend or something. So I remarked, “Did you hear that?! Fifty cent Bud! Oh man, that’ll save me…. nothing.”

I really need a new computer at home. Anyone have an old one they wanna get rid of? It doesn’t have to be nice, or fast. LOL A color monitor would be nice… and would also be an upgrade. If not, I may just slap a new hard drive in there. That would probably solve a lot of the issues. As it is, I’ve been getting more error messages than (insert creative analogy here). It’s very frustrating. Sometimes I just wanna yell, “Entifadah Qanbar!!!!” A new comp doesn’t fit the budget right now. Me buying a new computer would be like the US government planning a manned mission to Mars. Oh, wait.

Anywho, hope everyone has a great weekend. Everybody have fun tonight. Everybody wang chung tonight. For now, I guess I’m gonna get back to Oh how I wish I was kidding. What?

“Well I guess I’ve changed, but yeah, couldn’t you, given all we’ve been thru? Heaven knows I’ve been around and around. And I guess I’ll strain well how about that. Here’s my life, here’s a doorstep…”

April 30, 2004 at 8:17 am Leave a comment

Entifadah Qanbar

Blog tip #26: Put “Entifadah Qanbar” in your blog and watch the hits come rolling in.

No two words sum up last evening better than those, however. Or maybe they do, but it’s fun to say. He was on TV last night while we were at Logan’s. His name kinda sounds like Enchilada Candybar. Anyway, he is the director of the Iraqi National Council or something. I remarked that he is probably just known as The Qandyman over there ;-)

“Hey, look at this, Pinter Ronawat. I wonder if he’s related to that guy I dated, Peter Ronawat?”

“Ah, it’s probably like Smith over there.”

Oh man, some lady just called and left a message on the machine. She said, and I quote, “Hello? (louder) Hello?! Don’t be callin’ if you ain’t gonna say nothing.” ROFL WOOOOOOOOO!!! Man, that just made my morning.

Nothing much going on otherwise. Amy invited me down for another card-playing extravaganza Saturday night. People, food, fun… eh, I’m out on that. Jessica stopped by yesterday on her way back from Bham. Billiard Boy returned to action last night for six pretty decent games. Dinner at Logan’s. As we were driving there, a commercial came on the radio for some club and they were offering 50 cent Bud this weekend or something. So I remarked, “Did you hear that?! Fifty cent Bud! Oh man, that’ll save me…. nothing.”

I really need a new computer at home. Anyone have an old one they wanna get rid of? It doesn’t have to be nice, or fast. LOL A color monitor would be nice… and would also be an upgrade. If not, I may just slap a new hard drive in there. That would probably solve a lot of the issues. As it is, I’ve been getting more error messages than (insert creative analogy here). It’s very frustrating. Sometimes I just wanna yell, “Entifadah Qanbar!!!!” A new comp doesn’t fit the budget right now. Me buying a new computer would be like the US government planning a manned mission to Mars. Oh, wait.

Anywho, hope everyone has a great weekend. Everybody have fun tonight. Everybody wang chung tonight. For now, I guess I’m gonna get back to Oh how I wish I was kidding. What?

“Well I guess I’ve changed, but yeah, couldn’t you, given all we’ve been thru? Heaven knows I’ve been around and around. And I guess I’ll strain well how about that. Here’s my life, here’s a doorstep…”

April 30, 2004 at 8:17 am Leave a comment

I’m not sure I was ready to have my own blog…

Sometimes I feel like Kramer in The Merv Griffin Show: “I tell ya, it was a grind trying to fill ten hours a day. I’m not sure I was ready to have my own talk show set.”

Well, the Reds Chernobyl-like meltdown last night makes Tuesday night’s incident look like some overcooked popcorn in the microwave. Up 9-1 after five innings! We end up losing 10-9. Unbelievable. Why do I keep listening to the games? I guess that’s just the Billy Mumphrey in me, a little cockeyed optimism. Mercifully, the first round of the NBA playoffs are winding down. Few of the series have been even remotely competitive. I’ll post my thoughts on the second round once those matchups are determined. I’m sure you’ll be waiting with bated breath.

Yesterday was muy productivo. Called Jess to check on her Mom. Surgery went fine and she even got discharged later in the day. After work, went over to Dad’s to cut the yard. Managed to slip in about an hour nap before church. While I was cutting the grass, I noticed a strange, rather tall plant growing near the front porch. Now I’m not expert on the subject, but it looked like marijuana. So I’m thinking Dad’s got some volunteer weed springing up by the porch. Unfortunately, I’d left my commemorative Snoop Dog Girls Gone Wild bong lying beside my Blogging For Dummies manual on my chest of drawers at home. (j/k) Anyway, I’m not sure what it is, but if anyone wants some, I guess I can let it go for $100 a stalk. What?

There have been no more whistles or yells from teenage girls passing by on the street lately. Maybe they were part of some girl-scouts-gone-wild low-level street gang or something. I don’t know. I need to wash my truck. There is white bird poo near the bottom of my driver’s side door. How the bird managed to hit that spot, given the slight convexity of the door, is a mystery to me. I can see him up there with the other birds in the flock going, “Watch this.”

Dinner last night:
Jeno’s frozen combination pizza… 99 cents
12 oz. can Sun Drop soft drink… 49 cents
28 grams of fat, 700 calories, and feeling the carbonation burn as it goes down… priceless.

Well, I wish I had more to say, but you’re probably glad I don’t. Guess I’ll get back to what I’ve been doing for the past 12 years–longing for the sequel to Pure Country.

“Close your eyes, girl. Look inside, girl. Let the sound take you away…”

April 29, 2004 at 2:44 pm Leave a comment

I’m not sure I was ready to have my own blog…

Sometimes I feel like Kramer in The Merv Griffin Show: “I tell ya, it was a grind trying to fill ten hours a day. I’m not sure I was ready to have my own talk show set.”

Well, the Reds Chernobyl-like meltdown last night makes Tuesday night’s incident look like some overcooked popcorn in the microwave. Up 9-1 after five innings! We end up losing 10-9. Unbelievable. Why do I keep listening to the games? I guess that’s just the Billy Mumphrey in me, a little cockeyed optimism. Mercifully, the first round of the NBA playoffs are winding down. Few of the series have been even remotely competitive. I’ll post my thoughts on the second round once those matchups are determined. I’m sure you’ll be waiting with bated breath.

Yesterday was muy productivo. Called Jess to check on her Mom. Surgery went fine and she even got discharged later in the day. After work, went over to Dad’s to cut the yard. Managed to slip in about an hour nap before church. While I was cutting the grass, I noticed a strange, rather tall plant growing near the front porch. Now I’m not expert on the subject, but it looked like marijuana. So I’m thinking Dad’s got some volunteer weed springing up by the porch. Unfortunately, I’d left my commemorative Snoop Dog Girls Gone Wild bong lying beside my Blogging For Dummies manual on my chest of drawers at home. (j/k) Anyway, I’m not sure what it is, but if anyone wants some, I guess I can let it go for $100 a stalk. What?

There have been no more whistles or yells from teenage girls passing by on the street lately. Maybe they were part of some girl-scouts-gone-wild low-level street gang or something. I don’t know. I need to wash my truck. There is white bird poo near the bottom of my driver’s side door. How the bird managed to hit that spot, given the slight convexity of the door, is a mystery to me. I can see him up there with the other birds in the flock going, “Watch this.”

Dinner last night:

Jeno’s frozen combination pizza… 99 cents

12 oz. can Sun Drop soft drink… 49 cents

28 grams of fat, 700 calories, and feeling the carbonation burn as it goes down… priceless.

Well, I wish I had more to say, but you’re probably glad I don’t. Guess I’ll get back to what I’ve been doing for the past 12 years–longing for the sequel to Pure Country.

“Close your eyes, girl. Look inside, girl. Let the sound take you away…”

April 29, 2004 at 2:44 pm Leave a comment

A good day for birthdays…

Happy birthday, Jerry: The Sein is 50

Coincidentally, in what is probably my favorite ep, “The Outing”, George, Elaine, and Kramer are giving birthday gifts to Jerry:

George: “Two tickets to Guys and Dolls! I’m gonna go with you.”
Jerry: “Guys and Dolls? Isn’t that a lavish Broadway musical?”
George: “It’s Guys and Dolls, not Guys and Guys.”

Then Elaine gets him The Collected Works of Bette Midler. LOL

Also, today is the birthday of my mostest favoritest actress, Michelle Pfeiffer. Another site, here.

My favorite tennis player, Andre Agassi, is 34 today. And Eve Plumb, who played Jan on The Brady Bunch, is 46 today. It seems only fitting that her birthday is overshadowed by other celebrities, keeping with her middle-child mantra.

And last but not least, I think today may be Donna’s birthday. Oh man, I’m in big trouble if I forget that. Too much to remember… system resources are dangerously low.

More Sein:
“Although they maintain separate residences, the comedian and his longtime companion seem to be inseparable.”

“Within the confines of his fastidious bachelor pad, Seinfeld and Costanza bicker over the cleanliness of a piece of fruit like an old married couple.”

“I’m 33 for a moment. Still the man, but you see I’m a they. A kid on the way. A family on my mind. I’m 45 for a moment. The sea is high, and I’m heading into a crisis, chasing the years of my life…”

April 29, 2004 at 7:40 am Leave a comment

A good day for birthdays…

Happy birthday, Jerry: The Sein is 50

Coincidentally, in what is probably my favorite ep, “The Outing”, George, Elaine, and Kramer are giving birthday gifts to Jerry:

George: “Two tickets to Guys and Dolls! I’m gonna go with you.”

Jerry: “Guys and Dolls? Isn’t that a lavish Broadway musical?”

George: “It’s Guys and Dolls, not Guys and Guys.”

Then Elaine gets him The Collected Works of Bette Midler. LOL

Also, today is the birthday of my mostest favoritest actress, Michelle Pfeiffer. Another site, here.

My favorite tennis player, Andre Agassi, is 34 today. And Eve Plumb, who played Jan on The Brady Bunch, is 46 today. It seems only fitting that her birthday is overshadowed by other celebrities, keeping with her middle-child mantra.

And last but not least, I think today may be Donna’s birthday. Oh man, I’m in big trouble if I forget that. Too much to remember… system resources are dangerously low.

More Sein:

“Although they maintain separate residences, the comedian and his longtime companion seem to be inseparable.”

“Within the confines of his fastidious bachelor pad, Seinfeld and Costanza bicker over the cleanliness of a piece of fruit like an old married couple.”

“I’m 33 for a moment. Still the man, but you see I’m a they. A kid on the way. A family on my mind. I’m 45 for a moment. The sea is high, and I’m heading into a crisis, chasing the years of my life…”

April 29, 2004 at 7:40 am Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
April 2004

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