This blog entry isn’t going to be any good…

February 4, 2004 at 7:58 am Leave a comment

“Something a pessimistic blogger would say.” Just playing $20,000 Pyramid by myself, or whatever it was most recently named. I think I watched too much Game Show Network the other day. LOL (I insert my own laughs just in case they don’t come naturally for you, the reader.)

Today’s trivia: 26% of men and 17% of women admit they never do this… (answer at bottom)

I think I dreamed that I was blogging. LOL And it was really interesting. (Several readers remark, “That WAS a dream.”) That’s kinda sad, I think, to dream you are blogging.

Last night’s celebrity look-alike winner: A young Nicholas Cage. I spotted him in AB’s. I had my camera, but then I began to question myself. “I don’t know how comfortable I feel asking a male server to pose for a picture.” LOL I don’t wanna be like the look-alike paparrazi. We were tossing funnies back and forth, like “City of Angels is my favorite movie” or “I loved you in Con-Air” or “How was it working with Meg Ryan?”

Yesterday’s funny:
Me: “Why don’t you get a place of your own for a few months, get used to doing things like paying bills, going shopping, and doing housework?”
K: “I do all that stuff already.”
Me: “Oh.”
K: “Except paying bills.”
K: “And going shopping.”
Me: “LOL”
K: “And doing housework.”

Trivia answer:
Wash their hands after using the restroom. Yuck!!

“Everybody’s lied to someone. People still use other people with a crooked smile. All around the world there’s a sinking feeling. Out there right now someone’s feeling down on themselves and don’t know why, every night…”

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Twenty Questions This blog entry isn’t going to be any good…

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
February 2004

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