Archive for December, 2003

Quick bloggage…

Here’s something fun to do… Go to, copy and paste the text below and click “I’m feeling lucky”

eat steak in moulton al

Hehe. Someone wound up on my blog doing a search for that. Kewl. Finished up everything I needed to get done. Headin’ to Nashville here in a bit, I guess to try and recreate some of the magic of New Year’s Eve 2001, whatever that means.

Just remembered a couple of funny exchanges from last night.

Tag was all like, “Tracy and I have an announcement to make…. we’re expecting again.” So after congratulations, I was like, “Well while we’re making announcements, I have one…” Several uh-ohs, followed by a short pause, then I continued, “Oh wait. I’m NOT expecting.” lol

I also remarked to Shama that I always tell Kyle to call you when we’re doing something, but he never does. lol That was funny.

Well, I’m off. Happy New Year! Be safe! I’ll probably see several of you tonight. I’ll be the sober one, with the Coke. lol

“Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and days of auld lang syne…”

December 31, 2003 at 7:53 pm Leave a comment

Quick bloggage…

Here’s something fun to do… Go to, copy and paste the text below and click “I’m feeling lucky”

eat steak in moulton al

Hehe. Someone wound up on my blog doing a search for that. Kewl. Finished up everything I needed to get done. Headin’ to Nashville here in a bit, I guess to try and recreate some of the magic of New Year’s Eve 2001, whatever that means.

Just remembered a couple of funny exchanges from last night.

Tag was all like, “Tracy and I have an announcement to make…. we’re expecting again.” So after congratulations, I was like, “Well while we’re making announcements, I have one…” Several uh-ohs, followed by a short pause, then I continued, “Oh wait. I’m NOT expecting.” lol

I also remarked to Shama that I always tell Kyle to call you when we’re doing something, but he never does. lol That was funny.

Well, I’m off. Happy New Year! Be safe! I’ll probably see several of you tonight. I’ll be the sober one, with the Coke. lol

“Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and days of auld lang syne…”

December 31, 2003 at 6:53 pm Leave a comment

I was dreaming when I wrote this…

…forgive me if it goes astray.

Nice lil get-2-gather at APPLEBEES for KYLE’S B-DAY last night. Thanks to everyone for coming. TAG, TRACY, SHAMA, NAMIE, KYLE, and I were there. Just happened to be Tag & Tracy’s 3rd wedding anniversary as well, so that was cool. I tell you, they are absolutely two of the nicest people I know. Hadn’t seen Shama in quite a while either. We all need to get together more often. BUNNY was sick with some funk (hopefully not mad cow), so she couldn’t come. And SHANE’S wife wouldn’t let him come. WOOOOOOOO!!! Tag was checkin out Namie’s new Sony digital cam. He picked it up and was filming a mini-movie within like 30 seconds. lol

We really got shafted on the seating arrangements. SHIRLEY said we’d be sitting with TRACY, so I thought “OK, well we won’t get freebies, but at least she sorta knows us and she’s cute.” Well, we sit down at table 41. Tracy: “Wow, you know all the table numbers.” lol And ROB comes out to take our drink orders. So T & T order sweet tea, then it’s around to Kyle. He gives this look like, “Nuh uh”, and says “Water. So I also get water. lol They were really packed out. DAVINA was like our only “regular” server working. No Donna. No Beth. No Jessica. No Kristina. There was a wait at the door basically the whole time we were in there. I didn’t figure a Tuesday night would be so crowded. Oh well. Staying with my “Eat Mor’ Chikin/Ward Off Mad Cow” diet, I had the N’Awlins Skillet… chicken, sausage, and shrimp, with rice and onions and peppers. Oh man, I gave Kyle a card saying a charitable donation had been made in his name to the Human Fund. Hopefully, he will scan it in and post it online. It’s pretty funny stuff.

We had some good conversation as usual. Namie said a couple of things that caused Kyle to remark, I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a man say that. Namie’s two statements were: “Ice cream goes right to my hips.” Yikes! And, referring to his roomate, “He’a s stud.” ROFL Double yikes! That was some funny stuff right there.

Otherwise, finished up laundry, spent about an hour and a half finishing up the year end recap for work. Didn’t get in the bed til around 12:30. So I have no idea how I’ll make it til midnight tonight. We were all laughing last night about how a few years ago, your night was just really getting started at midnight. Now, it’s all most of us can do to stay awake til 12. lol I remember last year, I probably fell asleep by 12:30. Shama was like, “It just happens to you all of a sudden.” Yes, it does. Yes it does.

I need to make some resolutions. Aim for the moon, and if you miss, you’ll end up among the stars. What kind of crap is that? I say, shoot low, set your goals incredibly low, that way you won’t fail. Sheesh. Stay tuned for more on my motivational methods, and how you can obtain a copy of my book “You’re Only A Failure If You Set Your Goals Too High.” lol

I want it to snow. Like ten inches. I want to make snow cream, and a snow man. I want to go back to NY this year. I want to move. Sometimes when I’m outside, I’ll pretend I’m the only person left on Earth. And I can do whatever I want. I have to rely on myself and the land to survive. Sometimes though, when I’m driving like I’m the only person left on Earth, other people get upset.

Don’t know what’s going on tonight. Talked to AMBER last night. Sounds like she’s going to Huntsville for New Year’s. I haven’t heard anything else about the Nashville thing. So that may be off. I’ll end up doing something. Hope everyone has a safe night. Be careful out thur. 27% of Americans plan to be intoxicated by the end of the night tonight, and most of them will be doing it out somewhere, not at home.

“I’ve been burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too long. I’m movin’ on…”

December 31, 2003 at 8:51 am Leave a comment

I was dreaming when I wrote this…

…forgive me if it goes astray.

Nice lil get-2-gather at APPLEBEES for KYLE’S B-DAY last night. Thanks to everyone for coming. TAG, TRACY, SHAMA, NAMIE, KYLE, and I were there. Just happened to be Tag & Tracy’s 3rd wedding anniversary as well, so that was cool. I tell you, they are absolutely two of the nicest people I know. Hadn’t seen Shama in quite a while either. We all need to get together more often. BUNNY was sick with some funk (hopefully not mad cow), so she couldn’t come. And SHANE’S wife wouldn’t let him come. WOOOOOOOO!!! Tag was checkin out Namie’s new Sony digital cam. He picked it up and was filming a mini-movie within like 30 seconds. lol

We really got shafted on the seating arrangements. SHIRLEY said we’d be sitting with TRACY, so I thought “OK, well we won’t get freebies, but at least she sorta knows us and she’s cute.” Well, we sit down at table 41. Tracy: “Wow, you know all the table numbers.” lol And ROB comes out to take our drink orders. So T & T order sweet tea, then it’s around to Kyle. He gives this look like, “Nuh uh”, and says “Water. So I also get water. lol They were really packed out. DAVINA was like our only “regular” server working. No Donna. No Beth. No Jessica. No Kristina. There was a wait at the door basically the whole time we were in there. I didn’t figure a Tuesday night would be so crowded. Oh well. Staying with my “Eat Mor’ Chikin/Ward Off Mad Cow” diet, I had the N’Awlins Skillet… chicken, sausage, and shrimp, with rice and onions and peppers. Oh man, I gave Kyle a card saying a charitable donation had been made in his name to the Human Fund. Hopefully, he will scan it in and post it online. It’s pretty funny stuff.

We had some good conversation as usual. Namie said a couple of things that caused Kyle to remark, I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a man say that. Namie’s two statements were: “Ice cream goes right to my hips.” Yikes! And, referring to his roomate, “He’a s stud.” ROFL Double yikes! That was some funny stuff right there.

Otherwise, finished up laundry, spent about an hour and a half finishing up the year end recap for work. Didn’t get in the bed til around 12:30. So I have no idea how I’ll make it til midnight tonight. We were all laughing last night about how a few years ago, your night was just really getting started at midnight. Now, it’s all most of us can do to stay awake til 12. lol I remember last year, I probably fell asleep by 12:30. Shama was like, “It just happens to you all of a sudden.” Yes, it does. Yes it does.

I need to make some resolutions. Aim for the moon, and if you miss, you’ll end up among the stars. What kind of crap is that? I say, shoot low, set your goals incredibly low, that way you won’t fail. Sheesh. Stay tuned for more on my motivational methods, and how you can obtain a copy of my book “You’re Only A Failure If You Set Your Goals Too High.” lol

I want it to snow. Like ten inches. I want to make snow cream, and a snow man. I want to go back to NY this year. I want to move. Sometimes when I’m outside, I’ll pretend I’m the only person left on Earth. And I can do whatever I want. I have to rely on myself and the land to survive. Sometimes though, when I’m driving like I’m the only person left on Earth, other people get upset.

Don’t know what’s going on tonight. Talked to AMBER last night. Sounds like she’s going to Huntsville for New Year’s. I haven’t heard anything else about the Nashville thing. So that may be off. I’ll end up doing something. Hope everyone has a safe night. Be careful out thur. 27% of Americans plan to be intoxicated by the end of the night tonight, and most of them will be doing it out somewhere, not at home.

“I’ve been burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too long. I’m movin’ on…”

December 31, 2003 at 7:51 am Leave a comment

Errand boy

Well, I’ve been doing laundry all afternoon… excitement! Need to run by the grocery store and CVS to pick up a few things. Heading to APPLEBEES about 6:45 tonight for KYLE’S birthday.

That’s about it. Still haven’t figured out anything definite for New Year’s. BUNNY’S laid up sick, so it looks like she’s out on the Nashville trip. We shall see. I can vividly remember my past four New Years. Last year was in MEMPHIS. Two years ago was in NASHVILLE. Three years ago was the snowstorm party at KYLE’S. And four years ago we wound up in some field, around a campfire. That was for Y2K. Alright, I can’t remember ’98, but I imagine it was with Bobbie.

I’m out. Have a good evening.

“Ycan’t take me anywhere. Pretty soon, we’re almost there. Baby one more night. It’s been a long, long drive. And I’m way, way tired. I don’t need no backup plan. Say, I don’t want nobody. Nobody don’t want me….”

December 30, 2003 at 6:45 pm Leave a comment

Errand boy

Well, I’ve been doing laundry all afternoon… excitement! Need to run by the grocery store and CVS to pick up a few things. Heading to APPLEBEES about 6:45 tonight for KYLE’S birthday.

That’s about it. Still haven’t figured out anything definite for New Year’s. BUNNY’S laid up sick, so it looks like she’s out on the Nashville trip. We shall see. I can vividly remember my past four New Years. Last year was in MEMPHIS. Two years ago was in NASHVILLE. Three years ago was the snowstorm party at KYLE’S. And four years ago we wound up in some field, around a campfire. That was for Y2K. Alright, I can’t remember ’98, but I imagine it was with Bobbie.

I’m out. Have a good evening.

“Ycan’t take me anywhere. Pretty soon, we’re almost there. Baby one more night. It’s been a long, long drive. And I’m way, way tired. I don’t need no backup plan. Say, I don’t want nobody. Nobody don’t want me….”

December 30, 2003 at 5:45 pm Leave a comment

Happy Happy Birthday…

…from Bone’s blog to you

I wish it was my birthday

So I could party, too…

Actually, I’m glad it’s not my birthday, cos birthdays suckie-poo. ROFL

Happy birthday to my good buddy and fellow blog-junkie, Kyle. He is 29 today. Go by and check out his website. That’ll cheer him up, I guess. lol Everyone is invited out to celebrate tonight at 7 at the Establishment of Tasty Delights, also known as APPLEBEES.

Concerning the passing of time, my friend, Eric, composed this little song…

“Remember how it used to be in the Third Grade? We used to laugh and play and cherish each day in the Third Grade. We learned wondrous things from our teacher so nice. Sat on marshmallow desks with teddy bear smiles. The world seemed to all make sense. But that sense seems to slowly fade, after Third Grade…”

December 30, 2003 at 9:09 am Leave a comment


Actor Earl Hindman died Monday at age 61.

Kinda odd, just a few weeks ago, when we were over at Tag’s new house, he was at the fence in his backyard talking to his older neighbor, and I made a remark that “Tag’s talking to Wilson.” :-)

“We look to our future. We make all our plans, as if we control what is out of our hands…”

December 30, 2003 at 8:53 am Leave a comment

Happy Happy Birthday…

…from Bone’s blog to you
I wish it was my birthday
So I could party, too…

Actually, I’m glad it’s not my birthday, cos birthdays suckie-poo. ROFL

Happy birthday to my good buddy and fellow blog-junkie, Kyle. He is 29 today. Go by and check out his website. That’ll cheer him up, I guess. lol Everyone is invited out to celebrate tonight at 7 at the Establishment of Tasty Delights, also known as APPLEBEES.

Concerning the passing of time, my friend, Eric, composed this little song…

“Remember how it used to be in the Third Grade? We used to laugh and play and cherish each day in the Third Grade. We learned wondrous things from our teacher so nice. Sat on marshmallow desks with teddy bear smiles. The world seemed to all make sense. But that sense seems to slowly fade, after Third Grade…”

December 30, 2003 at 8:09 am Leave a comment


Actor Earl Hindman died Monday at age 61.

Kinda odd, just a few weeks ago, when we were over at Tag’s new house, he was at the fence in his backyard talking to his older neighbor, and I made a remark that “Tag’s talking to Wilson.” :-)

“We look to our future. We make all our plans, as if we control what is out of our hands…”

December 30, 2003 at 7:53 am Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
December 2003

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