Archive for February, 2004

1 Down, 2 To Go

Well the weekend o’ fun is well underway. Sittin’ here waiting for J-Mo and Kyle to arrive, and we will be off to the WPBA Delta Classic. Just checked the bracket. Allison and Jeanette are both still in the winner’s bracket.

Last night, headed to Nashville. Stopped by the mall where Bobbie works to see if she was working. She was. She seemed pleasantly surprised to see me. Talked to her for a few minutes. Then we left and headed downtown. Got downtown aruond 9:30 I’d say. Ate dinner at the Hard Rock. Shane, Bunny, Cassie, and the others were supposed to meet us downtown around 10. They got delayed and didn’t get down there until 11:15 or 11:30 I’d guess. Kyle and I had already been at Tootsie’s for 15 or 20 minutes when they arrived. We left them there about 12 or so, and decided to stop off and shoot some pool at Buffalo Billiards. Ended up leaving there around 1:15.

I got home around 4 AM. Some really funny stuff happened at the Hard Rock. First of all, Kyle heads into the wrong side of the revolving door and it won’t budge. So I just kinda stand back and laugh. So I start in the right side and for some reason, unbeknownst to heterosexual man, Kyle gets in the same little compartment as me. LOL Dude. Then the door gets stuck and won’t push, and he’s like “Oh (expletive), my foot is hung. Go! Go!” ROFL Fortunately, all this happened in a matter of ten seconds, but it seemed longer. It was quite funny.

Oh, I recycled Kyle’s “geritol convention” line as three or four 50-something people entered Tootsie’s right in front of us. Bunny was crackin’ up.

“Dude if you think that’s funny, you need to have some more alcohol.”

“Uh, you mean SOME alcohol.” ROFL

Well, I’m planning to be home sometime tomorrow night. Will post more then. Have a great weekend! Allison, here I come!

“Maybe, maybe, maybe, you’ll find something that’s enough to keep you. But if the bright lights don’t receive you, you can turn yourself around and come on home…”

February 28, 2004 at 12:25 pm Leave a comment

1 Down, 2 To Go

Well the weekend o’ fun is well underway. Sittin’ here waiting for J-Mo and Kyle to arrive, and we will be off to the WPBA Delta Classic. Just checked the bracket. Allison and Jeanette are both still in the winner’s bracket.

Last night, headed to Nashville. Stopped by the mall where Bobbie works to see if she was working. She was. She seemed pleasantly surprised to see me. Talked to her for a few minutes. Then we left and headed downtown. Got downtown aruond 9:30 I’d say. Ate dinner at the Hard Rock. Shane, Bunny, Cassie, and the others were supposed to meet us downtown around 10. They got delayed and didn’t get down there until 11:15 or 11:30 I’d guess. Kyle and I had already been at Tootsie’s for 15 or 20 minutes when they arrived. We left them there about 12 or so, and decided to stop off and shoot some pool at Buffalo Billiards. Ended up leaving there around 1:15.

I got home around 4 AM. Some really funny stuff happened at the Hard Rock. First of all, Kyle heads into the wrong side of the revolving door and it won’t budge. So I just kinda stand back and laugh. So I start in the right side and for some reason, unbeknownst to heterosexual man, Kyle gets in the same little compartment as me. LOL Dude. Then the door gets stuck and won’t push, and he’s like “Oh (expletive), my foot is hung. Go! Go!” ROFL Fortunately, all this happened in a matter of ten seconds, but it seemed longer. It was quite funny.

Oh, I recycled Kyle’s “geritol convention” line as three or four 50-something people entered Tootsie’s right in front of us. Bunny was crackin’ up.

“Dude if you think that’s funny, you need to have some more alcohol.”
“Uh, you mean SOME alcohol.” ROFL

Well, I’m planning to be home sometime tomorrow night. Will post more then. Have a great weekend! Allison, here I come!

“Maybe, maybe, maybe, you’ll find something that’s enough to keep you. But if the bright lights don’t receive you, you can turn yourself around and come on home…”

February 28, 2004 at 11:25 am Leave a comment

Lock and Load

Getting the crosshairs lined up on what should be a jam-packed, fun-filled weekend. Tentative plans are to head up to Nashville tonight. We’ll probably head downtown for some pool, then try to meet up with Bunny, Cassie, and everyone around 9:30 or 10. Will probably be leaving around 9:00 or so in the morning to head to the WPBA tournament. I think it is right at a 3-hour-drive. Plan to return Sunday night. If it’s half as much fun as last year, it should be a blast. No KFC… No KFC… No KFC… No KFC.

Last night, shot some pool. Ate dinner at Applebees. Sat with Donna. She made me a banana split for my late birthday present. She was gonna make me one on my bday, but they were out of bananas.

Some humorous exchanges from the past couple of days…

“You remind me so much of him.”

“Who, Jerry?”

“Yeah, because you always have something smart to say. But it’s funny.”

“Maybe that’s why I’m still single, because I pattern my life after a TV character.”

“Is that my banana?”

“Don’t tell anyone else about it.”

“Don’t worry. You’re the only person I ever talk to.”

“You don’t like Seinfeld?”

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it. I just don’t love it like you do.”

“Oh. Well. Few do.”

“So are ya’ll going to the movies?”

“I’m not sure ___ would find a 2-hour movie that you have to read all the lines in all that enjoyable.” WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

No Friday Five today. Hmm. I should make up my own. LOL Things are looking busy today at work though. Do you ever stop to think about just how much information, entertainment, and garbage is at our disposal on this internet thing? I mean, when you start typing in that little box up there, there are virtually limitless places to go and pages to view. All by entering a rather short series of letters, numbers, dots, and other symbols. Wow.

In closing, I’m going to add this chick’s blog to my links when I have time. She was blasting weather forecasters. (Marv Albert voice) “YES!!!”

And finally, Happy birthday to Tiffany, who is 24 today.

“I’m not talking bout moving in, and I don’t want to change your life. But there’s a warm wind blowing, the stars are out. And I’d really love to see you tonight…”

February 27, 2004 at 10:51 am Leave a comment

Lock and Load

Getting the crosshairs lined up on what should be a jam-packed, fun-filled weekend. Tentative plans are to head up to Nashville tonight. We’ll probably head downtown for some pool, then try to meet up with Bunny, Cassie, and everyone around 9:30 or 10. Will probably be leaving around 9:00 or so in the morning to head to the WPBA tournament. I think it is right at a 3-hour-drive. Plan to return Sunday night. If it’s half as much fun as last year, it should be a blast. No KFC… No KFC… No KFC… No KFC.

Last night, shot some pool. Ate dinner at Applebees. Sat with Donna. She made me a banana split for my late birthday present. She was gonna make me one on my bday, but they were out of bananas.

Some humorous exchanges from the past couple of days…

“You remind me so much of him.”
“Who, Jerry?”
“Yeah, because you always have something smart to say. But it’s funny.”
“Maybe that’s why I’m still single, because I pattern my life after a TV character.”

“Is that my banana?”

“Don’t tell anyone else about it.”
“Don’t worry. You’re the only person I ever talk to.”

“You don’t like Seinfeld?”
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it. I just don’t love it like you do.”
“Oh. Well. Few do.”

“So are ya’ll going to the movies?”
“I’m not sure ___ would find a 2-hour movie that you have to read all the lines in all that enjoyable.” WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

No Friday Five today. Hmm. I should make up my own. LOL Things are looking busy today at work though. Do you ever stop to think about just how much information, entertainment, and garbage is at our disposal on this internet thing? I mean, when you start typing in that little box up there, there are virtually limitless places to go and pages to view. All by entering a rather short series of letters, numbers, dots, and other symbols. Wow.

In closing, I’m going to add this chick’s blog to my links when I have time. She was blasting weather forecasters. (Marv Albert voice) “YES!!!”

And finally, Happy birthday to Tiffany, who is 24 today.

“I’m not talking bout moving in, and I don’t want to change your life. But there’s a warm wind blowing, the stars are out. And I’d really love to see you tonight…”

February 27, 2004 at 9:51 am Leave a comment

Nice ailerons!!!

Well, when I went to the store this morning for my mid-morning snack, there was like a red ’99 Sunfire there with a huge jet-wing-spoiler on back. It was probably about 18 inches tall. The guy was getting in the car when I came out, and I was so tempted to say something like, “Little windy for flying today, eh buddy?” Tee hee.

Mom fixed me some homemade soup yesterday. So I warmed some of that up for dinner last night. Mmmmm. I’m feeling better today than I have all week. Still a bit stuffy.

Daily (sorta) funny:

J: “Man, I’m lovin’ this site. It’s like Spammers, except it’s nothing but Seinfeld.”

K: “Sounds like you’ve found heaven.”

Last night when I got home from Bible study, I flipped on the TV, and there was a woman blowing bubbles with gum with her nose on Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. She has the world record for a 16 inch bubble. I have just one question: Why? OK, maybe two questions. How do you get started doing that? Are you sitting there one day thinking, you know, blowing bubbles with my mouth is nice, but it would be much cooler, messier, and nastier if I used my disgusting nose? Then I start thinking, who in the world is watching this show right at this moment? I mean, if you are watching TV, most people have sixty, eighty, a hundred or more channels to choose from, so who is going to say, You know there’s nothing else on, I’m gonna watch this woman blow bubbles out her nose? So, I turned it after about 30 seconds.

Back to the jet wing… I have recently discovered that I really enjoy driving–shifting, steering, braking, signaling, accelerating, passing, curves, etc. I enjoy having the radio on, and the windows down, if possible. I mean, I’m not wasteful. I don’t go driving just to be driving. But when I have somewhere to go, I sometimes really enjoy it. It’s an ever-developing skill, really. I think maybe I got burned out a couple of years ago with all those six-hour trips to the beach. But driving has become fun again. Maybe I should’ve been a race car driver. Hmmm. Of course, that can be dangerous. Hmm. Yeah, maybe I should’ve been. LOL What?

Well, this has been some of the most pointless rambling I may have ever done. Hope you enjoyed.

“But the choices that we make in life, we gotta live with, whether they’re right or wrong… Well, I hear you got a new man now, and I hope he treats you good. And I hope he’s doing for you all them little things, that I never could…”

February 26, 2004 at 12:03 pm Leave a comment

Nice ailerons!!!

Well, when I went to the store this morning for my mid-morning snack, there was like a red ’99 Sunfire there with a huge jet-wing-spoiler on back. It was probably about 18 inches tall. The guy was getting in the car when I came out, and I was so tempted to say something like, “Little windy for flying today, eh buddy?” Tee hee.

Mom fixed me some homemade soup yesterday. So I warmed some of that up for dinner last night. Mmmmm. I’m feeling better today than I have all week. Still a bit stuffy.

Daily (sorta) funny:

J: “Man, I’m lovin’ this site. It’s like Spammers, except it’s nothing but Seinfeld.”
K: “Sounds like you’ve found heaven.”

Last night when I got home from Bible study, I flipped on the TV, and there was a woman blowing bubbles with gum with her nose on Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. She has the world record for a 16 inch bubble. I have just one question: Why? OK, maybe two questions. How do you get started doing that? Are you sitting there one day thinking, you know, blowing bubbles with my mouth is nice, but it would be much cooler, messier, and nastier if I used my disgusting nose? Then I start thinking, who in the world is watching this show right at this moment? I mean, if you are watching TV, most people have sixty, eighty, a hundred or more channels to choose from, so who is going to say, You know there’s nothing else on, I’m gonna watch this woman blow bubbles out her nose? So, I turned it after about 30 seconds.

Back to the jet wing… I have recently discovered that I really enjoy driving–shifting, steering, braking, signaling, accelerating, passing, curves, etc. I enjoy having the radio on, and the windows down, if possible. I mean, I’m not wasteful. I don’t go driving just to be driving. But when I have somewhere to go, I sometimes really enjoy it. It’s an ever-developing skill, really. I think maybe I got burned out a couple of years ago with all those six-hour trips to the beach. But driving has become fun again. Maybe I should’ve been a race car driver. Hmmm. Of course, that can be dangerous. Hmm. Yeah, maybe I should’ve been. LOL What?

Well, this has been some of the most pointless rambling I may have ever done. Hope you enjoyed.

“But the choices that we make in life, we gotta live with, whether they’re right or wrong… Well, I hear you got a new man now, and I hope he treats you good. And I hope he’s doing for you all them little things, that I never could…”

February 26, 2004 at 11:03 am Leave a comment

Unfair Campaign Tactics

Let’s hope Ralph Nader doesn’t get any ideas from this

“Take your records, take your freedom. Take your memories I don’t need ’em. Take your space and take your reasons, but you’ll think of me…”

February 26, 2004 at 9:53 am Leave a comment

Unfair Campaign Tactics

Let’s hope Ralph Nader doesn’t get any ideas from this

“Take your records, take your freedom. Take your memories I don’t need ’em. Take your space and take your reasons, but you’ll think of me…”

February 26, 2004 at 8:53 am Leave a comment

I will not look at Veronica Varekova. I will not look at…

I know some of you are glad this wasn’t standard procedure when you were in school. What? LOL

Seriously, dude, I didn’t get to see one of those til I was 22. ROFL

Alternative school? You gotta be kidding me. When I was in school, kids used to pull out cigarette lighters in class and hold them up to your tail ’til you jumped or yelled. And then the teacher would just tell them to stop. Seriouslah.

Whatever happened to writing “I will not look at Veronica Varekova” a hundred times on the blackboard? ROFL

WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I think Letterman should have this kid on.

“What we learned here is love tastes bitter when it’s gone. Past yourself, forget the light. Things look dirty when it’s on. Funny how it comes to pass that all the good slips away..”

February 25, 2004 at 1:07 pm Leave a comment

I will not look at Veronica Varekova. I will not look at…

I know some of you are glad this wasn’t standard procedure when you were in school. What? LOL

Seriously, dude, I didn’t get to see one of those til I was 22. ROFL

Alternative school? You gotta be kidding me. When I was in school, kids used to pull out cigarette lighters in class and hold them up to your tail ’til you jumped or yelled. And then the teacher would just tell them to stop. Seriouslah.

Whatever happened to writing “I will not look at Veronica Varekova” a hundred times on the blackboard? ROFL

WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I think Letterman should have this kid on.

“What we learned here is love tastes bitter when it’s gone. Past yourself, forget the light. Things look dirty when it’s on. Funny how it comes to pass that all the good slips away..”

February 25, 2004 at 12:07 pm Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
February 2004

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