Archive for December 2, 2003

Annual Christmas Party #1

A memo was posted when I got to work yesterday. Our annual company Christmas party is December 18th at Oh! Bryans. They have good food there, and that’s where it was last year.

Wow, I’m really enveloped in the holiday mood. If you’re looking at Christmas movies to rent. For classics, I always preferred “Miracle on 34th Street” to “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Probably because of Maureen O’Hara. lol I just love “Miracle on 34th Street”…. the original, not the 1994 remake. As for more recent endeavors, you can’t beat the humor of Clark and Eddie Griswold in “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” When Clark thinks he’s not getting a bonus, man, that just gets you, right here. (pounds chest)

I think I’m gonna put up my tree at some point this evening, while I’m waiting on laundry and stuff.

I forget what we were talking about the other day, but the statement was made that “I would never do that… unless a really hot chick asked me to.” ROFL I began to think of how many things that could apply to in my life. It’s fun. Think of something you normally wouldn’t do or someplace you wouldn’t normally go. Then imagine if a really hot chick wanted you to do that, and see if your opinion has changed. lol

“Take a good look at me now, cos I’ll still be standing here. And you coming back to me is against all odds. It’s a chance I’ve got to take…”

December 2, 2003 at 4:22 pm Leave a comment

Annual Christmas Party #1

A memo was posted when I got to work yesterday. Our annual company Christmas party is December 18th at Oh! Bryans. They have good food there, and that’s where it was last year.

Wow, I’m really enveloped in the holiday mood. If you’re looking at Christmas movies to rent. For classics, I always preferred “Miracle on 34th Street” to “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Probably because of Maureen O’Hara. lol I just love “Miracle on 34th Street”…. the original, not the 1994 remake. As for more recent endeavors, you can’t beat the humor of Clark and Eddie Griswold in “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” When Clark thinks he’s not getting a bonus, man, that just gets you, right here. (pounds chest)

I think I’m gonna put up my tree at some point this evening, while I’m waiting on laundry and stuff.

I forget what we were talking about the other day, but the statement was made that “I would never do that… unless a really hot chick asked me to.” ROFL I began to think of how many things that could apply to in my life. It’s fun. Think of something you normally wouldn’t do or someplace you wouldn’t normally go. Then imagine if a really hot chick wanted you to do that, and see if your opinion has changed. lol

“Take a good look at me now, cos I’ll still be standing here. And you coming back to me is against all odds. It’s a chance I’ve got to take…”

December 2, 2003 at 3:22 pm Leave a comment


Someone was arrested but they still haven’t found her.

Yes, let’s turn the convicted sex offenders back onto the streets. Great idea.

“Please come home for Christmas. Please come home for Christmas. If not by Christmas, then by New Year’s Night…”

December 2, 2003 at 11:53 am Leave a comment


Someone was arrested but they still haven’t found her.

Yes, let’s turn the convicted sex offenders back onto the streets. Great idea.

“Please come home for Christmas. Please come home for Christmas. If not by Christmas, then by New Year’s Night…”

December 2, 2003 at 10:53 am Leave a comment

Happy Birthday, Britney ;-)

She’s 22 today. *sigh* They grow up so fast. Hit me baby one more time…

For some reason, I found this a tad disturbing.

In other news, why does my car shock me during cold weather when I get out and go to shut the door? Hmmm. Static electricity? I think not. I think its my car telling me, “Are you crazy? It’s cold out there, stay in here where its warm.” lol To avoid this, hold on to a metal part of the door as you start to get out of the car. You might also try touching the window first once you’re out. You could also elect to leave the door open. Then just shut it from the inside the next time you get in. ROFL If none of this works, here’s something I like to try: (content deleted for legal purposes) They really should have automatic fire extinguishers installed at gas pumps.

Wow, I don’t know how I got off on that. I was reading yesterday that 17% of people get all their Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving. 21% finish up on Christmas Eve. I like going out on Christmas Eve, even if I don’t have to buy anything. It’s just that ultimate moment of the holiday spirit, where you become a part of every Christmas movie you’ve ever seen. We only get to experience so many Christmases in our lifetime, and as you get older, I think you learn to treasure each one a little more. And don’t forget, ABC is showing a Charlie Brown Christmas tonight!!! Woooooohooooo! I love that!

“May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white…”

December 2, 2003 at 8:42 am Leave a comment

Happy Birthday, Britney ;-)

She’s 22 today. *sigh* They grow up so fast. Hit me baby one more time…

For some reason, I found this a tad disturbing.

In other news, why does my car shock me during cold weather when I get out and go to shut the door? Hmmm. Static electricity? I think not. I think its my car telling me, “Are you crazy? It’s cold out there, stay in here where its warm.” lol To avoid this, hold on to a metal part of the door as you start to get out of the car. You might also try touching the window first once you’re out. You could also elect to leave the door open. Then just shut it from the inside the next time you get in. ROFL If none of this works, here’s something I like to try: (content deleted for legal purposes) They really should have automatic fire extinguishers installed at gas pumps.

Wow, I don’t know how I got off on that. I was reading yesterday that 17% of people get all their Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving. 21% finish up on Christmas Eve. I like going out on Christmas Eve, even if I don’t have to buy anything. It’s just that ultimate moment of the holiday spirit, where you become a part of every Christmas movie you’ve ever seen. We only get to experience so many Christmases in our lifetime, and as you get older, I think you learn to treasure each one a little more. And don’t forget, ABC is showing a Charlie Brown Christmas tonight!!! Woooooohooooo! I love that!

“May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white…”

December 2, 2003 at 7:42 am Leave a comment

About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
December 2003

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