Archive for February 11, 2004

The final day of my thirtieth year…

…turned out to be a good day, a really good day.

I got calls from two people today that I haven’t heard from in months. So I’m sitting here in a listless languor and my cell phone rings. Turns out to be Jen, who I’ve dated off and on three or four times over the past three years. We had a nice little chat. Hadn’t heard from her in at least three months.

Then I go to church and afterwards my usual Wednesday night, second job, in the rain… I stop by home to change clothes and I have a message on my home phone. Turns out to be Bobbie, the girl I was engaged to many moons ago, calling to wish me a happy birthday. Wow! I have not talked to her since like last summer sometime. Anyway, I have no time to talk so I figure I’ll call her when I get done. So while I’m out I run into Charlotte, this girl I went to church with like many years ago. I ask where she’s working and she’s like “They’re hiring,” and tells me to put her name down on my resume. So I’m all stoked about that.

Then, the usuals– Mandy was working and Jonathan was coming out of Food World. I promise I have run into him at least four of the last five weeks up there on Wednesday night. LOL So I call Bobbie back when I get home. We had a nice conversation, catching up on everything. We always had this relationship, even after we split up, maybe especially after we split up, where we could talk about anything. Sorta like Nina on Seinfeld that time (“The Betrayal”). We never had a bad conversation. LOL

Anyway, it was just really nice to hear from people I haven’t heard from in awhile, you know. It’s good to hear from friends and acquaintances. I mean, isn’t that what life is all about? The people we touch, and those who touch our lives. Then I had a message from Bunny. Turns out she has been in Kansas City at some conference. Good to hear from her, too. She always sends bday cards, and cards for every holiday. It was just a good night overall. Thank you, Lord.

Well, thirty-one, here I come… ready or not. (Hmm, actually that should be the final day of my thirty-first year…technically.)

“I think I’ll take a moment, to celebrate my age. The ending of an era. The turning of a page. Now it’s time to focus in on where I go from here. Lord, have mercy on my next thirty years…”

February 11, 2004 at 11:20 pm Leave a comment

Be Mine, Be Mine, Be Mine

OK, several of my male friends have indicated they find my AOL IM buddy icon, which happens to be a light blue heart which flashes the words “Be Mine”, well, as J-Mo put it…”your buddy icon is a little on the gay side dude.”

Well, look, I can’t be switching icons just because I’m talking to a guy, then switch back when I’m talking to a chick. So deal with it. Just because you have a heart icon, you’re single, thin, neat, and enjoy Phil Collins music… where was I going with this? ROFL It’ll all be over this weekend, and I’ll be back to my normal hetero icon.

In other news, as I was leaving work, I was like, “Well take a good look. This is what thirty looks like. You’ll never see it again.”

No cards in the mail today. I did get a “Happy Almost Your Birthday” call.

Had to air my tire up again today. I may be getting close to having to purchase new ones. That’s all I can think of. Gonna study a bit and finish putting up clothes.

“Shot thru the heart and you’re to blame. Darling, you give love a bad name. I play my part and you play your game. You give love a bad name…”

February 11, 2004 at 4:02 pm Leave a comment

Vitamin C

I’ve gotten my Mom and sister started on Vitamin C drops now. These people recommened 3,000 mg per day.

I’ve been sucking on these drops for about a week now. Dad has been big on Vitamin C for years. He’s been taking V-C supplements since the 80’s and hasn’t looked back. LOL And I could count on one hand the number of colds he’s had in that time. Seriously.

“All you’ve got is this moment. Twenty-first century’s yesterday. You can care all you want. Everybody does. Hey, that’s OK…”

February 11, 2004 at 3:53 pm Leave a comment

Be Mine, Be Mine, Be Mine

OK, several of my male friends have indicated they find my AOL IM buddy icon, which happens to be a light blue heart which flashes the words “Be Mine”, well, as J-Mo put it…”your buddy icon is a little on the gay side dude.”

Well, look, I can’t be switching icons just because I’m talking to a guy, then switch back when I’m talking to a chick. So deal with it. Just because you have a heart icon, you’re single, thin, neat, and enjoy Phil Collins music… where was I going with this? ROFL It’ll all be over this weekend, and I’ll be back to my normal hetero icon.

In other news, as I was leaving work, I was like, “Well take a good look. This is what thirty looks like. You’ll never see it again.”

No cards in the mail today. I did get a “Happy Almost Your Birthday” call.

Had to air my tire up again today. I may be getting close to having to purchase new ones. That’s all I can think of. Gonna study a bit and finish putting up clothes.

“Shot thru the heart and you’re to blame. Darling, you give love a bad name. I play my part and you play your game. You give love a bad name…”

February 11, 2004 at 3:02 pm Leave a comment

Vitamin C

I’ve gotten my Mom and sister started on Vitamin C drops now. These people recommened 3,000 mg per day.

I’ve been sucking on these drops for about a week now. Dad has been big on Vitamin C for years. He’s been taking V-C supplements since the 80’s and hasn’t looked back. LOL And I could count on one hand the number of colds he’s had in that time. Seriously.

“All you’ve got is this moment. Twenty-first century’s yesterday. You can care all you want. Everybody does. Hey, that’s OK…”

February 11, 2004 at 2:53 pm Leave a comment

Flashback, July 2003

For some reason this morning, I’ve been thinking about being on that bus from Jersey to NY. We’re flying thru the Lincoln Tunnel at 75 mph, with cars on all sides, looking down at the cars, seeing them come within seemingly inches of us as we speed around curves. And we’re all just sorta laughing, oooh’ing and aaah’ing like we’re on some ride at an amusement park.

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! I miss NY. I wanna be in Battery Park, reading the Daily News and eatin’ a gyro.

Back to my scintillating life here in Nowhere, USA… Mom has gotten sicker… or more sick (whichever is correct). Her tests all came back negative, but it sounds to me like maybe strep has developed since she had the tests. I gave her some TheraFlu and Vitamin C drops yesterday. She’s worse than me about not going to the doctor. Guess I came by that honestly.

The drive in this morning was quite eventful. I take a shortcut which is two-lane most of the way, so I almost always pass several cars. Well, there seemed to be an unusual amount of traffic in the other lane today, plus it was foggy, but with some quick decision-making, I still managed to pull off several passes with deft precision. I don’t know why in the world anyone would want to drive to work going 45 or 50 miles per hour. Hmm, what did I say yesterday about being in a hurry? LOL Then, I had the moron who decided he didn’t want to be passed and sped up to 75 when I was going around. But I made it around. No road rage.

Checked my credit card this morning. They finally charged it for the WPBA tix. I was beginning to get worried, since I ordered them Thursday. Looks like I saved at least forty bucks by not going thru Ticketmaster. Yay me!

Oh well, just about finished up laundry. Exciting! Got one more load to pull out of the dryer when I get home. Watched most of the Bama/Kentucky basketball game last night. I did get to see last week’s “Friends.” I haven’t watched it all season, I don’t think. But NBC reran last Thursday’s ep last night. Pretty funny when Ross and Monica discover they actually kissed each other when they were in college.

Speakin’ of Friends, Happy birthday to Jen today. Year after year, she continues to have the best hair of any female celebrity. LOL

Why do I love Spin Doctors so much, when they only really ever had two songs? LOL

“If you want to call me baby, just go ahead now. And if you’d like to tell me maybe, just go ahead now. If you want to buy me flowers, just go ahead now. And if you want to talk for hours, just go ahead now…”

February 11, 2004 at 11:22 am Leave a comment

Flashback, July 2003

For some reason this morning, I’ve been thinking about being on that bus from Jersey to NY. We’re flying thru the Lincoln Tunnel at 75 mph, with cars on all sides, looking down at the cars, seeing them come within seemingly inches of us as we speed around curves. And we’re all just sorta laughing, oooh’ing and aaah’ing like we’re on some ride at an amusement park.

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! I miss NY. I wanna be in Battery Park, reading the Daily News and eatin’ a gyro.

Back to my scintillating life here in Nowhere, USA… Mom has gotten sicker… or more sick (whichever is correct). Her tests all came back negative, but it sounds to me like maybe strep has developed since she had the tests. I gave her some TheraFlu and Vitamin C drops yesterday. She’s worse than me about not going to the doctor. Guess I came by that honestly.

The drive in this morning was quite eventful. I take a shortcut which is two-lane most of the way, so I almost always pass several cars. Well, there seemed to be an unusual amount of traffic in the other lane today, plus it was foggy, but with some quick decision-making, I still managed to pull off several passes with deft precision. I don’t know why in the world anyone would want to drive to work going 45 or 50 miles per hour. Hmm, what did I say yesterday about being in a hurry? LOL Then, I had the moron who decided he didn’t want to be passed and sped up to 75 when I was going around. But I made it around. No road rage.

Checked my credit card this morning. They finally charged it for the WPBA tix. I was beginning to get worried, since I ordered them Thursday. Looks like I saved at least forty bucks by not going thru Ticketmaster. Yay me!

Oh well, just about finished up laundry. Exciting! Got one more load to pull out of the dryer when I get home. Watched most of the Bama/Kentucky basketball game last night. I did get to see last week’s “Friends.” I haven’t watched it all season, I don’t think. But NBC reran last Thursday’s ep last night. Pretty funny when Ross and Monica discover they actually kissed each other when they were in college.

Speakin’ of Friends, Happy birthday to Jen today. Year after year, she continues to have the best hair of any female celebrity. LOL

Why do I love Spin Doctors so much, when they only really ever had two songs? LOL

“If you want to call me baby, just go ahead now. And if you’d like to tell me maybe, just go ahead now. If you want to buy me flowers, just go ahead now. And if you want to talk for hours, just go ahead now…”

February 11, 2004 at 10:22 am Leave a comment

In the news

Yellow Snow Links Crook To Crime Scene

There’s a headline I bet you never thought you’d see. I think that’s like Rule 2b in Section 3.4 of the Criminal’s Manual.

Man Fined $217,000 For Speeding

Speeding fines based on income. Hmm. I like it!

French Woman Marries Dead Man

And all this time, I’ve been limiting myself to girls who are alive. ROFL

“But the warm summer breezes, and French wines and cheeses, put his ambition at bay. Summers and winters scattered like splinters. And four or five years slipped away…”

February 11, 2004 at 8:54 am Leave a comment

In the news

Yellow Snow Links Crook To Crime Scene

There’s a headline I bet you never thought you’d see. I think that’s like Rule 2b in Section 3.4 of the Criminal’s Manual.

Man Fined $217,000 For Speeding

Speeding fines based on income. Hmm. I like it!

French Woman Marries Dead Man

And all this time, I’ve been limiting myself to girls who are alive. ROFL

“But the warm summer breezes, and French wines and cheeses, put his ambition at bay. Summers and winters scattered like splinters. And four or five years slipped away…”

February 11, 2004 at 7:54 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
February 2004

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