Archive for February 4, 2004

That girl is gonna be pretty good lookin’….

Had a good run. However, it’s colder than it looks outside. (Isn’t that in a Barenaked Ladies song?)

King Kong is on WE… um, I mean, on TV. ROFL That Jessica Lange was pretty good lookin’ in 1976. Wow.

“And the waves crash around me. And the sand slips out to sea. And the wind that blows reminds me, of what was… and what will never be.”

February 4, 2004 at 4:45 pm Leave a comment

That girl is gonna be pretty good lookin’….

Had a good run. However, it’s colder than it looks outside. (Isn’t that in a Barenaked Ladies song?)

King Kong is on WE… um, I mean, on TV. ROFL That Jessica Lange was pretty good lookin’ in 1976. Wow.

“And the waves crash around me. And the sand slips out to sea. And the wind that blows reminds me, of what was… and what will never be.”

February 4, 2004 at 3:45 pm Leave a comment

You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares…

Downtown!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I just heard it, the original, on radio on the way home. Petula Clark, babee! Straight from the annals of Seinfeld (“The Bottle Deposit”). That made my day. Doesn’t take much.

More randomness:

Wednesdays really kick my tail. Looking back, it’s hard for me to see how I was working three jobs last spring. While we’re on that topic, however, I have been thinking about trying to pick up another part-time job–soon.

For those who’ve asked about Mom, she’s doing a lot better. I took her to drop off her car today to get it fixed. Her voice is probably 75% now, but her test results still aren’t back. And thanks for asking :-)

I could hardly stand to listen to Phil Simms on the Super Bowl broadcast. Doesn’t CBS have any better announcers? I mean, I have nothing against him as a QB or ex-QB or whatever. But his voice is akin to fingernails on a chalkboard to me. And the boredom. Please help us! The boredom!

Awesome sunrise this morning. A deep, full pink, surrounded by a purplish, grayish blue. (Yes, that’s a color. LOL It’s in Crayola’s 512 crayon box.)

Got behind a mobile home on the way to work. Felt like J-Mo. I mean, I don’t get all stressed out or anything like that. But seriously, is morning rush hour the absolute best possible time to move these things?

There should be like a blog critic, who writes reviews of blogs each day, like a movie critic. Maybe there already is. Or maybe I’ve just laid out a million-dollar idea. If there was, boy, I bet he wouldn’t have many nice things to say about this.

And finally, this is the best news I’ve heard in awhile… 80s Fashion Revival

Well, all I’ve got to say about that my friends is, my closets are full! Bring it on! LOL

Well, I think I’m going to go running, before the rain sets in… although running in the rain would probably be quite fun.

“My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things. You set it up so well, so carefully. Ain’t it funny how your new life didn’t change things. You’re still the same old girl you used to be. You can’t hide your lyin’ eyes…”

February 4, 2004 at 3:34 pm Leave a comment

You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares…

Downtown!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I just heard it, the original, on radio on the way home. Petula Clark, babee! Straight from the annals of Seinfeld (“The Bottle Deposit”). That made my day. Doesn’t take much.

More randomness:
Wednesdays really kick my tail. Looking back, it’s hard for me to see how I was working three jobs last spring. While we’re on that topic, however, I have been thinking about trying to pick up another part-time job–soon.

For those who’ve asked about Mom, she’s doing a lot better. I took her to drop off her car today to get it fixed. Her voice is probably 75% now, but her test results still aren’t back. And thanks for asking :-)

I could hardly stand to listen to Phil Simms on the Super Bowl broadcast. Doesn’t CBS have any better announcers? I mean, I have nothing against him as a QB or ex-QB or whatever. But his voice is akin to fingernails on a chalkboard to me. And the boredom. Please help us! The boredom!

Awesome sunrise this morning. A deep, full pink, surrounded by a purplish, grayish blue. (Yes, that’s a color. LOL It’s in Crayola’s 512 crayon box.)

Got behind a mobile home on the way to work. Felt like J-Mo. I mean, I don’t get all stressed out or anything like that. But seriously, is morning rush hour the absolute best possible time to move these things?

There should be like a blog critic, who writes reviews of blogs each day, like a movie critic. Maybe there already is. Or maybe I’ve just laid out a million-dollar idea. If there was, boy, I bet he wouldn’t have many nice things to say about this.

And finally, this is the best news I’ve heard in awhile… 80s Fashion Revival

Well, all I’ve got to say about that my friends is, my closets are full! Bring it on! LOL

Well, I think I’m going to go running, before the rain sets in… although running in the rain would probably be quite fun.

“My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things. You set it up so well, so carefully. Ain’t it funny how your new life didn’t change things. You’re still the same old girl you used to be. You can’t hide your lyin’ eyes…”

February 4, 2004 at 2:34 pm Leave a comment

This blog entry isn’t going to be any good…

“Something a pessimistic blogger would say.” Just playing $20,000 Pyramid by myself, or whatever it was most recently named. I think I watched too much Game Show Network the other day. LOL (I insert my own laughs just in case they don’t come naturally for you, the reader.)

Today’s trivia: 26% of men and 17% of women admit they never do this… (answer at bottom)

I think I dreamed that I was blogging. LOL And it was really interesting. (Several readers remark, “That WAS a dream.”) That’s kinda sad, I think, to dream you are blogging.

Last night’s celebrity look-alike winner: A young Nicholas Cage. I spotted him in AB’s. I had my camera, but then I began to question myself. “I don’t know how comfortable I feel asking a male server to pose for a picture.” LOL I don’t wanna be like the look-alike paparrazi. We were tossing funnies back and forth, like “City of Angels is my favorite movie” or “I loved you in Con-Air” or “How was it working with Meg Ryan?”

Yesterday’s funny:

Me: “Why don’t you get a place of your own for a few months, get used to doing things like paying bills, going shopping, and doing housework?”

K: “I do all that stuff already.”

Me: “Oh.”

K: “Except paying bills.”

K: “And going shopping.”

Me: “LOL”

K: “And doing housework.”


Trivia answer:

Wash their hands after using the restroom. Yuck!!

“Everybody’s lied to someone. People still use other people with a crooked smile. All around the world there’s a sinking feeling. Out there right now someone’s feeling down on themselves and don’t know why, every night…”

February 4, 2004 at 8:58 am Leave a comment

This blog entry isn’t going to be any good…

“Something a pessimistic blogger would say.” Just playing $20,000 Pyramid by myself, or whatever it was most recently named. I think I watched too much Game Show Network the other day. LOL (I insert my own laughs just in case they don’t come naturally for you, the reader.)

Today’s trivia: 26% of men and 17% of women admit they never do this… (answer at bottom)

I think I dreamed that I was blogging. LOL And it was really interesting. (Several readers remark, “That WAS a dream.”) That’s kinda sad, I think, to dream you are blogging.

Last night’s celebrity look-alike winner: A young Nicholas Cage. I spotted him in AB’s. I had my camera, but then I began to question myself. “I don’t know how comfortable I feel asking a male server to pose for a picture.” LOL I don’t wanna be like the look-alike paparrazi. We were tossing funnies back and forth, like “City of Angels is my favorite movie” or “I loved you in Con-Air” or “How was it working with Meg Ryan?”

Yesterday’s funny:
Me: “Why don’t you get a place of your own for a few months, get used to doing things like paying bills, going shopping, and doing housework?”
K: “I do all that stuff already.”
Me: “Oh.”
K: “Except paying bills.”
K: “And going shopping.”
Me: “LOL”
K: “And doing housework.”

Trivia answer:
Wash their hands after using the restroom. Yuck!!

“Everybody’s lied to someone. People still use other people with a crooked smile. All around the world there’s a sinking feeling. Out there right now someone’s feeling down on themselves and don’t know why, every night…”

February 4, 2004 at 7:58 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
February 2004

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