Archive for December 22, 2003

Deliver The Toys!

Here’s a little Christmas game to try.

Oh yeah, I am waiting for a gift from Amazon, which is coming UPS ground. For those of you unfamiliar, UPS ground is also known as “our slowest possible means of delivery.” It is the slowest way to send or receive a parcel, but I clicked on “delivery by Christmas eve” and that’s how they sent it. So we shall see if/when the camel arrives with my package. lol

I need to clean out my closets and drawers. Like seriouslah, dude. Otherwise, I fear that after Christmas, my ‘partment is going to be more overcrowded than the United States prison system.

“Well I guess I’ve changed but yeah, couldn’t you, given all we’ve been thru. Heaven knows I’ve been around and around. And I guess I’ll strain, well how ’bout that? Here’s my life, here’s a doorstep. Well, heaven knows I’ve been around and around…”

December 22, 2003 at 11:47 am Leave a comment

Deliver The Toys!

Here’s a little Christmas game to try.

Oh yeah, I am waiting for a gift from Amazon, which is coming UPS ground. For those of you unfamiliar, UPS ground is also known as “our slowest possible means of delivery.” It is the slowest way to send or receive a parcel, but I clicked on “delivery by Christmas eve” and that’s how they sent it. So we shall see if/when the camel arrives with my package. lol

I need to clean out my closets and drawers. Like seriouslah, dude. Otherwise, I fear that after Christmas, my ‘partment is going to be more overcrowded than the United States prison system.

“Well I guess I’ve changed but yeah, couldn’t you, given all we’ve been thru. Heaven knows I’ve been around and around. And I guess I’ll strain, well how ’bout that? Here’s my life, here’s a doorstep. Well, heaven knows I’ve been around and around…”

December 22, 2003 at 10:47 am Leave a comment

First Day of Winter (also: Festivus Eve)

Wow, it’s the first official day of winter, and the temps here are supposed to be in the sixties. Something tells me we’re not having a white Christmas ’round these parts. I love the winter–cold, dark, gray, things dying. It’s so exhilarating. I did see a most beautiful sunrise on the way in this morning. Pink, yellow, orange, blue, gray, purple… so many colors.

Mom had cooked supper last night, so I went over there to eat. Otherwise, just tried to rest all day and evening. I’m tired of coughing. I may try to drop by APPLEBEES tonight and spread my Christmas cheer. lol This will probably be my only chance before Christmas, cos the next three days will be packed. I’ll probably go shopping, too. I don’t really need to get anything else, but I just like being in the stores the last day or two before Christmas, to see if anyone drops any change or anything. Oh wait. Seriously though, that’s what it’s all about, the last-minute shoppers, seeing Santa in the mall, the little kids all bundled up where you can barely see their faces. All that’s missing is the snow. And usually, I end up buying more gifts anyway. Economically, it probably is the best time to shop, because the retailers realize, “Oh, so you’re not gonna pay that much for this crap. OK, we’ll mark it 50% off, so we don’t have to box it up til next Christmas.” lol I just wish I could box up these next four days and save them, or just make them last a little longer than I know they will.

Festivus preparations should be nearly done, for those of you celebrating A Festivus For The Rest Of Us this year. After tomorrow, it will be time to take down the aluminum pole. The feats of strength will all be over. And someone will have to live with the shame of being pinned for the next 364 days.

Oh, here’s one to check off your list of possible come-on lines: “Uh excuse me. You’ve got something between your teeth.” Doesn’t work so well. ROFL What?

“And the winter calls me back to another time and place. On the cold December nights I can still see your face. And I run from it. I run as fast as I can. But it always catches up in the end. So I turn and face the cold, winter wind. And I’m alone. And I think of you again…”

December 22, 2003 at 8:53 am Leave a comment

First Day of Winter (also: Festivus Eve)

Wow, it’s the first official day of winter, and the temps here are supposed to be in the sixties. Something tells me we’re not having a white Christmas ’round these parts. I love the winter–cold, dark, gray, things dying. It’s so exhilarating. I did see a most beautiful sunrise on the way in this morning. Pink, yellow, orange, blue, gray, purple… so many colors.

Mom had cooked supper last night, so I went over there to eat. Otherwise, just tried to rest all day and evening. I’m tired of coughing. I may try to drop by APPLEBEES tonight and spread my Christmas cheer. lol This will probably be my only chance before Christmas, cos the next three days will be packed. I’ll probably go shopping, too. I don’t really need to get anything else, but I just like being in the stores the last day or two before Christmas, to see if anyone drops any change or anything. Oh wait. Seriously though, that’s what it’s all about, the last-minute shoppers, seeing Santa in the mall, the little kids all bundled up where you can barely see their faces. All that’s missing is the snow. And usually, I end up buying more gifts anyway. Economically, it probably is the best time to shop, because the retailers realize, “Oh, so you’re not gonna pay that much for this crap. OK, we’ll mark it 50% off, so we don’t have to box it up til next Christmas.” lol I just wish I could box up these next four days and save them, or just make them last a little longer than I know they will.

Festivus preparations should be nearly done, for those of you celebrating A Festivus For The Rest Of Us this year. After tomorrow, it will be time to take down the aluminum pole. The feats of strength will all be over. And someone will have to live with the shame of being pinned for the next 364 days.

Oh, here’s one to check off your list of possible come-on lines: “Uh excuse me. You’ve got something between your teeth.” Doesn’t work so well. ROFL What?

“And the winter calls me back to another time and place. On the cold December nights I can still see your face. And I run from it. I run as fast as I can. But it always catches up in the end. So I turn and face the cold, winter wind. And I’m alone. And I think of you again…”

December 22, 2003 at 7:53 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
December 2003

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