Archive for December 19, 2003

Obscure Seinfeld Story (Month-Old News)

I was surfing around on TV-to-me’s Seinfeld page today, and ran across this. I know it’s a little old. Kellie Waymire, who played Vivian, on “The Blood” episode of Seinfeld, passed away last month at like 36. Ironically, her character on the show was having some health problems and told Elaine that if the worst happened, it was nice to know she could count on Elaine to take care of her son. Hmm…

Gonna try to wrap most, if not all, of my remaining gifts today. Then maybe I can rejoin the billiards tour tonight. We did not get a bonus today, as I thought we would. So hopefully Monday or Tuesday. I sort of overspent, counting on that bonus check coming in at some point. lol Oops.

Went by the bank on my way in, and my check flew out of the tray, before the teller closed it. It was the cute teller, Tasha. And she looked at me and was like, “We HAVE to have that.” lol So she went out the back door and came around the building. Fortunately, my check had gotten stopped up against the curb somehow. So she went back around and went inside. Aww, that was so sweet. She was gonna help me chase my check. :-)

“I was thinking I was angry, but I let it go. I was waiting for a miracle, but nothing showed…”

December 19, 2003 at 4:03 pm Leave a comment

Obscure Seinfeld Story (Month-Old News)

I was surfing around on TV-to-me’s Seinfeld page today, and ran across this. I know it’s a little old. Kellie Waymire, who played Vivian, on “The Blood” episode of Seinfeld, passed away last month at like 36. Ironically, her character on the show was having some health problems and told Elaine that if the worst happened, it was nice to know she could count on Elaine to take care of her son. Hmm…

Gonna try to wrap most, if not all, of my remaining gifts today. Then maybe I can rejoin the billiards tour tonight. We did not get a bonus today, as I thought we would. So hopefully Monday or Tuesday. I sort of overspent, counting on that bonus check coming in at some point. lol Oops.

Went by the bank on my way in, and my check flew out of the tray, before the teller closed it. It was the cute teller, Tasha. And she looked at me and was like, “We HAVE to have that.” lol So she went out the back door and came around the building. Fortunately, my check had gotten stopped up against the curb somehow. So she went back around and went inside. Aww, that was so sweet. She was gonna help me chase my check. :-)

“I was thinking I was angry, but I let it go. I was waiting for a miracle, but nothing showed…”

December 19, 2003 at 3:03 pm Leave a comment

This Robitussin is making me thirsty!

This Robitussin DM really doesn’t taste very good at all. I don’t know if chasing it with a Mountain Dew helps it work better or not. I’m not sure what effect that has, but that’s what I did.

Happy birthday to Venus Fly-Trap. Wow, he looks different now. Man, I loved WKRP in Cincinnati. What a cast–Gordon Jump, Howard Hesseman, Loni Anderson, Tim Reid. Actually, Venus has his own site.

K, that’s all I got to say about that. I read this today: ‘Tis better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness

“Baby, if you ever wonder. Wonder whatever became of me. I’m livin’ on the air in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, WKRP…”

December 19, 2003 at 11:50 am Leave a comment

This Robitussin is making me thirsty!

This Robitussin DM really doesn’t taste very good at all. I don’t know if chasing it with a Mountain Dew helps it work better or not. I’m not sure what effect that has, but that’s what I did.

Happy birthday to Venus Fly-Trap. Wow, he looks different now. Man, I loved WKRP in Cincinnati. What a cast–Gordon Jump, Howard Hesseman, Loni Anderson, Tim Reid. Actually, Venus has his own site.

K, that’s all I got to say about that. I read this today: ‘Tis better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness

“Baby, if you ever wonder. Wonder whatever became of me. I’m livin’ on the air in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, WKRP…”

December 19, 2003 at 10:50 am Leave a comment

Me and Danny Glover

Recapping the past 18 hours… Went to the mall for a bit before our work Christmas party last night. Picked up a few more Christmas gifts. Ran into Roxanne, who I used to work with, so that was neat. Ran by BAM after that, but couldn’t find what I was lookin’ for. Then headed to the party. It was OK, except I was one of only like two guys who showed up dateless. Blech! One of our waitresses was hot though, so that was cool. My steak wasn’t the best. They’re usually pretty good there. I guess when you’re cooking for 35 people, quality sometimes gets sacrificed.

The funny moment of the night, for me, happened at the party. One guy was leaving, and I remarked that he favored Rodney Dangerfield. Randy was like, “Yeah! I’ve been trying to figure out who he looked like, and that’s it!” See, I have this uncanny ability to pick out celebrity look-alikes. Anyway, that prompted this other lady to say, “I figured out who you reminded me of the other night. But I’m afraid you might be offended.”

So the dialogue went like this:

Me: “Well as long as it isn’t George W. Bush…”

Her: “No.” (she begins rubbing her cheeks)

Me: “Or Michael Jackson.”

Her (laughing): “No.”

Me: “It’s not a woman is it?”

Her: “No. I’m just afraid it might offend you.”

Me: “It’s not gonna offend me. Go ahead.”

Her: “It’s that guy that always plays in the shoot-em-ups with Mel Gibson. What’s his name?”

Me: “Danny Glover?”

Her: “Yeah, Danny Glover! We were watching one of his old movies, when he was young, and he reminded me of you.”

Wow, that’s a first. ROFL Well, we were all laughing. What the crap is that? It didn’t offend me. I thought it was funny, being white as I am and all. lol But now I’m gonna have to look around the internet for some old pictures of him, and see if I notice the resemblance.

I can already see my rap career taking off.. I’m like a white Danny Glover/I’m a fighter not a lover/My lethal weapon you’ll discover/Make ya wanna run for cover. WOOOOOOO!!!!!

Anyhow, after the party, I headed to Wal-Mart to try and finish up shopping. Got some stocking stuffers and several other things. I don’t know which is worse, fighting the shoppers at Wal-Mart, or going after 10:00 at night and fighting the stock people. It was like driving my buggy through a war zone–boxes flying everywhere, big ammo dumps (pallets) out in the middle of the aisles. Anyway, I’m a couple of hundred bucks lighter after last night, and still have one or two more gifts to get. Now, I’ve just got to wrap everything I bought last night, along with a couple of gifts I didn’t wrap during my first gift-wrapping session Tuesday. lol

Health update: Been coughing more. It started as a really dry cough, but last night and today, there’s been more phlegm. (Why do they even call it “phlegm”? It’s basically snot in your throat. That’s what it seems like to me.) Maybe that didn’t gross anyone out.

It’s finally Friday!!!! Heeeeeeeey Yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

“My baby don’t mess around, because she loves me so. And this I know fo sho’. But does she really wanna. But can’t stand to see me walk out the do’…”

December 19, 2003 at 8:43 am Leave a comment

Me and Danny Glover

Recapping the past 18 hours… Went to the mall for a bit before our work Christmas party last night. Picked up a few more Christmas gifts. Ran into Roxanne, who I used to work with, so that was neat. Ran by BAM after that, but couldn’t find what I was lookin’ for. Then headed to the party. It was OK, except I was one of only like two guys who showed up dateless. Blech! One of our waitresses was hot though, so that was cool. My steak wasn’t the best. They’re usually pretty good there. I guess when you’re cooking for 35 people, quality sometimes gets sacrificed.

The funny moment of the night, for me, happened at the party. One guy was leaving, and I remarked that he favored Rodney Dangerfield. Randy was like, “Yeah! I’ve been trying to figure out who he looked like, and that’s it!” See, I have this uncanny ability to pick out celebrity look-alikes. Anyway, that prompted this other lady to say, “I figured out who you reminded me of the other night. But I’m afraid you might be offended.”

So the dialogue went like this:
Me: “Well as long as it isn’t George W. Bush…”
Her: “No.” (she begins rubbing her cheeks)
Me: “Or Michael Jackson.”
Her (laughing): “No.”
Me: “It’s not a woman is it?”
Her: “No. I’m just afraid it might offend you.”
Me: “It’s not gonna offend me. Go ahead.”
Her: “It’s that guy that always plays in the shoot-em-ups with Mel Gibson. What’s his name?”
Me: “Danny Glover?”
Her: “Yeah, Danny Glover! We were watching one of his old movies, when he was young, and he reminded me of you.”

Wow, that’s a first. ROFL Well, we were all laughing. What the crap is that? It didn’t offend me. I thought it was funny, being white as I am and all. lol But now I’m gonna have to look around the internet for some old pictures of him, and see if I notice the resemblance.

I can already see my rap career taking off.. I’m like a white Danny Glover/I’m a fighter not a lover/My lethal weapon you’ll discover/Make ya wanna run for cover. WOOOOOOO!!!!!

Anyhow, after the party, I headed to Wal-Mart to try and finish up shopping. Got some stocking stuffers and several other things. I don’t know which is worse, fighting the shoppers at Wal-Mart, or going after 10:00 at night and fighting the stock people. It was like driving my buggy through a war zone–boxes flying everywhere, big ammo dumps (pallets) out in the middle of the aisles. Anyway, I’m a couple of hundred bucks lighter after last night, and still have one or two more gifts to get. Now, I’ve just got to wrap everything I bought last night, along with a couple of gifts I didn’t wrap during my first gift-wrapping session Tuesday. lol

Health update: Been coughing more. It started as a really dry cough, but last night and today, there’s been more phlegm. (Why do they even call it “phlegm”? It’s basically snot in your throat. That’s what it seems like to me.) Maybe that didn’t gross anyone out.

It’s finally Friday!!!! Heeeeeeeey Yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

“My baby don’t mess around, because she loves me so. And this I know fo sho’. But does she really wanna. But can’t stand to see me walk out the do’…”

December 19, 2003 at 7:43 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
December 2003

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