Archive for March, 2004

Definitely Not A Rocket Scientist

Is it any coincidence this guy’s name is Kramer?

Uhh..duh.. “I thought I was dead.” They declined to arrest him? Surely, this girl has got to be looking at other options. Seriouslah lol If you’re wondering, yes, I do read the Anchorage Daily News online. What?

Other mostly useless info:

Happy birthday today to Gabe Kaplan. He is 59. It’s a little known fact that before his comedy career, he pursued a professional baseball career. And maybe a lesser known fact is that he was somewhat of a mentor for a young Jerry Seinfeld. ROFL

(From “The Fatigues”)

Abby: “I’m her protege. You must have someone like that, you know, who guides you in your career path?”

Jerry: “Well, I like Gabe Kaplan.”

Man, I loved that show, “Welcome Back, Kotter.” They did a marathon one weekend on TVLand. It was great! I think you know where we’re going with the lyrics for this bloglet… John Sebastian, babee!!

“Welcome back. Your dreams were your ticket out. Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about. Well, the names have all changed since you hung around. But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around…”

March 31, 2004 at 11:54 am Leave a comment

Definitely Not A Rocket Scientist

Is it any coincidence this guy’s name is Kramer?

Uhh..duh.. “I thought I was dead.” They declined to arrest him? Surely, this girl has got to be looking at other options. Seriouslah lol If you’re wondering, yes, I do read the Anchorage Daily News online. What?

Other mostly useless info:
Happy birthday today to Gabe Kaplan. He is 59. It’s a little known fact that before his comedy career, he pursued a professional baseball career. And maybe a lesser known fact is that he was somewhat of a mentor for a young Jerry Seinfeld. ROFL

(From “The Fatigues”)
Abby: “I’m her protege. You must have someone like that, you know, who guides you in your career path?”
Jerry: “Well, I like Gabe Kaplan.”

Man, I loved that show, “Welcome Back, Kotter.” They did a marathon one weekend on TVLand. It was great! I think you know where we’re going with the lyrics for this bloglet… John Sebastian, babee!!

“Welcome back. Your dreams were your ticket out. Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about. Well, the names have all changed since you hung around. But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around…”

March 31, 2004 at 10:54 am Leave a comment

A Night At O’Hetero’s (with apologies to Robert Smigel)

Received an instant message last night that some of you will enjoy more than others. I wish I would’ve saved it so I could just paste it here, but this will do. I can’t remember the IM name, so I just made one up for effect.

VillageP69: “Can I ask you a personal question?”

Me: “Sure, I guess.”

VillageP69: “What is your sexual orientation?”

Me: “Uh, hetero.”

VillageP69: “Oh. Is that set in stone?”

Me: “Yes!”

VillageP69: “Well, that’s too bad. I was bored and just looking to get into a little mischief.”

What the freak? Do my pictures on my AOL page make me look non-hetero? Maybe I need to rethink my image. Maybe these silk shirts and pastel colors just aren’t projecting the image I am looking to project. What? Oh well, it probably all goes back to the whole “single, thin, and neat” thing. I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about. Nothing that a night out at O’Hetero’s can’t cure.

“Quick, let’s duck in here. No one will recognize us in these clever disguises.”

“Why was everyone calling us names and trying to pick a fight with us, big guy?”

“Well my friend, I guess the Native American still has a long way to go.”

Other funnies:

“So why do people call you Little Nibbler?”

“Oh you don’t wanna know.”


“Well, just because I eat slow.” ROFL

“Why do people call you Bone?”

“Oh, don’t ask that.” WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

“I need a lot of motivation to work out. I need a sergeant. lol”

“A kaiser! A czar!”

“Sometimes I wish change could just leave well enough alone. When something is so good, so right, why can’t it go on, and on and on? Maybe it’s us and our foolish pride. But I never will understand why, change can’t leave well enough alone…”

March 31, 2004 at 10:01 am Leave a comment

A Night At O’Hetero’s (with apologies to Robert Smigel)

Received an instant message last night that some of you will enjoy more than others. I wish I would’ve saved it so I could just paste it here, but this will do. I can’t remember the IM name, so I just made one up for effect.

VillageP69: “Can I ask you a personal question?”
Me: “Sure, I guess.”
VillageP69: “What is your sexual orientation?”
Me: “Uh, hetero.”
VillageP69: “Oh. Is that set in stone?”
Me: “Yes!”
VillageP69: “Well, that’s too bad. I was bored and just looking to get into a little mischief.”

What the freak? Do my pictures on my AOL page make me look non-hetero? Maybe I need to rethink my image. Maybe these silk shirts and pastel colors just aren’t projecting the image I am looking to project. What? Oh well, it probably all goes back to the whole “single, thin, and neat” thing. I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about. Nothing that a night out at O’Hetero’s can’t cure.

“Quick, let’s duck in here. No one will recognize us in these clever disguises.”
“Why was everyone calling us names and trying to pick a fight with us, big guy?”
“Well my friend, I guess the Native American still has a long way to go.”

Other funnies:
“So why do people call you Little Nibbler?”
“Oh you don’t wanna know.”
“Well, just because I eat slow.” ROFL
“Why do people call you Bone?”
“Oh, don’t ask that.” WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

“I need a lot of motivation to work out. I need a sergeant. lol”
“A kaiser! A czar!”

“Sometimes I wish change could just leave well enough alone. When something is so good, so right, why can’t it go on, and on and on? Maybe it’s us and our foolish pride. But I never will understand why, change can’t leave well enough alone…”

March 31, 2004 at 9:01 am Leave a comment

Friends, bloggers, countrymen… hotties… Branch Davidians.. what?

Lend me your ear… or your monitor. Random Sein quote of the day: “If you are thinking of instituting an open-door urination policy, let me disabuse you of that notion right now, my friend.” :-) Haven’t done that in awhile.

Let’s see what’s been going on. Oh, the therapist called Sunday and told Dad he was done with his physical therapy. Then the doctor OK’d him to drive Monday. That’s great news. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.

Recapping today, I did laundry to consummation. Ran by Wal-Mart, and spent money I didn’t need to spend on a new CD. Went to Cardinal to get dinner for Kim and me, then went over there to eat with her. Ended up staying over there for about an hour and a half, trying to help her think of a song to play or have sung at her wedding. I also got her in touch with Jessica this weekend. She is going to help direct the wedding, or plan it, or whatever.

Oh, I went by to get my oil changed today. It started me thinking, I used to do that myself. I used to do a lot more myself. What has happened to me? I’m becoming one of those guys who don’t do any of that stuff. For crying out loud, I changed plug wires before, installed a radio or two, put on brake shoes, even. Maybe part of it is not having space to work here in an apartment complex. Yes, that’s it. That’s what I’m blaming it on, at least. lol

Speaking of cars, I saw a gold 1985 Cavalier today. I don’t see how that car is still running. That got me to thinking of the cars I’ve had, because I actually had a gold 1985 Cavalier. First, there was the black 1980 Monte Carlo, which included the rare feature of having the cloth lining hanging down from the ceiling. That was cool.. or not. Also, it wouldn’t stop running for a few seconds (or minutes) when I turned off the ignition. I worked at a grocery store at that time, and sometimes I’d park, get out, and be to the door before it would quit running. Next, I had a baby blue 1984 Escort, with sport stripes and louvers on the back window. ROFL I wrecked that one (no, not on purpose, as is widely suspected). My third car was the gold Cavalier. Four rattling cylinders of power. What? It was a four door, which is a nice touch when you are 18 years old. lol Try getting a date in any of those three cars. Not easy. lol I must apologize one more time to the girls I went out with during that time… Leslie, Paige, Cindy, and anyone else. They were real troopers. lol Finally, I was able to afford a decent car next, a burgundy 1989 Mustang. It wasn’t a 5.0, but it was still worlds better than anything else. I had it for about 2 and a half years I think, then a few little things started going wrong, little cosmetic things breaking and such, so I got tired of it. That’s when I got my Jeep, a white 1993 Wrangler with soft-top. That was cool, definitely my favorite vehicle. Go anywhere, do anything. Nothing was better than taking the top off that thing and riding around. I miss that a lot. Anyway, I had it a little over four years, I think. Finally, it got to the point where it wasn’t really practical, plus it didn’t have air, so I sold it to Dad. That’s when I got my truck, which was the first brand new vehicle I’d ever bought. I still have it. 141,000 miles and thankfully it’s still going strong.

Well, that was a little long. Blogger come-on line #27: You know what they say about guys with big blogs? Well, OK, me neither. WOOOOOOOO!!!!

“Desperado, oh, you ain’t gettin’ no younger. Your pain and your hunger, they’re drivin’ you home. And freedom, whoa, freedom, well that’s just some people talkin’. Your prison is walkin’ thru this world all alone…”

March 30, 2004 at 11:36 pm Leave a comment

Friends, bloggers, countrymen… hotties… Branch Davidians.. what?

Lend me your ear… or your monitor. Random Sein quote of the day: “If you are thinking of instituting an open-door urination policy, let me disabuse you of that notion right now, my friend.” :-) Haven’t done that in awhile.

Let’s see what’s been going on. Oh, the therapist called Sunday and told Dad he was done with his physical therapy. Then the doctor OK’d him to drive Monday. That’s great news. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.

Recapping today, I did laundry to consummation. Ran by Wal-Mart, and spent money I didn’t need to spend on a new CD. Went to Cardinal to get dinner for Kim and me, then went over there to eat with her. Ended up staying over there for about an hour and a half, trying to help her think of a song to play or have sung at her wedding. I also got her in touch with Jessica this weekend. She is going to help direct the wedding, or plan it, or whatever.

Oh, I went by to get my oil changed today. It started me thinking, I used to do that myself. I used to do a lot more myself. What has happened to me? I’m becoming one of those guys who don’t do any of that stuff. For crying out loud, I changed plug wires before, installed a radio or two, put on brake shoes, even. Maybe part of it is not having space to work here in an apartment complex. Yes, that’s it. That’s what I’m blaming it on, at least. lol

Speaking of cars, I saw a gold 1985 Cavalier today. I don’t see how that car is still running. That got me to thinking of the cars I’ve had, because I actually had a gold 1985 Cavalier. First, there was the black 1980 Monte Carlo, which included the rare feature of having the cloth lining hanging down from the ceiling. That was cool.. or not. Also, it wouldn’t stop running for a few seconds (or minutes) when I turned off the ignition. I worked at a grocery store at that time, and sometimes I’d park, get out, and be to the door before it would quit running. Next, I had a baby blue 1984 Escort, with sport stripes and louvers on the back window. ROFL I wrecked that one (no, not on purpose, as is widely suspected). My third car was the gold Cavalier. Four rattling cylinders of power. What? It was a four door, which is a nice touch when you are 18 years old. lol Try getting a date in any of those three cars. Not easy. lol I must apologize one more time to the girls I went out with during that time… Leslie, Paige, Cindy, and anyone else. They were real troopers. lol Finally, I was able to afford a decent car next, a burgundy 1989 Mustang. It wasn’t a 5.0, but it was still worlds better than anything else. I had it for about 2 and a half years I think, then a few little things started going wrong, little cosmetic things breaking and such, so I got tired of it. That’s when I got my Jeep, a white 1993 Wrangler with soft-top. That was cool, definitely my favorite vehicle. Go anywhere, do anything. Nothing was better than taking the top off that thing and riding around. I miss that a lot. Anyway, I had it a little over four years, I think. Finally, it got to the point where it wasn’t really practical, plus it didn’t have air, so I sold it to Dad. That’s when I got my truck, which was the first brand new vehicle I’d ever bought. I still have it. 141,000 miles and thankfully it’s still going strong.

Well, that was a little long. Blogger come-on line #27: You know what they say about guys with big blogs? Well, OK, me neither. WOOOOOOOO!!!!

“Desperado, oh, you ain’t gettin’ no younger. Your pain and your hunger, they’re drivin’ you home. And freedom, whoa, freedom, well that’s just some people talkin’. Your prison is walkin’ thru this world all alone…”

March 30, 2004 at 10:36 pm Leave a comment

Spring Break 2005: Destination Decatur?

Philly College Students Spend Spring Break At Wheeler Refuge

OK, first of all, that’s a pretty neat story. Secondly, I can’t believe there were college hotties in the area, and I missed it. Any other week, I would’ve been hanging out at the wildlife refuge anyway. Oh wait. What? I’m not even sure what that’s supposed to mean. WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

“You say the weather in Atlanta is foggy and gray. Work gets harder everyday. And your new boyfriend is holdin’ on too tight. I got a gig at the beach, room with a view. The only thing missing here is you. Some fresh ocean breeze might ease your mind…”

March 30, 2004 at 10:54 am Leave a comment

Spring Break 2005: Destination Decatur?

Philly College Students Spend Spring Break At Wheeler Refuge

OK, first of all, that’s a pretty neat story. Secondly, I can’t believe there were college hotties in the area, and I missed it. Any other week, I would’ve been hanging out at the wildlife refuge anyway. Oh wait. What? I’m not even sure what that’s supposed to mean. WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

“You say the weather in Atlanta is foggy and gray. Work gets harder everyday. And your new boyfriend is holdin’ on too tight. I got a gig at the beach, room with a view. The only thing missing here is you. Some fresh ocean breeze might ease your mind…”

March 30, 2004 at 9:54 am Leave a comment

JIHAD… triple word score.. 45 points!

Just got done playing online scrabble at My big word the first game was jihad. LOL Amelia challenged it, but fortunately it was in the scrabble dictionary. That’s 45 points, with a triple word score (I used a blank tile for the “a”). Clearly, I have nothing to blog about. Today was a nice day. Had a good hard rain while I was at work. I love the smell of rain. I like when it rains and there are no storms. It’s peaceful, refreshing. Then on the way home, the rock station played “Sweet Child O’ Mine.” I luh dat! Napped for a bit this afternoon, since I only got about five hours sleep again last night.

In the news today, this is just wrong… and gross. Blech. However, there was a running joke going around about someone today, concerning this story. Without going into full detail, it was something like, “well he’s gonna live a long time then.” lol

I’d like to welcome my good friend, Bunny (aka Lil Booty), to the blog fold. I’ll have to add a permanent link soon :-)

“Paint me a Birmingham. Make it look just the way I planned. A little house on the edge of town. Porch goin’ all the way around. Put her there in the front yard swing. Cotton dress, make it early Spring. For awhile she’ll be mine again, if you can paint me a Birmingham…”

March 29, 2004 at 11:15 pm Leave a comment

JIHAD… triple word score.. 45 points!

Just got done playing online scrabble at My big word the first game was jihad. LOL Amelia challenged it, but fortunately it was in the scrabble dictionary. That’s 45 points, with a triple word score (I used a blank tile for the “a”). Clearly, I have nothing to blog about. Today was a nice day. Had a good hard rain while I was at work. I love the smell of rain. I like when it rains and there are no storms. It’s peaceful, refreshing. Then on the way home, the rock station played “Sweet Child O’ Mine.” I luh dat! Napped for a bit this afternoon, since I only got about five hours sleep again last night.

In the news today, this is just wrong… and gross. Blech. However, there was a running joke going around about someone today, concerning this story. Without going into full detail, it was something like, “well he’s gonna live a long time then.” lol

I’d like to welcome my good friend, Bunny (aka Lil Booty), to the blog fold. I’ll have to add a permanent link soon :-)

“Paint me a Birmingham. Make it look just the way I planned. A little house on the edge of town. Porch goin’ all the way around. Put her there in the front yard swing. Cotton dress, make it early Spring. For awhile she’ll be mine again, if you can paint me a Birmingham…”

March 29, 2004 at 10:15 pm Leave a comment

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Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA

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