Archive for December 9, 2003

Guess I’ll pat myself on the back…

…since there’s no one else here to do it. This will probably be boring, but it’ll give you an idea of what I’ve been up to since getting off work. I think I’m normally a little self-deprecating, but I feel like I’ve gotten some things accomplished today:

– Vacuumed out and washed the truck

– Did all my laundry. Folded, ironed, and put everything up

– Cleaned out the dog’s pen (blech!)

– Finished decorating the Christmas tree

– Worked an hour and a half trying to install a new printer my sister bought (For some reason Windows won’t pick up the driver off the installation disk.)

– Wrote, addressed, and mailed Christmas cards (If you don’t get one, then I probably don’t have your address. Either that, or the last time I sent you one, you took legal action against me. LOL What?)

And now I’ve just put the bed sheets on the bed. I am going to lie down and study, or at least read a bit. *sigh* I’m tired. And Wednesdays are always my busiest day. Remember when you could just sit around for hours, playing video games, talking on the phone, surfing the net… I think maybe I vaguely do. lol Nite.

“He said, Bill, I believe this is killing me, as a smile ran away from his face. Well I’m sure that I could be a movie star, if I could get out of this place…”

December 9, 2003 at 11:51 pm Leave a comment

Guess I’ll pat myself on the back…

…since there’s no one else here to do it. This will probably be boring, but it’ll give you an idea of what I’ve been up to since getting off work. I think I’m normally a little self-deprecating, but I feel like I’ve gotten some things accomplished today:

– Vacuumed out and washed the truck
– Did all my laundry. Folded, ironed, and put everything up
– Cleaned out the dog’s pen (blech!)
– Finished decorating the Christmas tree
– Worked an hour and a half trying to install a new printer my sister bought (For some reason Windows won’t pick up the driver off the installation disk.)
– Wrote, addressed, and mailed Christmas cards (If you don’t get one, then I probably don’t have your address. Either that, or the last time I sent you one, you took legal action against me. LOL What?)

And now I’ve just put the bed sheets on the bed. I am going to lie down and study, or at least read a bit. *sigh* I’m tired. And Wednesdays are always my busiest day. Remember when you could just sit around for hours, playing video games, talking on the phone, surfing the net… I think maybe I vaguely do. lol Nite.

“He said, Bill, I believe this is killing me, as a smile ran away from his face. Well I’m sure that I could be a movie star, if I could get out of this place…”

December 9, 2003 at 10:51 pm Leave a comment


In life it is inevitable that we will have to make tough decisions. This evening, I must make one such decision in my life. ABC is showing “I Want A Dog For Christmas, Charlie Brown,” while CBS is showing “Rudolph.” *sigh* I hate to miss Rudolph, but I can’t forsake the Peanuts gang, especially after I told BETH last night that SALLY reminded me of her. ROFL

WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! DAVE and I have been emailing back and forth all day about the BCS. I hope USC wins, just so there will be a controversy and maybe the BCS can be disbanded, or at least greatly altered. As I said earlier, cut the regular season down to 11 or 12 games. Have a 4 or 8 team single-elim playoff. Also, I’m sick of 5 and 6 overtime games that last nearly five hours. The OT system needs to be changed. Either that or go back to having ties, except in championship games. I’m beginning to think the NFL has about the best OT system. People say the coin toss isn’t fair, but statistics usually show the team that gets the ball first only wins 50-55% of the time.

Oh. I nearly forgot. Last night, MNF was on and I was kidding with KYLE about “Who did you put your money on?” (He’s not big on football.) So he looks up and the little score thingy in the corner there says STL and CLE. So it goes something like this:

Him: “The Steelers.”

Me: “They’re not playing.”

Him: “Oh, I meant Seattle.”

Me (rolling by now): “Uh, they’re not playing either. That’s St. Louis.”

Him: “Oh man, I should’ve just went with Cleveland.” ROFL

WOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now THAT was funny.

“I knew she’d leave, but I didn’t know when. It matters to me now. Aww, but it didn’t back then. I laugh everytime I start to think about us. We sent that summer out in style. She’s gone, but she left me with a smile. Cos she was mine for a little while…”

December 9, 2003 at 1:34 pm Leave a comment


In life it is inevitable that we will have to make tough decisions. This evening, I must make one such decision in my life. ABC is showing “I Want A Dog For Christmas, Charlie Brown,” while CBS is showing “Rudolph.” *sigh* I hate to miss Rudolph, but I can’t forsake the Peanuts gang, especially after I told BETH last night that SALLY reminded me of her. ROFL

WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! DAVE and I have been emailing back and forth all day about the BCS. I hope USC wins, just so there will be a controversy and maybe the BCS can be disbanded, or at least greatly altered. As I said earlier, cut the regular season down to 11 or 12 games. Have a 4 or 8 team single-elim playoff. Also, I’m sick of 5 and 6 overtime games that last nearly five hours. The OT system needs to be changed. Either that or go back to having ties, except in championship games. I’m beginning to think the NFL has about the best OT system. People say the coin toss isn’t fair, but statistics usually show the team that gets the ball first only wins 50-55% of the time.

Oh. I nearly forgot. Last night, MNF was on and I was kidding with KYLE about “Who did you put your money on?” (He’s not big on football.) So he looks up and the little score thingy in the corner there says STL and CLE. So it goes something like this:

Him: “The Steelers.”
Me: “They’re not playing.”
Him: “Oh, I meant Seattle.”
Me (rolling by now): “Uh, they’re not playing either. That’s St. Louis.”
Him: “Oh man, I should’ve just went with Cleveland.” ROFL

WOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now THAT was funny.

“I knew she’d leave, but I didn’t know when. It matters to me now. Aww, but it didn’t back then. I laugh everytime I start to think about us. We sent that summer out in style. She’s gone, but she left me with a smile. Cos she was mine for a little while…”

December 9, 2003 at 12:34 pm Leave a comment

Friends and Doughnuts

When I was younger, maybe eight or ten years ago, I had a good friend. I don’t remember exactly how she and I became friends, but we did. The earliest memories I have is playing cards in the afternoons with her and usually a couple of other people. Then somehow, eventually, it was just her and me. Those were my favorite times. We had some of the best conversations, about anything and everything. I guess that went on for a few weeks. Looking back, it seems like it went on longer.

At some point, we stopped playing cards. We got into the routine of going to Krispy Kreme, because we both loved Krispy Kremes. And we’d have a doughnut or two, drink a coke, and chat. Every Saturday, we’d meet at Krispy Kreme. One odd thing about our relationship was that this was the only time we ever saw each other, every Saturday. And that was it. Anyway, I didn’t think as much about it then as I do now. I guess that went on for several months. Again, it seems like it went on for years.

Then one Saturday, I showed up and Krispy Kreme was closed. I peeked inside and saw a lady, and knocked on the window until she opened it. I asked why they were closed. She said they were going out of business. The store was old. It wasn’t the best part of town. Made sense. I turned and walked toward my car. It did not seem like such a significant event then as it does now, looking back. I saw my friend’s black Talon pulling into the parking lot. I told her what the lady inside had told me, and that I guess we would have to end our Saturday meetings. She looked sad. And suddenly, I felt as sad as she looked. There was a period of a few seconds where we just kind of stood there, looking at each other, then looking off. Speechless. We were parked next to each other, and after a few seconds we both opened our doors. And before we got in, she said, “You know, I love doughnuts. But doughnuts aren’t the reason I loved coming here.”

I don’t even remember if I said goodbye. I don’t know if I acknowledged what she said, if I responded. I don’t remember. I know that I only saw her a handful of times after that day, if that many. I saw her at a ball game maybe a year or two later. I think we said “Hi.” I’m not sure. For sure, we never shared the closeness we shared for those few months when I was younger. Last I heard she had gotten engaged, but I never heard or saw if she got married.

It seems that once the bond of closeness between two people is broken, it can never be repaired. At least not fully. No matter how much time and effort you might put into repairing it, I do not think it ever becomes as strong as the original bond. Maybe there are certain exceptions. I hope so. Not only do the right two people have to come together, but they must do so at the right time.

It’s funny how certain people don’t seem all that important until you lose them. Funny how certain events which seem so insignificant at the time can leave you with so many “what ifs” and “if onlys” years later. Funny how certain things which did not seem important when you were younger, seem very important when you get older. Maybe funny is not the right word at all.

I have driven past the site where that doughnut shop used to be hundreds of times since they closed it down. It’s a parking lot now. So many times I have wished I could go in and have just one more doughnut. Then I always remember. Doughnuts aren’t the reason I loved coming here.

“Try not to think about what might have been, cos that was then. And we have taken different roads…”

December 9, 2003 at 10:23 am Leave a comment

Friends and Doughnuts

When I was younger, maybe eight or ten years ago, I had a good friend. I don’t remember exactly how she and I became friends, but we did. The earliest memories I have is playing cards in the afternoons with her and usually a couple of other people. Then somehow, eventually, it was just her and me. Those were my favorite times. We had some of the best conversations, about anything and everything. I guess that went on for a few weeks. Looking back, it seems like it went on longer.

At some point, we stopped playing cards. We got into the routine of going to Krispy Kreme, because we both loved Krispy Kremes. And we’d have a doughnut or two, drink a coke, and chat. Every Saturday, we’d meet at Krispy Kreme. One odd thing about our relationship was that this was the only time we ever saw each other, every Saturday. And that was it. Anyway, I didn’t think as much about it then as I do now. I guess that went on for several months. Again, it seems like it went on for years.

Then one Saturday, I showed up and Krispy Kreme was closed. I peeked inside and saw a lady, and knocked on the window until she opened it. I asked why they were closed. She said they were going out of business. The store was old. It wasn’t the best part of town. Made sense. I turned and walked toward my car. It did not seem like such a significant event then as it does now, looking back. I saw my friend’s black Talon pulling into the parking lot. I told her what the lady inside had told me, and that I guess we would have to end our Saturday meetings. She looked sad. And suddenly, I felt as sad as she looked. There was a period of a few seconds where we just kind of stood there, looking at each other, then looking off. Speechless. We were parked next to each other, and after a few seconds we both opened our doors. And before we got in, she said, “You know, I love doughnuts. But doughnuts aren’t the reason I loved coming here.”

I don’t even remember if I said goodbye. I don’t know if I acknowledged what she said, if I responded. I don’t remember. I know that I only saw her a handful of times after that day, if that many. I saw her at a ball game maybe a year or two later. I think we said “Hi.” I’m not sure. For sure, we never shared the closeness we shared for those few months when I was younger. Last I heard she had gotten engaged, but I never heard or saw if she got married.

It seems that once the bond of closeness between two people is broken, it can never be repaired. At least not fully. No matter how much time and effort you might put into repairing it, I do not think it ever becomes as strong as the original bond. Maybe there are certain exceptions. I hope so. Not only do the right two people have to come together, but they must do so at the right time.

It’s funny how certain people don’t seem all that important until you lose them. Funny how certain events which seem so insignificant at the time can leave you with so many “what ifs” and “if onlys” years later. Funny how certain things which did not seem important when you were younger, seem very important when you get older. Maybe funny is not the right word at all.

I have driven past the site where that doughnut shop used to be hundreds of times since they closed it down. It’s a parking lot now. So many times I have wished I could go in and have just one more doughnut. Then I always remember. Doughnuts aren’t the reason I loved coming here.

“Try not to think about what might have been, cos that was then. And we have taken different roads…”

December 9, 2003 at 9:23 am Leave a comment

Lock… load… blogs away…

Blogging away while somebody somewhere is wondering what percentage of people have actually roasted chestnuts on an open fire…

I want to go caroling. I want to look at Christmas lights. I want to shop. I want to give to a hundred charities. I’m afeared that I have come down with the holiday spirit, my friends. Speaking of, I found this list of the ten most efficient charities, as surveyed by Forbes. They are in alphabetical order:

American Kidney Fund

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Brother’s Brother Foundation

First Book

Heifer International

International Rescue Committee

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Marine Toys For Tots

Northwest Medical Teams International

Salvation Army

I made it out for a nice run yesterday. The weather was great. I took the shirt back that they had left the plastic security thingy on. When I walked in, an alarm sounded. lol There were two older women coming out of the store right about the time I walked in, and they stopped and one of them was like, “I think we better go back inside.” lol There was a really cute chick working the customer service desk, Leah. She saw me from like 50 feet away and was like, “Someone forgot to take your _______ off.” (I can’t remember what they call it, officially… lol) I was like, “Yep.” So she took care of it for me. Also ran by Wal-Mart to get some stuff last night, wrapping paper, Christmas cards, etc. Went to APPLEBEES for dinner. Sat with BETH. JADE, CHARITY, AMBER, KELLY, and JESSICA were all working. I had the N’awlins Skillet and a salad. Talked to BUNNY for a bit on the phone. My sister wanted me to stop by on the way home, so I did. Ended up having to fix their printer. She was watching “Average Joe” when I got over there, which was funny, because BUNNY had just mentioned it. From the blogs I’ve read this morning, seems like most everyone was rooting for the average guy and against the pretty-boy. Oh well.

Then something really disturbing happened once I got home and was online. One of my friends was freakin’ because he couldn’t ask a girl out. lol I’m like, “Dude, if she’s been chatting with you for two hours, she will probably go out with you.” I tried to help out, but I don’t think it did any good. I think maybe she finally asked him out. lol

I dreamed last night my brakes were grinding and two of my tires were completely worn, so I had to get new tires and get the brakes fixed, and it was going to be like 500 bucks here at Christmas-time. Thankfully, I woke up.

“She likes me for me, not because I sing like Pavarotti, or because I’m such a hottie…ooohh. I like her for her, not because she’s phat like Cindy Crawford. She has got so much to offer. Why does she waste all her time with me…”

December 9, 2003 at 8:40 am Leave a comment

Lock… load… blogs away…

Blogging away while somebody somewhere is wondering what percentage of people have actually roasted chestnuts on an open fire…

I want to go caroling. I want to look at Christmas lights. I want to shop. I want to give to a hundred charities. I’m afeared that I have come down with the holiday spirit, my friends. Speaking of, I found this list of the ten most efficient charities, as surveyed by Forbes. They are in alphabetical order:

American Kidney Fund
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Brother’s Brother Foundation
First Book
Heifer International
International Rescue Committee
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Marine Toys For Tots
Northwest Medical Teams International
Salvation Army

I made it out for a nice run yesterday. The weather was great. I took the shirt back that they had left the plastic security thingy on. When I walked in, an alarm sounded. lol There were two older women coming out of the store right about the time I walked in, and they stopped and one of them was like, “I think we better go back inside.” lol There was a really cute chick working the customer service desk, Leah. She saw me from like 50 feet away and was like, “Someone forgot to take your _______ off.” (I can’t remember what they call it, officially… lol) I was like, “Yep.” So she took care of it for me. Also ran by Wal-Mart to get some stuff last night, wrapping paper, Christmas cards, etc. Went to APPLEBEES for dinner. Sat with BETH. JADE, CHARITY, AMBER, KELLY, and JESSICA were all working. I had the N’awlins Skillet and a salad. Talked to BUNNY for a bit on the phone. My sister wanted me to stop by on the way home, so I did. Ended up having to fix their printer. She was watching “Average Joe” when I got over there, which was funny, because BUNNY had just mentioned it. From the blogs I’ve read this morning, seems like most everyone was rooting for the average guy and against the pretty-boy. Oh well.

Then something really disturbing happened once I got home and was online. One of my friends was freakin’ because he couldn’t ask a girl out. lol I’m like, “Dude, if she’s been chatting with you for two hours, she will probably go out with you.” I tried to help out, but I don’t think it did any good. I think maybe she finally asked him out. lol

I dreamed last night my brakes were grinding and two of my tires were completely worn, so I had to get new tires and get the brakes fixed, and it was going to be like 500 bucks here at Christmas-time. Thankfully, I woke up.

“She likes me for me, not because I sing like Pavarotti, or because I’m such a hottie…ooohh. I like her for her, not because she’s phat like Cindy Crawford. She has got so much to offer. Why does she waste all her time with me…”

December 9, 2003 at 7:40 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
December 2003

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