Archive for February 19, 2004

Billiards Tonight!!!

6:00 PM. Be there. Everyone is welcome. Don’t worry about coming unannounced. We don’t discriminate. We’ll kick your tail anyway. Just ask Micah. ROFL Woooooooooo!!!!!!!

Oh man, it is sooo nice out. Just washed and vacuumed the truck. About to go for a run, I think.

Hey yaaaaaaaaa!!!!

“The sky it was gold, it was rose. I was taking sips of it through my nose, and I wish I could get back there, someplace. Back there smiling in the pictures she would take…”

February 19, 2004 at 5:11 pm Leave a comment

Billiards Tonight!!!

6:00 PM. Be there. Everyone is welcome. Don’t worry about coming unannounced. We don’t discriminate. We’ll kick your tail anyway. Just ask Micah. ROFL Woooooooooo!!!!!!!

Oh man, it is sooo nice out. Just washed and vacuumed the truck. About to go for a run, I think.

Hey yaaaaaaaaa!!!!

“The sky it was gold, it was rose. I was taking sips of it through my nose, and I wish I could get back there, someplace. Back there smiling in the pictures she would take…”

February 19, 2004 at 4:11 pm Leave a comment

The weather is here… wish you were beautiful…

Well, things have slowed down some at work. OK, well, not really. I’ve just decided to slow down and do less work. LOL

THE WEATHER IS SOOOO NICE!!!! It’s neat how you can have like fifty straight cold, dreary, damp, cloudy, rainy, gloomy days, but one beautiful day just makes you forget all the bad. I am officially declaring today “The Nicest Day of 2004 So Far.” Sunny and highs in the mid-60’s is our forecast. It was pretty, but cooler yesterday. I went running. I needed it. People have stocked me up on junk food with my bday and VD being two days apart. I’ve got three boxes of candy here and a birthday cake which I’ve eaten two pieces of. I finished all but two of the chocolate oatmeal cookies that this lady at work made me. So, yeah. I need to quit.

There was an incident which occurred last night, which may just be a near-perfect microcosm of my singledom. I got invited over to a cute chick’s house, but I decided it was more important to stay here and get some rest because I had to work in the morning. Hmm. Wow, that hearkens back to days of Kyle and Liz…

L: “I’ve got to finish moving tonight after work. I started last night but got so tired I fell asleep on the couch.”

(long period of silence… J kicks K under the table)

K: “Well, I’ve gotta go to work in the morning.”


In Seinfeld news, “The Blood” was on last night. That’s the episode with Kelly Waymire, who passed away last year, at like 36.

Kramer: “Well, somebody’s baby-sitting.”

Elaine: “You? I’m more responsible than you are.”

Kramer: “Don’t be ridiculous… Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to fill my freezer with my own blood.” ROFL

Went by to see my sister. She was watching Newlyweds. I caught the end of it. (Amber, aren’t you proud?) He was trying to make a deal or something where she would guarantee to give him some three times a week for a year. Maybe I have a big misconception of marriage, but you’ve only been married a few months and already you’re having to deal to get it three times a week? That’s kinda sad. But like I say, my idea of marriage and reality might be completely different. Probably is. lol

Had a frozen pizza for dinner last night. There is no doubt that for the rest of my life, everytime I have a frozen pizza, I will remember the “Frozen Pizza Disaster of 1/25/04.” Blech!!

Thought for the day: Look for contentment in material things, and you will never find it.

“Now I don’t understand what happened to our love. Babe, I’m gonna get you back. I’m gonna show you what I’m made of. I can see you. Your brown skin shinin’ in the sun. I see you walkin’ real slow and smilin’ at everyone…”

February 19, 2004 at 3:55 pm Leave a comment

The weather is here… wish you were beautiful…

Well, things have slowed down some at work. OK, well, not really. I’ve just decided to slow down and do less work. LOL

THE WEATHER IS SOOOO NICE!!!! It’s neat how you can have like fifty straight cold, dreary, damp, cloudy, rainy, gloomy days, but one beautiful day just makes you forget all the bad. I am officially declaring today “The Nicest Day of 2004 So Far.” Sunny and highs in the mid-60’s is our forecast. It was pretty, but cooler yesterday. I went running. I needed it. People have stocked me up on junk food with my bday and VD being two days apart. I’ve got three boxes of candy here and a birthday cake which I’ve eaten two pieces of. I finished all but two of the chocolate oatmeal cookies that this lady at work made me. So, yeah. I need to quit.

There was an incident which occurred last night, which may just be a near-perfect microcosm of my singledom. I got invited over to a cute chick’s house, but I decided it was more important to stay here and get some rest because I had to work in the morning. Hmm. Wow, that hearkens back to days of Kyle and Liz…

L: “I’ve got to finish moving tonight after work. I started last night but got so tired I fell asleep on the couch.”
(long period of silence… J kicks K under the table)
K: “Well, I’ve gotta go to work in the morning.”

In Seinfeld news, “The Blood” was on last night. That’s the episode with Kelly Waymire, who passed away last year, at like 36.

Kramer: “Well, somebody’s baby-sitting.”
Elaine: “You? I’m more responsible than you are.”
Kramer: “Don’t be ridiculous… Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to fill my freezer with my own blood.” ROFL

Went by to see my sister. She was watching Newlyweds. I caught the end of it. (Amber, aren’t you proud?) He was trying to make a deal or something where she would guarantee to give him some three times a week for a year. Maybe I have a big misconception of marriage, but you’ve only been married a few months and already you’re having to deal to get it three times a week? That’s kinda sad. But like I say, my idea of marriage and reality might be completely different. Probably is. lol

Had a frozen pizza for dinner last night. There is no doubt that for the rest of my life, everytime I have a frozen pizza, I will remember the “Frozen Pizza Disaster of 1/25/04.” Blech!!

Thought for the day: Look for contentment in material things, and you will never find it.

“Now I don’t understand what happened to our love. Babe, I’m gonna get you back. I’m gonna show you what I’m made of. I can see you. Your brown skin shinin’ in the sun. I see you walkin’ real slow and smilin’ at everyone…”

February 19, 2004 at 2:55 pm Leave a comment


I just joined Seinology today.

My user name is Yev Kassem. LOL Hardcore Sein fans will know who that is. Everyone else will not. Yes, it’s from the show.

“You know it’s funny how sometimes it don’t work out like you want to. No, you never get nothing at all. Then she tells you that it’s over. Boy, don’t you hate it when it’s over. I guess something just got lost. And it deeply saddens me…”

February 19, 2004 at 12:38 pm Leave a comment


I just joined Seinology today.

My user name is Yev Kassem. LOL Hardcore Sein fans will know who that is. Everyone else will not. Yes, it’s from the show.

“You know it’s funny how sometimes it don’t work out like you want to. No, you never get nothing at all. Then she tells you that it’s over. Boy, don’t you hate it when it’s over. I guess something just got lost. And it deeply saddens me…”

February 19, 2004 at 11:38 am Leave a comment

26.9 and Rising

Single and Smiling

OK, the only point of sharing this article is this stat. The average age at first marriage for men. Well, this article says 26.8, according to the 2000 Census. But I just read where it’s up to 26.9 for 2002. I am doing my part to drive that number higher. ROFL Actually, I’m probably helping to drive the female number up, too. I’ve run off more than my fair share. WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

“I know you don’t want to hear what I say. I know you’re gonna keep turning away. But I’ve been there and if I can survive, I can keep you alive. I’m not above going thru it again. I’ve not above being cool for a while. If you’re cruel to me I’ll understand…”

February 19, 2004 at 10:04 am Leave a comment

Road versus Treadmill

I have been discussing and researching this debate the past couple of days. To me, I think you have to run a “farther” distance on a treadmill to get the same workout you do on the road. But looking around online, there’s not a lot of hard evidence to be found. Of course, no one at a gym who is trying to get you to pay them a monthly membership fee is going to tell you running on a road is better than running on their treadmill.

I did find this article. It’s pretty good, if you have time to read it. Here are a lines I liked from the article:

“six-minute miling pace on a treadmill usually produces lower heart and oxygen consumption rates than same-pace running on the track…”

“There is little doubt that treadmill training is better for fitness than a completely sedentary lifestyle, and there is no question that non-competitive joggers can improve their overall fitness on a treadmill…”

To me, the #1 thing you cannot account for on a treadmill is wind resistance. You can’t overstate how important that is, or maybe I should say, how big a difference that makes. From experience, even a light wind makes a big difference if you’re running into it.

#2 is the shock and jarring that your body takes on the road. Treadmill running is definitely gentler, and better for your knees, I’m sure.

I just think if you were to run two miles on a treadmill today, and two miles on the road tomorrow, you would definitely feel it more from the road. And those are the main two reasons, in my opinion. It seems like you get a lot more out of breath on the road as well.

Also, on the treadmill, there’s really no propelling yourself forward. It is running and all you’re doing is stepping, basically. While your grounded foot is on the mill, you lose something, because the mill moves it for you, if that makes sense.

There are two advantages to running on the road, that might make it seem a little easier than the mill. First of all, the change of scenery probably keeps it from being as boring. Secondly, you don’t have the natural cooling of the air hitting your body in a gym. Of course, if you’re watching TV in a well air-conditioned gym, then those points are no good. lol

Of course, the treadmill has advantages. Besides being a lot less jarring to the body, you don’t have to worry about weather. And, you can keep a steady pace. It’s sometimes difficult to stay at the same speed on the road.

Lastly, I’m not really sure how accurately a computer can measure distance. I remember we used to have a stationary bike when I lived at home, and I could knock out five miles on that thing in no time. Speaking of, I need to tune up my bike and start riding again.

So, road or treadmill? Well, I’d say whichever works best for you. The main thing from a fitness standpoint is increasing the heart rate and burning calories, right? But I would say to try out both. And don’t fool yourself into thinking that just because you knock out three miles on the mill, that it’s going to be that easy on the pavement. And if you’re training for distance running, I’d say definitely take the road most of the time. However, I think the mill could be used to supplement road training, on rainy days, and also to help pace yourself. Oh well. I hope you enjoyed today’s discussion. And keep in mind, all this comes from a road runner. Beep beep. ROFL Oh man, that was the corniest thing I’ve ever said. I should really delete that. I really should.

“It always seemed such a waste. She always had a pretty face. I wondered why she hung around this place…”

February 19, 2004 at 9:21 am Leave a comment

26.9 and Rising

Single and Smiling

OK, the only point of sharing this article is this stat. The average age at first marriage for men. Well, this article says 26.8, according to the 2000 Census. But I just read where it’s up to 26.9 for 2002. I am doing my part to drive that number higher. ROFL Actually, I’m probably helping to drive the female number up, too. I’ve run off more than my fair share. WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

“I know you don’t want to hear what I say. I know you’re gonna keep turning away. But I’ve been there and if I can survive, I can keep you alive. I’m not above going thru it again. I’ve not above being cool for a while. If you’re cruel to me I’ll understand…”

February 19, 2004 at 9:04 am Leave a comment

Road versus Treadmill

I have been discussing and researching this debate the past couple of days. To me, I think you have to run a “farther” distance on a treadmill to get the same workout you do on the road. But looking around online, there’s not a lot of hard evidence to be found. Of course, no one at a gym who is trying to get you to pay them a monthly membership fee is going to tell you running on a road is better than running on their treadmill.

I did find this article. It’s pretty good, if you have time to read it. Here are a lines I liked from the article:

“six-minute miling pace on a treadmill usually produces lower heart and oxygen consumption rates than same-pace running on the track…”

“There is little doubt that treadmill training is better for fitness than a completely sedentary lifestyle, and there is no question that non-competitive joggers can improve their overall fitness on a treadmill…”

To me, the #1 thing you cannot account for on a treadmill is wind resistance. You can’t overstate how important that is, or maybe I should say, how big a difference that makes. From experience, even a light wind makes a big difference if you’re running into it.

#2 is the shock and jarring that your body takes on the road. Treadmill running is definitely gentler, and better for your knees, I’m sure.

I just think if you were to run two miles on a treadmill today, and two miles on the road tomorrow, you would definitely feel it more from the road. And those are the main two reasons, in my opinion. It seems like you get a lot more out of breath on the road as well.

Also, on the treadmill, there’s really no propelling yourself forward. It is running and all you’re doing is stepping, basically. While your grounded foot is on the mill, you lose something, because the mill moves it for you, if that makes sense.

There are two advantages to running on the road, that might make it seem a little easier than the mill. First of all, the change of scenery probably keeps it from being as boring. Secondly, you don’t have the natural cooling of the air hitting your body in a gym. Of course, if you’re watching TV in a well air-conditioned gym, then those points are no good. lol

Of course, the treadmill has advantages. Besides being a lot less jarring to the body, you don’t have to worry about weather. And, you can keep a steady pace. It’s sometimes difficult to stay at the same speed on the road.

Lastly, I’m not really sure how accurately a computer can measure distance. I remember we used to have a stationary bike when I lived at home, and I could knock out five miles on that thing in no time. Speaking of, I need to tune up my bike and start riding again.

So, road or treadmill? Well, I’d say whichever works best for you. The main thing from a fitness standpoint is increasing the heart rate and burning calories, right? But I would say to try out both. And don’t fool yourself into thinking that just because you knock out three miles on the mill, that it’s going to be that easy on the pavement. And if you’re training for distance running, I’d say definitely take the road most of the time. However, I think the mill could be used to supplement road training, on rainy days, and also to help pace yourself. Oh well. I hope you enjoyed today’s discussion. And keep in mind, all this comes from a road runner. Beep beep. ROFL Oh man, that was the corniest thing I’ve ever said. I should really delete that. I really should.

“It always seemed such a waste. She always had a pretty face. I wondered why she hung around this place…”

February 19, 2004 at 8:21 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
February 2004

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