Archive for January, 2004

Briefly speaking

Mom had to go to the emergency room yesterday, so that’s been the big news of the past two days. She can’t speak above a whisper. It’s so sad. So she has laryngitis. I guess there’s always a chance it can be something serious. But they took a throat culture and are supposed to have the results tomorrow.

I went over there today. She cooked lunch and my aunt and sister were over there, and they were planning stuff for my sister’s wedding. Had to go by work for just a minute today because the computer had wigged out, so I had to straighten that up. Watching the Bama/LSU game right now. Think I’m fixing to head out for some dinner and maybe some pool. We’ll see.

Daily funny:

K: “Who’s playing in the Super Bowl? The Patriots and Eagles?”

Me: (laughter) “No, the Panthers and Patriots.”

K: “Oh, OK. I’m supposed to go to a Super Bowl party tomorrow and I don’t even know who’s playing.”


“I miss your tender voice, at lonely times like now, sayin’ it’ll be alright. I miss my friend. The one my heart and soul confided in. The one I felt the safest with. The one who knew just what to say, to make me laugh again, and let the light back in. I miss my friend…”

January 31, 2004 at 8:25 pm Leave a comment

Briefly speaking

Mom had to go to the emergency room yesterday, so that’s been the big news of the past two days. She can’t speak above a whisper. It’s so sad. So she has laryngitis. I guess there’s always a chance it can be something serious. But they took a throat culture and are supposed to have the results tomorrow.

I went over there today. She cooked lunch and my aunt and sister were over there, and they were planning stuff for my sister’s wedding. Had to go by work for just a minute today because the computer had wigged out, so I had to straighten that up. Watching the Bama/LSU game right now. Think I’m fixing to head out for some dinner and maybe some pool. We’ll see.

Daily funny:
K: “Who’s playing in the Super Bowl? The Patriots and Eagles?”
Me: (laughter) “No, the Panthers and Patriots.”
K: “Oh, OK. I’m supposed to go to a Super Bowl party tomorrow and I don’t even know who’s playing.”


“I miss your tender voice, at lonely times like now, sayin’ it’ll be alright. I miss my friend. The one my heart and soul confided in. The one I felt the safest with. The one who knew just what to say, to make me laugh again, and let the light back in. I miss my friend…”

January 31, 2004 at 7:25 pm Leave a comment

These pretzels are makin’ me thirsty…

I love this exchange!! (from “The Alternate Side”)

George: “You got a line in the Woody Allen movie?”

Kramer: “Pretty good, huh?”

George: “You’re in the movie? Is he in the scene?!”

Kramer: “Oh yeah. It’s me and him. I might have a whole new career on my hands.”

Jerry: “You mean, A career.”

Elaine: “So was Mia Farrow there?”

Kramer: “Uh, I didn’t see him.”

ROFL How could you not love that?

“Lookin’ at this town thru older eyes. It’s grown much too fat to recognize. There’s a freeway up and the park’s torn down. There’s not a soul that I know around…”

January 30, 2004 at 12:22 pm Leave a comment

These pretzels are makin’ me thirsty…

I love this exchange!! (from “The Alternate Side”)

George: “You got a line in the Woody Allen movie?”
Kramer: “Pretty good, huh?”
George: “You’re in the movie? Is he in the scene?!”
Kramer: “Oh yeah. It’s me and him. I might have a whole new career on my hands.”
Jerry: “You mean, A career.”
Elaine: “So was Mia Farrow there?”
Kramer: “Uh, I didn’t see him.”

ROFL How could you not love that?

“Lookin’ at this town thru older eyes. It’s grown much too fat to recognize. There’s a freeway up and the park’s torn down. There’s not a soul that I know around…”

January 30, 2004 at 11:22 am Leave a comment

A Blogger’s Lament

I wanted to have the best blog in the world. I wanted people to read my blog and think, “Wow, I wish my blog was that good.” I wanted my blog to make a difference. I dreamed wonderful blog dreams. I had ideas, hopes, plans for my blog. In fifty years, when the word “blog” was mentioned, I wanted them to think of me, of my blog. But, alas, it was not to be. Maybe I tried too hard. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough. Maybe I dreamed too high. Maybe I flew too close to the sun on wings of minutiae. What? And one of my basic theories of blog is and always will be: If you can’t have the best blog, why have a blog at all? So, this is it–the end. I hope maybe one day some of you will enter my URL and get a little sad when error 500 unknown host pops up. I hope you remember all the good entries and don’t dwell on the bad. But that’s it. I’ve done all I can do.

OK, just kidding. But that would be a pretty good final blog post, doncha think?

Thursday recap: Billiards transpired last night. Played OK a couple of games. Split six games. Sort of getting that “I’ve reached a plateau” feeling again, and to get better I’m gonna have to play more than 5 or 10 games a week. Went to Applebees for dinner.

Applebees update:

There is a new server there who looks exactly like a younger Shane. Wow! I’m gonna have to take my camera up there next time. I mean, exactly! His mannerisms, his haircut, everything.

Informed Donna that we probably need to break Devin into the rotation of servers. I realized last night, Davina is doing her clinicals, Jess is working 12 hour shifts at her other job, and I never see Tonya anymore, so we’re basically down to D, Bef, and Kristiner. Devin recognizes us now. She’s cute. She was a hostess for awhile and has moved up to server. I can see this conversation:

“Uh, Devin, good news. You’ve been promoted.”

“Promoted? To what?”

“You’ve now been moved up to the J & K select rotation of servers.” LOL

“I don’t think you notice, when you see my face. I guess you’re waiting to spin me around again. Wheels I guess are turning, somewhere inside my head. I know that this is, deeper than you get. But you’re coming back again. You don’t mean to waste my time…”

January 30, 2004 at 10:30 am Leave a comment

A Blogger’s Lament

I wanted to have the best blog in the world. I wanted people to read my blog and think, “Wow, I wish my blog was that good.” I wanted my blog to make a difference. I dreamed wonderful blog dreams. I had ideas, hopes, plans for my blog. In fifty years, when the word “blog” was mentioned, I wanted them to think of me, of my blog. But, alas, it was not to be. Maybe I tried too hard. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough. Maybe I dreamed too high. Maybe I flew too close to the sun on wings of minutiae. What? And one of my basic theories of blog is and always will be: If you can’t have the best blog, why have a blog at all? So, this is it–the end. I hope maybe one day some of you will enter my URL and get a little sad when error 500 unknown host pops up. I hope you remember all the good entries and don’t dwell on the bad. But that’s it. I’ve done all I can do.

OK, just kidding. But that would be a pretty good final blog post, doncha think?

Thursday recap: Billiards transpired last night. Played OK a couple of games. Split six games. Sort of getting that “I’ve reached a plateau” feeling again, and to get better I’m gonna have to play more than 5 or 10 games a week. Went to Applebees for dinner.

Applebees update:
There is a new server there who looks exactly like a younger Shane. Wow! I’m gonna have to take my camera up there next time. I mean, exactly! His mannerisms, his haircut, everything.

Informed Donna that we probably need to break Devin into the rotation of servers. I realized last night, Davina is doing her clinicals, Jess is working 12 hour shifts at her other job, and I never see Tonya anymore, so we’re basically down to D, Bef, and Kristiner. Devin recognizes us now. She’s cute. She was a hostess for awhile and has moved up to server. I can see this conversation:

“Uh, Devin, good news. You’ve been promoted.”
“Promoted? To what?”
“You’ve now been moved up to the J & K select rotation of servers.” LOL

“I don’t think you notice, when you see my face. I guess you’re waiting to spin me around again. Wheels I guess are turning, somewhere inside my head. I know that this is, deeper than you get. But you’re coming back again. You don’t mean to waste my time…”

January 30, 2004 at 9:30 am Leave a comment


Writer of Ctrl+Alt+Del Code retires

In other news, Happy birthday to Phil Collins. “His flowing melodies are really enjoyable to us.” ROFL

“I’ve been sitting here so long, wasting time, just staring at the phone. And I was wondering should I call you. Then I thought, maybe you’re not alone. Please give me one more night…”

January 30, 2004 at 9:17 am Leave a comment


Writer of Ctrl+Alt+Del Code retires

In other news, Happy birthday to Phil Collins. “His flowing melodies are really enjoyable to us.” ROFL

“I’ve been sitting here so long, wasting time, just staring at the phone. And I was wondering should I call you. Then I thought, maybe you’re not alone. Please give me one more night…”

January 30, 2004 at 8:17 am Leave a comment

Lunch lady land…

I was singing Sandler’s Lunch Lady Land song yesterday, the “Sloppy Joes, slop, sloppy joes” part, and my sister looks at me and goes, “Have you gone crazy?” LOL

Speaking of, here’s a story from my past…

In elementary school, we had this noise meter, which was in the form of a traffic light. And when the lunchroom got too loud, the light would go red, and this very large teacher we had would stand up and at the top of her lungs, yell, “IT’S REDDDDDDD!!!” And we couldn’t talk anymore. Then after a couple of minutes, they’d let us talk again. I never understood why you couldn’t talk at lunch. I mean, you have to be quiet all freakin’ day, can’t they let you talk for thirty minutes? It wasn’t like people were running up and down the aisles with AK-47’s or anything. The other thing was, you could adjust the sensitivity meter on the light, and if one of the teacher’s was in a bad mood, they could just set it really high and it would always go red. That’s a sad little story, isn’t it? So whatever I am today comes from growing up under those neo-fascist rules.

And now it’s time for “Playing Cranium with a bunch of white people”:

So there’s this one part of cranium where you describe a famous person. You can talk and move, but you can’t say names of people or places. So here were my clues:

“I am the godfather of soul.”

“I was in prison for awhile, and people wore t-shirts that said, free me.”

OK, now can you not guess who that is? No one at the lake house knew who I was talking about. I would think the first clue would be a dead giveaway. Oh well. Of course, this story made me think of that. Wow! Exactly how do you get your hair to do that?

“Well I know I disappeared a time or two. And along the way I lost me and you. I needed a new town for my new start. Sellin’ VCR’s in Arkansas at a Wal-Mart. I haven’t had a drink in nineteen days. My eyes are clear and bright without that haze. I like the preacher from the Church of Christ. Sorry that I cried when I talked to you last night…”

January 29, 2004 at 9:37 am Leave a comment

Lunch lady land…

I was singing Sandler’s Lunch Lady Land song yesterday, the “Sloppy Joes, slop, sloppy joes” part, and my sister looks at me and goes, “Have you gone crazy?” LOL

Speaking of, here’s a story from my past…
In elementary school, we had this noise meter, which was in the form of a traffic light. And when the lunchroom got too loud, the light would go red, and this very large teacher we had would stand up and at the top of her lungs, yell, “IT’S REDDDDDDD!!!” And we couldn’t talk anymore. Then after a couple of minutes, they’d let us talk again. I never understood why you couldn’t talk at lunch. I mean, you have to be quiet all freakin’ day, can’t they let you talk for thirty minutes? It wasn’t like people were running up and down the aisles with AK-47’s or anything. The other thing was, you could adjust the sensitivity meter on the light, and if one of the teacher’s was in a bad mood, they could just set it really high and it would always go red. That’s a sad little story, isn’t it? So whatever I am today comes from growing up under those neo-fascist rules.

And now it’s time for “Playing Cranium with a bunch of white people”:

So there’s this one part of cranium where you describe a famous person. You can talk and move, but you can’t say names of people or places. So here were my clues:

“I am the godfather of soul.”
“I was in prison for awhile, and people wore t-shirts that said, free me.”

OK, now can you not guess who that is? No one at the lake house knew who I was talking about. I would think the first clue would be a dead giveaway. Oh well. Of course, this story made me think of that. Wow! Exactly how do you get your hair to do that?

“Well I know I disappeared a time or two. And along the way I lost me and you. I needed a new town for my new start. Sellin’ VCR’s in Arkansas at a Wal-Mart. I haven’t had a drink in nineteen days. My eyes are clear and bright without that haze. I like the preacher from the Church of Christ. Sorry that I cried when I talked to you last night…”

January 29, 2004 at 8:37 am Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
January 2004

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