Archive for December 5, 2003

Are you married yet?

Why is it this is the first question I get when talking to someone I haven’t talked to in six months or a year or more? MICHELLE, a girl I used to work with, called today. I haven’t talked to her in probably close to a year. The first questions out of her mouth were: “Are you married yet?” “Are you engaged?” Then she commented “Wow, you’re gonna have a sad Christmas.” lol Gee, thanks. To top it off, she followed up with “Well there aren’t too many good girls out there. Good luck.” Thank you very much.

A funny thing happened on my way out of Wal-Mart last night. The security alarm sounded as I passed thru and this guy asks for my receipt. He’s like “Oh, it’s probably this Britney Spears CD” and gives me a look like, yeah, I know why you bought that. lol Actually, I bought it as a gift for someone. (Someone I hope doesn’t read my blog.) I wouldn’t spend $15 on that for myself.

In other news, I have had success with the tips for not getting shocked when you get out of your car which I posted a couple of days ago. Try ’em. They worketh.

Still no word on Dru :-( They set bail at $5 million for this dude. Good. I can’t help but be reminded of that Seinfeld bit when he’s talking about the wanted posters. Something like “Why didn’t you just hold on to this guy when you were taking his picture?”

“I miss my Smoky Mountain home, and I miss your lovin’ too. And it’s deep inside of me. And it’s always gonna be. Cos this ain’t Tennessee…and she ain’t you…”

December 5, 2003 at 11:42 am Leave a comment

Are you married yet?

Why is it this is the first question I get when talking to someone I haven’t talked to in six months or a year or more? MICHELLE, a girl I used to work with, called today. I haven’t talked to her in probably close to a year. The first questions out of her mouth were: “Are you married yet?” “Are you engaged?” Then she commented “Wow, you’re gonna have a sad Christmas.” lol Gee, thanks. To top it off, she followed up with “Well there aren’t too many good girls out there. Good luck.” Thank you very much.

A funny thing happened on my way out of Wal-Mart last night. The security alarm sounded as I passed thru and this guy asks for my receipt. He’s like “Oh, it’s probably this Britney Spears CD” and gives me a look like, yeah, I know why you bought that. lol Actually, I bought it as a gift for someone. (Someone I hope doesn’t read my blog.) I wouldn’t spend $15 on that for myself.

In other news, I have had success with the tips for not getting shocked when you get out of your car which I posted a couple of days ago. Try ’em. They worketh.

Still no word on Dru :-( They set bail at $5 million for this dude. Good. I can’t help but be reminded of that Seinfeld bit when he’s talking about the wanted posters. Something like “Why didn’t you just hold on to this guy when you were taking his picture?”

“I miss my Smoky Mountain home, and I miss your lovin’ too. And it’s deep inside of me. And it’s always gonna be. Cos this ain’t Tennessee…and she ain’t you…”

December 5, 2003 at 10:42 am Leave a comment

A Good Cause

Click here to go to Campbell’s Soup’s click-for-cans food drive. All you have to do is vote for your favorite NFL team, and Campbell’s will donate a can of soup to a hunger relief charity. Only takes a few seconds.

In other news…

I’m thankful I’m not this guy. OUCH! Man, if some chick tried that with me, I’d be like, “Hey, why you dress me up like a mailman, and make me dance for you, while you smoke crack and have sex on my Dad’s bed with some guy I don’t even know?”

“When he’s loading his sleigh and he’s making the rounds, there’ll be many a rooftop that won’t hear the sound, of the reindeer’s hooves stomp and St. Nick touching down. When he wraps up a package of peace for the world, there’ll be Christmas for every boy and girl…”

December 5, 2003 at 10:00 am Leave a comment

A Good Cause

Click here to go to Campbell’s Soup’s click-for-cans food drive. All you have to do is vote for your favorite NFL team, and Campbell’s will donate a can of soup to a hunger relief charity. Only takes a few seconds.

In other news…

I’m thankful I’m not this guy. OUCH! Man, if some chick tried that with me, I’d be like, “Hey, why you dress me up like a mailman, and make me dance for you, while you smoke crack and have sex on my Dad’s bed with some guy I don’t even know?”

“When he’s loading his sleigh and he’s making the rounds, there’ll be many a rooftop that won’t hear the sound, of the reindeer’s hooves stomp and St. Nick touching down. When he wraps up a package of peace for the world, there’ll be Christmas for every boy and girl…”

December 5, 2003 at 9:00 am Leave a comment

Workin’ for the weekend…

Things are mostly excellent around here today. Fridays are usually busy here at work. As I was leaving last night, I got some bad news from DONNA. I walked over to said hi to her, and asked about her brother, who had been sick with double pneumonia before Thanksgiving. I just assumed when I asked that she’d say he was fine by now. But she got a very troubled look on her face. He’s still hospitalized, and was supposed to undergo more surgery today. He had a collapsed lung. They reinflated it, and then it had a tear in it. There were other complications, too. Sounds bad. Plus, she’s having to drive two hours one way to see him. It’s like I try to be comforting and say everything will be OK, but I can see she is worried. Makes you really thankful for the health that you do have.

On a lighter note, as DAVINA picked up KYLE’S cash last night, she was like “I’ll be right back with your change” and I was like “Oh, just keep it.” So after she was out of earshot, he was like “I think you forget I currently have no source of income.” ROFL It was funny. It’s good to be able to laugh about our troubles sometimes. Laughter is the best medicine, unless you’re Rush. Then, the best medicines are apparently Oxycontin, Lorcet, Xanax, and hydrocodone. The most staggering thing about this story to me was that he has a $24 million oceanfront home. Wow!

Another funny analogy that came out of last night. When you are scared, you can say, “I’m more frightened than a little boy spending his first night at Neverland Ranch.” ROFL I don’t even know what that really means.

As I said in an earlier post, looks like Nashville is out for today, so I’ve had to rearrange my schedule a bit. Still planning on doing some shopping either tonight or at some point this weekend. I made a dent in things last night. The problem is, I buy too much for people, at least for family. My family has always sort of gone overboard. But it’s all about giving, so I guess it’s all good. I bought something for myself last night and felt a little guilty about it. I may return it. But, as DAVINA said last night, since you’re not dating anyone this Christmas, you can take the money you’d normally spend on them, and spend on yourself. lol Well, I wouldn’t go that far. Anyway, this has gotten long. The end.

“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost nipping at your nose. Yuletide carols being sung by a choir. And folks, dressed up like Eskimos…”

December 5, 2003 at 8:46 am Leave a comment

Workin’ for the weekend…

Things are mostly excellent around here today. Fridays are usually busy here at work. As I was leaving last night, I got some bad news from DONNA. I walked over to said hi to her, and asked about her brother, who had been sick with double pneumonia before Thanksgiving. I just assumed when I asked that she’d say he was fine by now. But she got a very troubled look on her face. He’s still hospitalized, and was supposed to undergo more surgery today. He had a collapsed lung. They reinflated it, and then it had a tear in it. There were other complications, too. Sounds bad. Plus, she’s having to drive two hours one way to see him. It’s like I try to be comforting and say everything will be OK, but I can see she is worried. Makes you really thankful for the health that you do have.

On a lighter note, as DAVINA picked up KYLE’S cash last night, she was like “I’ll be right back with your change” and I was like “Oh, just keep it.” So after she was out of earshot, he was like “I think you forget I currently have no source of income.” ROFL It was funny. It’s good to be able to laugh about our troubles sometimes. Laughter is the best medicine, unless you’re Rush. Then, the best medicines are apparently Oxycontin, Lorcet, Xanax, and hydrocodone. The most staggering thing about this story to me was that he has a $24 million oceanfront home. Wow!

Another funny analogy that came out of last night. When you are scared, you can say, “I’m more frightened than a little boy spending his first night at Neverland Ranch.” ROFL I don’t even know what that really means.

As I said in an earlier post, looks like Nashville is out for today, so I’ve had to rearrange my schedule a bit. Still planning on doing some shopping either tonight or at some point this weekend. I made a dent in things last night. The problem is, I buy too much for people, at least for family. My family has always sort of gone overboard. But it’s all about giving, so I guess it’s all good. I bought something for myself last night and felt a little guilty about it. I may return it. But, as DAVINA said last night, since you’re not dating anyone this Christmas, you can take the money you’d normally spend on them, and spend on yourself. lol Well, I wouldn’t go that far. Anyway, this has gotten long. The end.

“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost nipping at your nose. Yuletide carols being sung by a choir. And folks, dressed up like Eskimos…”

December 5, 2003 at 7:46 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
December 2003

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