Archive for December 24, 2003

I fought the crowds and the… well, let’s call it a draw…

Ended up working til 1:00. Our bonuses came in at 12:15, 15 minutes after every bank within a 400 mile radius closed. Oh well, so I went to the mall and charged a few things. Traffic was as bad as I’ve seen it around here. There was this one time where I was in the left hand lane at a red light, and left a gap so cars could turn left across in front of me. Well, they still couldn’t see if anything was coming in the right-hand lane so I was motioning people across. It was like, “Come on, come on. Wait! Hold it! OK, come on. Hurry!” Maybe I should’ve been a traffic cop.

Mall wasn’t too bad crowded, not as bad as I thought it might be. Saw HOLLY at the mall. Wow, she’s still lookin’ really hot. Also saw JADE up there. That’s what I like about going out on Christmas Eve, you see lots of folks you know. Met KYLE up at APPLEBEES for lunch. Sat with DAVINA. DONNA, JESSICA, KELLY, and others came in while we were there. DONNA came by to chat. KRISTINA was up there with her young-un. Ran by Wal-Mart on my way home. It was a madhouse. Now I’m gonna wrap what I bought today, while I watch “Miracle on 34th Street.” One of the cool things about this movie is seeing the city as it was all those years ago. Planning to leave around 6:30 or so to go to one of my aunt’s for family stuff. Then more family stuff tomorrow.

Merry Christmas to all my friends in the blog world.

“Itís the most wonderful time of the year. Thereíll be much mistletoeing and hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near. Itís the most wonderful time of the year…”

December 24, 2003 at 6:17 pm Leave a comment

I fought the crowds and the… well, let’s call it a draw…

Ended up working til 1:00. Our bonuses came in at 12:15, 15 minutes after every bank within a 400 mile radius closed. Oh well, so I went to the mall and charged a few things. Traffic was as bad as I’ve seen it around here. There was this one time where I was in the left hand lane at a red light, and left a gap so cars could turn left across in front of me. Well, they still couldn’t see if anything was coming in the right-hand lane so I was motioning people across. It was like, “Come on, come on. Wait! Hold it! OK, come on. Hurry!” Maybe I should’ve been a traffic cop.

Mall wasn’t too bad crowded, not as bad as I thought it might be. Saw HOLLY at the mall. Wow, she’s still lookin’ really hot. Also saw JADE up there. That’s what I like about going out on Christmas Eve, you see lots of folks you know. Met KYLE up at APPLEBEES for lunch. Sat with DAVINA. DONNA, JESSICA, KELLY, and others came in while we were there. DONNA came by to chat. KRISTINA was up there with her young-un. Ran by Wal-Mart on my way home. It was a madhouse. Now I’m gonna wrap what I bought today, while I watch “Miracle on 34th Street.” One of the cool things about this movie is seeing the city as it was all those years ago. Planning to leave around 6:30 or so to go to one of my aunt’s for family stuff. Then more family stuff tomorrow.

Merry Christmas to all my friends in the blog world.

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year. There’ll be much mistletoeing and hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near. It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

December 24, 2003 at 5:17 pm Leave a comment


One of the search strings to my blog was “Dress me up like a mailman.” ROFL That’s from South Park… I think… I don’t really watch that show.

Christmas is really rolling now. Our secretary made me some chocolate oatmeal cookies and brought in today. Ummmmm.. my favorites. Oh wow, I’ve just gained 4 pounds in the past hour. Kewl.

“Bonus? Bonus? Here little bonus…here girl…” Still no word. Wow, I’m being a big optimist here.

“But I can’t fake another day. I can’t face another night. So I just take another breath, and let it go…”

December 24, 2003 at 11:37 am Leave a comment


One of the search strings to my blog was “Dress me up like a mailman.” ROFL That’s from South Park… I think… I don’t really watch that show.

Christmas is really rolling now. Our secretary made me some chocolate oatmeal cookies and brought in today. Ummmmm.. my favorites. Oh wow, I’ve just gained 4 pounds in the past hour. Kewl.

“Bonus? Bonus? Here little bonus…here girl…” Still no word. Wow, I’m being a big optimist here.

“But I can’t fake another day. I can’t face another night. So I just take another breath, and let it go…”

December 24, 2003 at 10:37 am Leave a comment

Twas the night before Christmas, and all thru the Blog World…

It’s Christmas Eve! Also the day after Festivus. See, one of the best things about Festivus is there are no gifts to return the next day. lol Kilborn had a funny one-liner last night in his monologue. “President Bush lit a menorah today in honor of Hannukah. Then he made a wish and blew out all the candles.” ROFL

Well, got some news yesterday from one of my friends, Jack. He and Paige are having a baby. Well, she is. They are excited. I told him he could name it anything but Seven. And also that if the baby needed a godfather, I could hold him at the bris, if it’s a boy. lol (Those are Seinfeld references. If you don’t get them, then you probably don’t get half my blog.) She was like “Guess what?” And I said, “Uh oh.” She said, “Can you guess?” And I said, “One of you is pregnant?” ROFL She was like, “How’d you know?”

Oh well, let’s see, got laundry done. They moved Bible study up to last night I guess so no one would have to miss it. MATT was home from the Navy. He’s on like a 10 day leave I think. Seemed to have a pretty good outlook about things. He hasn’t changed much, and that was refreshing. He’s been gone probably close to a year and a half, and I think he’s only been home 2 or 3 times, so it was good to see him.

There is a girl who works at a gas station that I deliver to on Wednesdays and she’s been there ever since I’ve been delivering there, and she’s always smiling and she always speaks and she seems to have the greatest outlook on life, and that just really touches me. So I thought I’d share. I mean, I don’t know anything else about her. She looks to be in her twenties. I guess she usually works at night. But her positive outlook and cheerful disposition always makes my night a little better.

Chatted with DAVINA online last night. Told her Merry Christmas, since I knew I wouldn’t be seeing her til after the holidays. Oh man, someone just called in and called me OJ! ROFL Now I answer to a lot of things… Jeff, JT, Bone, Nibbler, T-Bone. But OJ? ROFL I found that funny. Went by last night and helped my sister with one of the gifts we’re “making” for Mom.

I just remembered this funny quote from the other night. From my unemployed friend:

“If we put your two quarters and my two quarters together, we’ll have enough for one game of pool.” ROFL I don’t know why that is funny, but it is.

Sitting here at work. We’re supposed to get off at 12, I think. I brought gifts for my co-workers. Gonna try to do some last-minute shopping today. I really could stop, but I might pick up a couple of little extra gifts. Then I’m going to try to have time to watch “Miracle on 34th Street” while I get ready for tonight.

Health update: I’m still coughing. It’s a lot worse late at night and when I first wake up in the mornings. Still very dry, like I cough and cough and it does no good. Might go to the doctor once the holidays are over. Halls have become like my fourth food group. I’ve drank enough Robitussin, Nyquil, and Vicks cough syrup to float a battleship. I think KYLE had a doctor’s appointment yesterday. Hope that went OK.

“Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. So make the best of this test, and don’t ask why. It’s not a question, but a lesson learned in time…”

December 24, 2003 at 8:57 am Leave a comment

Twas the night before Christmas, and all thru the Blog World…

It’s Christmas Eve! Also the day after Festivus. See, one of the best things about Festivus is there are no gifts to return the next day. lol Kilborn had a funny one-liner last night in his monologue. “President Bush lit a menorah today in honor of Hannukah. Then he made a wish and blew out all the candles.” ROFL

Well, got some news yesterday from one of my friends, Jack. He and Paige are having a baby. Well, she is. They are excited. I told him he could name it anything but Seven. And also that if the baby needed a godfather, I could hold him at the bris, if it’s a boy. lol (Those are Seinfeld references. If you don’t get them, then you probably don’t get half my blog.) She was like “Guess what?” And I said, “Uh oh.” She said, “Can you guess?” And I said, “One of you is pregnant?” ROFL She was like, “How’d you know?”

Oh well, let’s see, got laundry done. They moved Bible study up to last night I guess so no one would have to miss it. MATT was home from the Navy. He’s on like a 10 day leave I think. Seemed to have a pretty good outlook about things. He hasn’t changed much, and that was refreshing. He’s been gone probably close to a year and a half, and I think he’s only been home 2 or 3 times, so it was good to see him.

There is a girl who works at a gas station that I deliver to on Wednesdays and she’s been there ever since I’ve been delivering there, and she’s always smiling and she always speaks and she seems to have the greatest outlook on life, and that just really touches me. So I thought I’d share. I mean, I don’t know anything else about her. She looks to be in her twenties. I guess she usually works at night. But her positive outlook and cheerful disposition always makes my night a little better.

Chatted with DAVINA online last night. Told her Merry Christmas, since I knew I wouldn’t be seeing her til after the holidays. Oh man, someone just called in and called me OJ! ROFL Now I answer to a lot of things… Jeff, JT, Bone, Nibbler, T-Bone. But OJ? ROFL I found that funny. Went by last night and helped my sister with one of the gifts we’re “making” for Mom.

I just remembered this funny quote from the other night. From my unemployed friend:

“If we put your two quarters and my two quarters together, we’ll have enough for one game of pool.” ROFL I don’t know why that is funny, but it is.

Sitting here at work. We’re supposed to get off at 12, I think. I brought gifts for my co-workers. Gonna try to do some last-minute shopping today. I really could stop, but I might pick up a couple of little extra gifts. Then I’m going to try to have time to watch “Miracle on 34th Street” while I get ready for tonight.

Health update: I’m still coughing. It’s a lot worse late at night and when I first wake up in the mornings. Still very dry, like I cough and cough and it does no good. Might go to the doctor once the holidays are over. Halls have become like my fourth food group. I’ve drank enough Robitussin, Nyquil, and Vicks cough syrup to float a battleship. I think KYLE had a doctor’s appointment yesterday. Hope that went OK.

“Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. So make the best of this test, and don’t ask why. It’s not a question, but a lesson learned in time…”

December 24, 2003 at 7:57 am Leave a comment

Striving for a Low-Fat America

As my friend KYLE suggests, a three-month gym membership makes a great and useful Christmas gift. Soon it will be the law to be thin. lol OK, well not exactly, but I just hope they include a clause setting a maximum weight limit for wearing bikinis at the beach. For crying out loud people, I was planning on eating dinner later.

For the non-blogger in your life, give the gift of blog this holiday. It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s cheap, AND it will cut down on your need to communicate by phone with this person. lol

I’ll recap today’s events tomorrow. (I know you can’t wait.. lol) It’s late. Nite.

“Some folks like to get away, take a holiday from the neighborhood. Hope a flight to Miami Beach or Hollywood…”

December 24, 2003 at 12:16 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
December 2003

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